Wednesday 29 July 2015

Teyia Squall | The Orfful Tag

Here are Teyia's answers to the tag! P.S. I tag you again, NightBlade, sorry, but could you please give us Vizios's answers? Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes*

1. What is your homeworld?
*screen fizzles slightly* Shh, please stop beeping, Demga is asleep in the back...
Oh, home-world. Uh...I think it's Coruscant. That's where I grew up, at least.

2. Do you have any family?
Umm...I don't know.

3. What are some of your goals in life?
Right now? Survive.
...this isn't being broadcasted, is it?

4. Who do you count as your best friend?
*looks back at the door, smiles a bit* Demga.

5. Do you have a hobby? If so, what is it?
*blinks* Hobby? Uhm...trying to live?

6. What is your species?
Human. I don't see why this is important.

7. Who would you like to be most of all?
Oh, um, that's an interesting question...
I guess I'd like to be a person who didn't have to worry about anything.

8. What was the most devastating moment of your life?
This isn't being broadcasted, right? Promise me that it isn't going anywhere!
*long pause, sighs* It would have to be when the 501st attacked the Jedi Temple, led by... *swallows* Let's just move on.

9. What was the best moment of your life?
*happy sigh* Meeting Demga.

10. Who are your enemies?
I don't know...the Empire, I suppose. And those people on our tail. Qorra or something.

11. Who do you count as your archenemy?
Archenemy? I don't think I have one...

12. Do you have any mechanical appendages?
*hides right arm behind her back*

13. Who and/or what has impacted you the most?
Demga, obviously. He's given me a reason to keep going.

14. If you could choose to save yourself or your best friend, who would you save? depends on the situation. I would gladly give my life for Demga, but he needs me, too...
If I had to save either myself or Demga, I'd save him. If there was a chance for the both of us to get out...I'd try to save myself.

15. What do you want to do after retiring?
Will I get to retire is the real question.
Now I've got to go, Demga is waking up, and we need to keep moving.
*screen cuts to black*

Teyia Squall
Jedi Knight

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