This is a complete list of all the characters and their profiles in the CaC2 Star Wars Battle. If a character is under your control and you find a question mark in the profile, please leave a comment about what should go there.
Current Players
Ellron Silvertree
Gamemaster Grimwarden
Gamemaster Grimwarden
Lylyss Silvertree
Warrior of Aror
Warrior of Aror
Dmitri Pendragon
Leilani Sunblade
Raptor Elytra
Jaran Dranthuil
Derago Thorkson
Raptor Elytra
Jaran Dranthuil
Derago Thorkson
Ellron Silvertree
- Cypher Solari
Name: Cypher Solari
Pronunciation: SI-fer sol-ARE-ee
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Padawan
Race: Human
Appearance: Tall, 6'. Shortish, ruffled, light brown hair, and traditional Padawan Braid. Eyes flicker between green and blue.
Personality: Easygoing, but deadly serious in a fight. Eager to please his friends, but gets self-conscious when speaking in front of large crowds. Afraid of letting his master—Master Polla Kaleesh—down. Since Polla's death he has been mostly confused and distracted.
Armour: Traditional Jedi Padawan robes.
Weapons: One green lightsaber and one dark blue shoto.
Abilities: Skilled in the Form V lightsaber combat Djem So, and the Form IV technique, Ataru.
Weaknesses: Overconfident and eager to find and battle Sith. Now filled with doubts, both about himself and the Order he serves.
History: Cypher was born to Jedi Knight Kyra Solari, who was secretly married and later exiled. After the holocron was stolen from the Jedi Temple on Tython, Cypher, his friend Aza, and their Masters along with a few other Jedi went on a mission to Korriban to retrieve it. While there, they encountered fierce resistance in the form of Jaraal Starrunner and Zuc'ar Nochimo, the latter being captured. During the battle, however, Cypher's mind was invaded by Inir Tarath, leaving him distracted and slightly doubtful of the Order. Starrunner revealed incredible power, and was able to fend off the holocron rescue team. While they were retreating, Polla sacrificed her life to protect Ver, sending an already confused Cypher into hysteria.
Other: Has a personal custom starfighter, The Solas.
- Zuc'ar Nochimo
Name: Zuc'ar Nochimo
Pronunciation: ZOOK-are no-CHEE-moe
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Acolyte
Race: Mandalorian Human
Appearance: 6' 4", red eyes, shoulder length black hair, fair skin, toned muscles
Personality: Cruel, deceitful, cunning, intimidating, forceful, aggressive, but not completely without compassion.
Armour: Black battle armor made of Mandalorian Iron, which is nearly impervious to lightsabers, black cloak
Weapons: Two red lightsabers (prefers to use only one) and a hold out blaster.
Abilities: Incredibly strong, fast, powerful with the Force, adept at lightning and force choke. Generally utilises Djem So or Juyo.
Weaknesses: Arrogant, overconfident
History: Zuc'ar was sent on a mission to Mandalore to assassinate a political figure who was speaking against the Sith. While there he encountered four Jedi, two Padawans and two Knights. One of these Padawans was Kian Shekk, a crazed lunatic of a Jedi who ended up killing Gnawthrul Haniri. After an epic battle, Zuc'ar returned to Korriban to resume training. While there he encountered the holocron expedition, and was captured after a few intense duels. Now he sits rotting in a cell at the Jedi Temple…
Other: Hates the color purple.
- Shor To
Name: Shor To
Pronunciation: ZHJOR TOE ('sh' in Togrutan is pronounced as a soft, purring 'j'.)
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Council Member
Race: Togruta
Appearance: 6' 1", rusty orange colored skin, green eyes.
Personality: Quiet, serious, very wise, it is hard to please him.
Armour: Regular Jedi robes
Weapons: Two orange lightsabers.
Abilities: Very powerful in the Force
Weaknesses: Very opinionated and close-minded.
History: Shor's family were all slain in an attack. As a result, Shor has no one who he cares about enough to risk his life.
Other: Shor's Padawan was a female Bothin named Aekala Toth, who graduated to Knighthood, but who was later killed in action on a mission to Cato Neimoidia.
- Karn Su'theed
Name: Karn Su’theed
Pronunciation: CARN sue-THEED
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Position: Bounty Hunter
Race: Human
Appearance: 6’3”, with scruffy brown hair and a short beard. He has scarlet eyes and a chiseled face.
Personality: Hard, stone cold, and bloodthirsty. Will take any job…for the right price. However, has a strong sense of duty to those he considers family, as is true with all Mando'ade.
Armour: Dark red and black Mando’a battle armor. Blood-red shoulder cape with family crest.
Weapons: Two blaster pistols and a beskad, sheathed between his jetpack and back, as well as all manner of gadgets, such as darts, wrists rockets, a flamethrower wrist pack, thermal detonators, sticky detonators, etc.
Abilities: Extremely strong for a non Force wielder, crack shot with a blaster, and trained in all manner of hand to hand combat.
Weaknesses: Doesn’t work well in a team.
History: Born on Mandalore to a noble family, was kidnapped at 12 and trained under Jaevis Chek’toa in all manner of Bounty Hunter stuff.
Other: Has a ship called The Prudii (“Shadow” in Mando’a).
- Roola
Name: Roola
Pronunciation: RUE-la
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Position: Rogue Jedi turned freelancer
Race: Rodian
Appearance: 5’ 5”, large black eyes
Personality: Friendly, but not trustworthy
Armour: Deep purple robes modeled after the Jedi
Weapons: Orange doublesaber, blaster pistol, thermal detonators
Abilities: Force powers, both Dark and Light.
Weaknesses: Prone to anger, and rarely trusts others.
History: Before leaving the Jedi Order, Roola trained to be a Jedi Weapons Master and as such, is incredibly skilled with many types of weapons.
Other: Affiliated to herself.
- Quela Dos / Darth Desparus
Name: Quela Dos (Darth Desparus)
Pronunciation: KWEL-ah DOS
Age: 83
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Lord
Race: Kaminoan
Appearance: Tall, slender, pale skin, green eyes.
Personality: Evilly calm. Exceptionally adept at Dun Möch, distracting her opponents into giving an opening.
Armour: Dark blue, nearly black. Like the color of the night sky.
Weapons: A single reddish-purple lightsaber.
Abilities: Incredibly skilled in the Force, trained in Makashi
Weaknesses: Underestimates her opponents.
History: Was discovered on Kamino as a Force sensitive infant, was going to be executed for having green eyes (weird, I know. ) and was instead taken to the Temple. Grief drove her to the Dark Side after her best friend was mortally wounded on a mission to Corellia, quickly rising through the ranks and becoming a Sith Lord.
Other: Employs both Force Stealth and Force Camouflage near perfectly. Was slain by Darth Matrus on Korriban.
- Dack
Name/Commando ID: Delta 14 "Dack"
Pronunciation: DACK
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Position: Member of Delta Squad
Race: Human
Appearance: Black hair, crew cut. Dark brown eyes, rough face. 6" 3'
Personality: Gruff
Armour: Black Republic Trooper Commando armor.
Weapons: DC-17 interchangeable weapons system
Abilities: Trained as an elite commando, specializes in stealth ops. Skilled in martial combat.
Weaknesses: ?History: ?
Other: Affiliated to the Republic.
- Kellie Darklighter
Pronunciation: KEL-lee DARK-light-ter
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Position: Cloud City Search and Rescue Crewman
Affiliation: Cloud City
Race: Human
Appearance: 5'8" with long, light brown hair. Fair skin and a thin face, with deep brown eyes.
Clothing: Cloud City S&R Uniform--a red shirt covered by a tan vest and black pants wit brown boots.
Personality: Warm and friendly
Armour: N/A
Weapons: She had a blaster pistol, but she doesn't use it much.
Abilities: A skilled pilot and healer/medic. Good with people, and has a calming, soothing way about her.
Weaknesses: Doesn't know how to fight much.
History: She was born and raised on Cloud City, she moved out from her parents at 23 and has been living in an apartment of her own since.
Other: Dreams of traveling the stars, meeting new people.
- Alaiya Ackbar
Pronunciation: uh-LIE-ah/ah-LIE-ah ACK-bar
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Position: Defected from the Sith Order
Race: Mon Calamari
Appearance: ?
Clothing: Close fitting black robes covered by a heavy black cloak that's red on the inside.
Armour: Beskar wrist guards
Weapons: One dark red lightsaber and one deep purple. Can join together at the hilt to become a doublesaber.
Personality: Determined, distrusting, and a bit fearful. Holds grudges.
Abilities: Adept at Jar'Kai, and fairly skilled with Force powers. Nimble.
Weaknesses: Not especially strong without her sabers.
History: Joined the Sith Academy at 14 to develop her powers after her parents were killed and a strange old man told her about the Sith. She soon realized she hated it, but was too afraid to try and escape. By the time she turned 22 she had become strong enough that she felt ready to make an attempt to defect.
Other: She is very partial to Sprinkley Donuts with Chinese food (or whatever the Star Wars equivalent of Chinese food is)
- Coruun Tal
Pronunciation: KOR-oon TAHL
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Knight (Healer)
Race: Quarren
Appearance: Purple skin, 5’9” tall, shimmering blue eyes. Hands are five-fingered and have suction cupped fingertips.
Clothing: Traditional Jedi robes and a dark brown cloak.
Armour: N/A
Weapons: A purple, curved-hilt lightsaber.
Personality: ?
Abilities: Coruun can use Force Telekinesis to manipulate objects very well, and likewise is skilled in Force Push. She is skillful in the fields of Mind Trick and Healing as well.
Weaknesses: As a Quarren, she must keep her skin from drying out or she’ll die.
History: ?
Other: ?
- Derek E'shall
Pronunciation: DEH-rek EH-shall
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Position: Bounty Hunter in the employ of Chuuby the Hutt
Race: Human
Appearance: 6'3", pale skin, lean build, short black hair. Pale blue-gray eyes. Has a scar running down his left cheek.
Clothing: A sandy brown button up shirt with a dark brown vest, brown slacks.
Armour: Light chest armor(Star Wars equivalent to a Kevlar Vest)
Weapons: Blaster pistol in a quick-draw holster on his left hip, as well as two backup pistols and a knife. Also has an arsenal of blasters on his ship, from which he chooses whatever he deems the most appropriate weapon for the matter at hand.
Personality: Often seems carefree but he takes his job seriously, and carries out bounties in a very businesslike manner. Often appears to be cruel or heartless.
Abilities: Skilled with a blaster, and an effective hand to hand fighter. A good actor, he can play different roles very well.
Weaknesses: He doesn't take orders very well from most people. He tends to flat out ignore any orders if the person hasn't earned his respect.
History: He was formerly a freelance bounty hunter, but Chuuby took him into personal employ.
Other: He's left handed.
Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Abner Kline
Pronunciation: AB-ner KLINE
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Smuggler/Whateverhewantstobe
Species: Human
Appearance: Abner has a mess of dirty blond hair. Piercing green eyes and a constant, beaming, grin, give him a striking appearance. He is characterized by a plumed green cap that he wears wherever he goes.
Weapons: Blaster pistol, vibroblade, thermal detonators, and a number of other odd gadgets.
Skills: Is very crafty with his blaster pistol and detonators. Decent in hand to hand. He still can't figure out how the vibroblade works.
Armor: Baggy brown pants, a dark green cloak. He wears a small blaster-resistant chest plate beneath his robes.
Other: Captain (and only crew-member) of the Hacksaw. Carries around a tiny, red, box, that he occasionally opens in private. Nobody is too sure what is inside.
- Xandock Elire
Pronunciation: ZAN-dock ee-LYRE
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Species: Cyborg
Appearance: Balding, scrawny, sallow-cheeked man, standing at 5'4". He has multiple slashes and scars across a wrinkled, prune of a face. His blind eyes are glazed over, staring into space.
Weapons: Blaster pistols, brass knuckles, and thermal detonators.
Armor: Hard, nearly blaster impervious black armor. Dark red cloak and hood.
Abilities: Xandock, being blind, has placed a computer chip in his brain that makes him react to his surroundings. Almost as if he was on auto-pilot, the Bounty Hunter can not only calculate the fastest path to a given point, but also the most efficient way to kill an opponent.
Weaknesses: Can not actually see anything. The computer chip forces him to react to things, but it does not allow him to technically "see". The chip can be hacked, though it is guarded by some of the most advanced security in the galaxy (based off of the system that guards the Jedi's Holocron vault), you must have a specific key word to be allowed into it.
The chip will occasionally glitch, causing Xandock to do things against his will.
Lylyss Silvertree
- Aza Valline
Pronunciation: AY-zuh VALL-een (Aza is like Ava with a z. VALL rhymes with BALL or CALL.)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Position: Jedi Padawan
Description: Tall. Very tall. So tall that she finds it awkward to give out hugs, as people end up embracing her middle instead of her shoulders. Height aside, though, Aza looks quite young. Her face is diamond-shaped with a snubbed-nose, freckles, windburned cheeks and a complexion burned brown as a biscuit. Trekking under the desert sun has bleached her hair a buttery blond color, of which she is quite proud. It hangs down her back like a gold river, interrupted only by a beaded Padawan braid.
History: Spent the majority of her life under the tutelage of Master Cale, an irascible Jedi Knight who used Aza as a pincushion for all his temper tantrums. However, after an "accident" left him bedridden, Naina Raynt became her new instructor. Together they embarked upon a mission to Korriban. During this time Aza was captured by the Sith, only to discover that not all of them were psychopathic rage monsters--in fact, they were much gentler than many Jedi she had known. Unfortunately Aza was rescued before she could defect. But the experience has left her curious about the Dark Side, and she's willing to go to extreme lengths to find out more.
Personality: Outwardly peppy. Inwardly brooding. There is no filter between her mind and her mouth. Ruled by emotion and often throws pity parties.
Abilities: Rudimentary lightsaber training. The Force is her best asset in battle, as she has plenty of angst to fuel it.
Weapons: Small blaster concealed in her cloak. Curved Makashi lightsaber. Blue shoto.
Armor: Hooded Padawan robe, sandy tunic, leather knee-pads and fire-resistant gloves.
Weaknesses: Aza is only a Padawan. She doesn't know all her Forms yet, can barely drive a speeder, gets the ignition button on her lightsaber mixed up with the sheathing button, et cetera.
Other: Currently being trained by Naina Raynt.
- Essa Haniri
Name: Essa Haniri
Pronunciation: ESS-ah han-EER-ee
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Position: Neutral. Has enemies among both the Jedi and the Sith. Hires out to both sides as a bounty hunter/mercenary.
Race: Human
Personality: Sarcastic, blatant and brutal. Doesn't feel guilt over her actions. Likes to feel that she's the alpha. When things are going her way Essa has a lofty sense of pride and smugness. However, when the tables are turned, Essa will descend to any level to save her life. Has a weakness for Alessa, treats her like a daughter.
Armour: Brown robes
Weapons: Lightblaster given to her by Alessa.
Abilities: Capable sniper, limited lightsaber training, can use the Force, has years of experience as a bounty hunter.
Weaknesses: Scared easily. Not much training with a lightsaber.
History: Essa was trained as a Sith under the watchful eye of her brother, Nordan Haniri. But she got tired of it and left the Sith at the rank of Apprentice, becoming a bounty hunter/mercenary at sixteen years old. She ran with the Jedi for a few months, then decided that it wasn't for her, backstabbing a Jedi operative, and went out on her own. Essa then began to roam purposelessly around the galaxy, occasionally hiring out to different groups for a few months. But eventually she became sick of their company and sold their secrets to their enemies. When she heard that Nordan had died, she moved to Coruscant, where she met a Jedi Knight named Cade Evicci. This Jedi genuinely cared for Essa, but he was on the List—a list of the Sith's targets—and he was a Jedi. So she killed him.
Other: Essa's greatest asset is her ability to appear small and pitiable. She's not what you'd expect a Sith to be. She was born on a space shuttle named the Alliance on its way to Korriban.
- Zadock Sift
Name: Zadock Sift
Pronunciation: ZAY-dock SIFT
Age: Older than he cares to admit
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Council Member
Race: Human
Appearance: Dark black hair with streaks of grey, tall, dressed in grey Jedi robes.
Personality: Honourable on the battlefield, dead serious in council. However, if you talk to him outside the council chamber, he is surprisingly friendly.
Armour: Shoulder pads, usual Jedi robes
Weapons: Two yellow lightsabers
Abilities: Strong with the Force, years of training with lightsabers. Specialises in offensive.
Weaknesses: Short-tempered, has a strong sense of right and wrong which can be exploited
History: Was appointed to the Council after serving the Jedi for several decades.
Other: Trained two Padawans to Knighthood, Gwen Dak and Cotrand Quen.
- Naina Raynt
Pronunciation: NAY-nuh RAY-int
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Knight
Race: Human
Appearance: Shoulder length amber-colored hair. Lots of freckles on her face and arms. Has thick, systematic scars across her arms and smaller ones under her eyes, all of which were a farewell gift from her former Sith Master at their last meeting. Knotty scar across her stomach from a lightsaber wound inflicted by Nordan Haniri.
Personality: Level-headed, mature. On the outside Naina is calm, collected and ready for battle. However she has always harbored fear and doubt in her heart and often struggles with herself. Self-conscious around other Jedi, feels as though she’s being judged because of her history. Is prone to anxiety.
![]() |
Naina at 21 |
Weapons: Red lightsaber, several blasters concealed in her robes
Abilities: Accomplished with the force. This is often viewed as her greatest asset in battle. Prefers Ataru.
Weaknesses: Self-doubting. Has compassion on her juniors, which can be exploited.
History: When Naina was seventeen she murdered a Jedi Master. Horrified by what she’d done, she evaded the Jedi Order and sought refuge on Korriban. There she was apprenticed to Darth Jaranna, a Sith Lady who taught her the nuances of the Dark Side. Was eventually redeemed because of Kazadan Sarsis, who persuaded her to defect back to the Jedi. Naina resumed her duties as a Knight, but never forgave herself for wavering in allegiance.
Other: Friends with many Padawans, including Aza Valline, who is currently Naina’s apprentice. Naina's favourite colour is deep, dark blue.
- Kazadan Sarsis
Name: Kazadan Sarsis
Pronunciation: KAY-zah-dan SAR-siss
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Master
Race: Human
Appearance: Short brown hair and green eyes.
Personality: Kazadan is known for his get-the-job-done attitude. He's the sort of person you can trust unconditionally. Its sometimes hard to tell when he's being sarcastic and when he's serious. Intensely devoted to the Order, held in high regard by his peers and superiors. Stubborn, will dig his heels in and demand his way. Plagued by a philosopher's mindset, often loses sleep debating with himself. Kazadan's conscience is so sensitive that it sometimes inhibits him.
Armour: Jedi robes.
Weapons: Blaster (never uses it), green lightsaber
Abilities: Lightning fast with a lightsaber. Very distinct fighting style relying on short, concise movements that waste as little strength as possible. Prefers the defensive to the offensive. Likes to wear his enemies out before moving in for the final blow.
Weaknesses: Not very good with the Force.
History: Born on Tatooine near Mos Eisley. He was raised by his master, and can remember some of his life before he became a Jedi. One of Naina's oldest friends. She's one of the only people who understands what's going on in his head. He also counts Si Dan as one of his best friends.
Other: Valin's stepbrother. Kazadan's mother died. His father remarried when Kazadan was about nine. Kazadan trained a Padawan named Ristan Arvel to Knighthood.
- Nordan Haniri
Name: Nordan Haniri
Pronunciation: NOR-dan han-EER-ee
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Position: Sith lord
Race: Human
Appearance: Tall; prominent, pointed jawline. Unshaven salt-and-pepper stubble of a beard, sharp black eyes like chips of obsidian. Strong build, toned muscles from a lifetime of training the the Dark Side. Thick eyebrows and heavy eyelashes contrast violently with his pale skin. Wears a black robe over dark tunic.
Personality: Calculating, shrewd, practical. Proud and yet self-critical. Is always looking for ways to improve himself and further his knowledge in the Dark Side. Feels a certain degree of loyalty to Inir Tarath, his liege lord. A bit protective over his baby sister, Essa, and likes to keep tabs on her. Takes great pride in the Haniri family legacy. Has a bit of an unpredictable sense of humor.
Armour: Black shoulder pads, shinguards, protective vest under robes.
Weapons: Bloodshine Lightsaber, gives off red blade. The handle is curved, with white bone inlay of the Haniri crest as a grip.
Abilities: Devastating power with the force, practicioner of force-lightning, although he rarely uses it. Acrobatic fighting style, prefers Ataru or Juyo. Sometimes uses Dun Möch.
Weaknesses: Although Nordan has built up stamina over the years, he is prone to exhaustion in prolonged battle. Doesn’t react well to surprise attacks.
History: Has a vendetta against Kazadan and Naina. He was nearly killed several years back, and after that he took a backseat in Sith politics. Rumors spread that Nordan was dead. He did nothing to discourage them. Recently, he has instigated several coups against the Jedi.
Other: Has a large estate in Korriban, which he leaves vacant.
- Jiskar Ether
Name: Jiskar Ether
Pronunciation: JISS-car EE-thur
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Apprentice
Race: Human
Appearance: Chin-length ebony black hair with red streaks. His right cheek is tattooed with the emblem of the Dark Side. Tall, muscled and yet lithe. Dark purple circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, coupled with thick eyeliner. Wears black robes.
Personality: Gruff and tough. Abrasive, always looking for a fight, causes a lot of trouble. Driven by apparently irrational and unprovoked hatred. Works nonstop, anxious to prove himself worthy of entering the Sith Academy. Carries a major chip on his shoulder. When he’s not attempting murder, he’s sparring. And when he’s not sparring, he’s perusing old holocrons for information on the Dark Side. Resents mercy and refuses all charity.
Armour: Whatever he can pick off the bodies of his fallen enemies. Shinguards, breastplate, shoulder pads.
Weapons: Blue lightsaber, a selection of blasters stolen from Republic Troopers and bounty hunters.
Abilities: Capable practicioner of Electric Judgement; adept at Juyo, Ataru, and other aggressive forms of combat. Feeds off the storm of hatred in his heart.
Weaknesses: Easily angered and baited into fights. Prone to exhaustion. Relies heavily on acrobatics and brute force--and if he can be lured into a confined spaced by a skilled opponent, there is a strong chance he will be defeated. Often falls into blind rages.
History: Appeared at the Sith Academy several months previous to the battle. Claims to be a Mandalorian, but other than that keeps his past to himself.
Other: Since appearing in the Battle, Jiskar has been accepted into training by the Sith Warrior Vastator, along with fellow Apprentice Lara Reyleen.
Pronunciation: COT-trand KWEN
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Investigator
Race: Human
Appearance: Changes from mission to mission, as disguises are often necessary for success. Currently has pale brown hair the color of weak coffee, marbled blue eyes and a pale complexion. Slight frame, short stature, impish facial features. On days off, he wears a grey tunic, black pants and a utility belt--Cotrand hasn’t been seen in Jedi uniform since his Padawan days.
Personality: To Cotrand, the world is one big joke. He has a devil-may-care attitude toward life and is willing to take risks. Doesn’t take himself (or anyone else) seriously. Often gives his superiors conniptions due to his rash decisions. Always finds a way out of tight situations, whether they be on the battlefield or in social interactions. Hard to catch, charming and a good negotiator.
Armor: Varies, depending on the mission.
Weapons: Varies, depending on the mission. Usually keeps a lightsaber and blaster concealed somewhere. Equipped with a disguise kit containing makeup, fake blood, colored contacts, etc.
Abilities: Flawless at bluffing and other forms of deception. Adept at slight of hand, and a good actor. Force-sensitive, has acceptable skill with a lightsaber, although he prefers to talk his way out of difficult situations.
Weaknesses: Can be overpowered by a skilled lightsaber wielder. If his cover is blown, there is a strong chance that he will be defeated. Cotrand is meant to slip in and out unnoticed--any snags in his plan may have disastrous results.
History: Born on Alderaan, but cannot remember anything other than life with the Jedi. Trained by Zadock Sift until the age of twenty-one, at which point he passed the Jedi Trials and became a Knight. Began working undercover almost immediately. A few years prior to CaC2, Cotrand's death was framed by the Jedi Council to deepen his cover. According to the Council he died in a freak speeder crash on Coruscant.
Other: Is legally dead, and thinks it's a great joke.
Name: Ronan
Pronunciation: ROE-nan
Age: Somewhere between 19 and 21
Gender: Male
Position: Bodyguard to President Toto
Species: Human
Appearance: Still appears to be in his youth, though he is a young man. Fit, as the role of bodyguard requires. A few pink scars on his hands and arms, but he does not yet look like a seasoned warrior. He has a rectangular shaped face and rather short hair.
Clothing: President Toto's color scheme is red and gold, so naturally he outfits his employees with clothes of that color. However, none of the guards wear robes or hoodies. They keep it simple and practical.
Armour: Underneath his surcoat he is fit with a blaster-reflective breastplate.
Weapons: A blastershield about two and a half feet in diameter. It can force a swinging lightsaber to bounce or slide away, but cannot stand up to a saber being held to it until it melts. Also, it has a sort of rocket engine on the back which, when activated, shoots forwards. This tactic can be used in a variety of ways - if he releases the shield it will shoot out like a boomerang, or he can use it to add force to swinging the shield edge at an opponent. He could also use it as a rocket to pull himself along, if the most powerful rocket attached on the shield is activated. That, however, is risky, as the shield may headbash you into a wall. Hypothetically, he can use it as a hoverboard as well. Think of it as a combination between Thor's hammer and Captain America's shield.
Personality: Ronan enjoys inventing or designing new machines - weapons or not. He has a "mechanical brain," always thinking in terms of practicality. He rarely embellishes on a subject, and views the arts as a waste of time (thus his shield was left unpainted until he joined Toto's bodyguard, when it was painted red and gold to match the uniforms). He does not concern himself with politics or wars and is neither on the side of the Republic or the Sith.
Abilities: He is a normal, non-force sensitive. He has practiced for years using his shield as well as blaster weapons. Although he has nothing on the parkour skills of the Jedi, urban terrain is his life. If there are cracks or grips of any kind up the side of a sheer wall, he'll find a way to climb up it - and fast, too.
Weaknesses: Has not had many years of experience in life. He'll do most anything to make a living, except for killing people in cold blood.
History: Once was the son of a profitable businessman before it was discovered that his father was really a gang leader. The businessman was assassinated in a gang war, and his son lost his inheritance when the government got involved.
Pronunciation: JISS-car EE-thur
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Apprentice
Race: Human
Appearance: Chin-length ebony black hair with red streaks. His right cheek is tattooed with the emblem of the Dark Side. Tall, muscled and yet lithe. Dark purple circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, coupled with thick eyeliner. Wears black robes.
Personality: Gruff and tough. Abrasive, always looking for a fight, causes a lot of trouble. Driven by apparently irrational and unprovoked hatred. Works nonstop, anxious to prove himself worthy of entering the Sith Academy. Carries a major chip on his shoulder. When he’s not attempting murder, he’s sparring. And when he’s not sparring, he’s perusing old holocrons for information on the Dark Side. Resents mercy and refuses all charity.
Armour: Whatever he can pick off the bodies of his fallen enemies. Shinguards, breastplate, shoulder pads.
Weapons: Blue lightsaber, a selection of blasters stolen from Republic Troopers and bounty hunters.
Abilities: Capable practicioner of Electric Judgement; adept at Juyo, Ataru, and other aggressive forms of combat. Feeds off the storm of hatred in his heart.
Weaknesses: Easily angered and baited into fights. Prone to exhaustion. Relies heavily on acrobatics and brute force--and if he can be lured into a confined spaced by a skilled opponent, there is a strong chance he will be defeated. Often falls into blind rages.
History: Appeared at the Sith Academy several months previous to the battle. Claims to be a Mandalorian, but other than that keeps his past to himself.
Other: Since appearing in the Battle, Jiskar has been accepted into training by the Sith Warrior Vastator, along with fellow Apprentice Lara Reyleen.
- Cotrand Quen
Pronunciation: COT-trand KWEN
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Investigator
Race: Human
Appearance: Changes from mission to mission, as disguises are often necessary for success. Currently has pale brown hair the color of weak coffee, marbled blue eyes and a pale complexion. Slight frame, short stature, impish facial features. On days off, he wears a grey tunic, black pants and a utility belt--Cotrand hasn’t been seen in Jedi uniform since his Padawan days.
Personality: To Cotrand, the world is one big joke. He has a devil-may-care attitude toward life and is willing to take risks. Doesn’t take himself (or anyone else) seriously. Often gives his superiors conniptions due to his rash decisions. Always finds a way out of tight situations, whether they be on the battlefield or in social interactions. Hard to catch, charming and a good negotiator.
Armor: Varies, depending on the mission.
Weapons: Varies, depending on the mission. Usually keeps a lightsaber and blaster concealed somewhere. Equipped with a disguise kit containing makeup, fake blood, colored contacts, etc.
Abilities: Flawless at bluffing and other forms of deception. Adept at slight of hand, and a good actor. Force-sensitive, has acceptable skill with a lightsaber, although he prefers to talk his way out of difficult situations.
Weaknesses: Can be overpowered by a skilled lightsaber wielder. If his cover is blown, there is a strong chance that he will be defeated. Cotrand is meant to slip in and out unnoticed--any snags in his plan may have disastrous results.
History: Born on Alderaan, but cannot remember anything other than life with the Jedi. Trained by Zadock Sift until the age of twenty-one, at which point he passed the Jedi Trials and became a Knight. Began working undercover almost immediately. A few years prior to CaC2, Cotrand's death was framed by the Jedi Council to deepen his cover. According to the Council he died in a freak speeder crash on Coruscant.
Other: Is legally dead, and thinks it's a great joke.
- Moriah Alektor
Name: Moriah Alektor
Pronunciation: more-EYE-uh ah-LECK-ter
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Position: Sith Lady
Description: Rusty-brown eyes with an Asian curve. Her mouth is small. Delicate. Bloody with lipstick. Moriah yanks her burgundy hair into a messy, nest-like bun with lots of flyaway strands that curl by her cheekbones.
Personality: Charismatic. Perceptive. Silver-tongued. Good at figuring out what people want and either withholding it or delivering it, depending upon the situation.
History: Promoted to Sith Lady at a young age and currently serves as a vassal of the Haniri Family. Has been sent to the Temple on a "diplomatic mission," although some worry that she may have other dubious objectives.
Abilities: Skilled with twin lightsabers. Experienced at manipulation.
Armor: Light breastplate and shoulder pads emblazoned with the Haniri coat of arms.
Weaknesses: Moriah is a spy. She doesn't like open combat and is more suited to running than fighting.
Other: None.
Pronunciation: ja-RAHN-uh HAN-eerie
Gender: Female
Age: 47
Occupation: Sith Lady
Personality: Outwardly haughty and corrosive--Nordan is the only one who sees her gentle side. She loves to pamper him with breakfast in bed.
Description: Thin as a needle. Red hair, tight mouth, slitted brown eyes. Jaranna's skin is stretched taut from half a dozen facelifts, giving her a strained, plastic quality, as though she could snap like an old rubber band.
History: Fell in love with a chivalrous young man who happened to be the Haniri heir. They courted for years before he plucked up the courage to hold her hand. They married, despite violent opposition, and have endeavored to live a quiet life.
Abilities: Blends Light and Dark, mimicking Jedi techniques in an attempt to catch her enemies off guard.
Weapons: Red lightsaber with a curved hilt, specifically designed for Makashi proficients. Carries blasters for backup.
Weaknesses: Has a tendency to expose her wrist and elbow while lunging. Tires easily. Cannot deliver powerful strikes due to her small size.
- Jaranna Haniri
Pronunciation: ja-RAHN-uh HAN-eerie
Gender: Female
Age: 47
Occupation: Sith Lady
Personality: Outwardly haughty and corrosive--Nordan is the only one who sees her gentle side. She loves to pamper him with breakfast in bed.
Description: Thin as a needle. Red hair, tight mouth, slitted brown eyes. Jaranna's skin is stretched taut from half a dozen facelifts, giving her a strained, plastic quality, as though she could snap like an old rubber band.
History: Fell in love with a chivalrous young man who happened to be the Haniri heir. They courted for years before he plucked up the courage to hold her hand. They married, despite violent opposition, and have endeavored to live a quiet life.
Abilities: Blends Light and Dark, mimicking Jedi techniques in an attempt to catch her enemies off guard.
Weapons: Red lightsaber with a curved hilt, specifically designed for Makashi proficients. Carries blasters for backup.
Weaknesses: Has a tendency to expose her wrist and elbow while lunging. Tires easily. Cannot deliver powerful strikes due to her small size.
Warrior of Aror
- Ronan
Pronunciation: ROE-nan
Age: Somewhere between 19 and 21
Gender: Male
Position: Bodyguard to President Toto
Species: Human
Appearance: Still appears to be in his youth, though he is a young man. Fit, as the role of bodyguard requires. A few pink scars on his hands and arms, but he does not yet look like a seasoned warrior. He has a rectangular shaped face and rather short hair.
Clothing: President Toto's color scheme is red and gold, so naturally he outfits his employees with clothes of that color. However, none of the guards wear robes or hoodies. They keep it simple and practical.
Armour: Underneath his surcoat he is fit with a blaster-reflective breastplate.
Weapons: A blastershield about two and a half feet in diameter. It can force a swinging lightsaber to bounce or slide away, but cannot stand up to a saber being held to it until it melts. Also, it has a sort of rocket engine on the back which, when activated, shoots forwards. This tactic can be used in a variety of ways - if he releases the shield it will shoot out like a boomerang, or he can use it to add force to swinging the shield edge at an opponent. He could also use it as a rocket to pull himself along, if the most powerful rocket attached on the shield is activated. That, however, is risky, as the shield may headbash you into a wall. Hypothetically, he can use it as a hoverboard as well. Think of it as a combination between Thor's hammer and Captain America's shield.
Personality: Ronan enjoys inventing or designing new machines - weapons or not. He has a "mechanical brain," always thinking in terms of practicality. He rarely embellishes on a subject, and views the arts as a waste of time (thus his shield was left unpainted until he joined Toto's bodyguard, when it was painted red and gold to match the uniforms). He does not concern himself with politics or wars and is neither on the side of the Republic or the Sith.
Abilities: He is a normal, non-force sensitive. He has practiced for years using his shield as well as blaster weapons. Although he has nothing on the parkour skills of the Jedi, urban terrain is his life. If there are cracks or grips of any kind up the side of a sheer wall, he'll find a way to climb up it - and fast, too.
Weaknesses: Has not had many years of experience in life. He'll do most anything to make a living, except for killing people in cold blood.
History: Once was the son of a profitable businessman before it was discovered that his father was really a gang leader. The businessman was assassinated in a gang war, and his son lost his inheritance when the government got involved.
- Tharus Rogue
Name: Tharus Rogue
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Knight
Species: Human
Weapons: A blue lightsaber
Personality: A strict upholder of the Jedi customs. He is unquestionably devoted to the Jedi Order. He is loyal to an extreme to those he knows well and suspicious of those he does not. He sees the universe in starkly contrasting terms. Black and white. Good and evil. He realizes, with some internal shame, that at times he looks down upon non force sensitives and sees them as inferior. However, in no way does he hide his contempt of any force sensitive who is not a part of the Order. He views those people as unclean.
Excluding his bigotry, he might be considered the perfect Jedi Knight. He was a brilliant student, a quick learner under his former Master, and passed the Jedi Trials with ease. Up until this point he has not had an apprentice, preferring to work with other Knights exclusively.
Dmitri Pendragon
- Jaraal Starrunner / Darth Zaul
Name: Jaraal Starrunner (Darth Zaul)
Pronunciation: ja-RARL star-RUN-ner/ZORL
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Position: Formerly Sith Apprentice, now Sith Consul. Ranked equally with Inir Tarath, the former Sith Lord.
Race: Togruta
Appearance: Short, red-skinned, green-eyed, black armour over red clothes.
Personality: Impetuous and bold. Unafraid to make completely audacious claims.
Armour: Black vambraces, leg armour and breastplate.
Weapons: Formerly a red lightsaber, which he lost. Now uses the former weapons of Zaul, a darksaber and an ancient Force power known as the Power of Zaul.
Jaraal, Sith Consul |
Abilities: Skilled in the use of the Force and the fighting technique of Ataru. Wields the power of Zaul and scorns to use Dun Möch.
Weaknesses: Hot-tempered, which level-headed opponents can use to their advantage.
History: Trained by the Sith Lord Darth Arizael, who was slain in a battle against Jedi on Mandalore only a few weeks previous to the beginning of CaC2. During that time, Jaraal went through a serious phase of rethinking his loyalties, but eventually decided to stay with the Sith. Darth Arizael was the former wielder of the power of Zaul, having received it from the Sith Lord Gadorin the Grey. Jaraal, after receiving the power of Zaul, battled Inir Tarath for the position of Sith Lord. He lost and was disarmed, but made a deal with Inir—that they would both rule as Sith Consuls and conquer the worlds together. Jaraal later slew Polla Kaleesh, the master of Cypher Solari, in order to gain the approval of Lord Cyndar, who would then teach him. He traveled to Bespin along with Cyndar.
Other: His master was Darth Arizael of Tallusi.
History: Trained by the Sith Lord Darth Arizael, who was slain in a battle against Jedi on Mandalore only a few weeks previous to the beginning of CaC2. During that time, Jaraal went through a serious phase of rethinking his loyalties, but eventually decided to stay with the Sith. Darth Arizael was the former wielder of the power of Zaul, having received it from the Sith Lord Gadorin the Grey. Jaraal, after receiving the power of Zaul, battled Inir Tarath for the position of Sith Lord. He lost and was disarmed, but made a deal with Inir—that they would both rule as Sith Consuls and conquer the worlds together. Jaraal later slew Polla Kaleesh, the master of Cypher Solari, in order to gain the approval of Lord Cyndar, who would then teach him. He traveled to Bespin along with Cyndar.
Other: His master was Darth Arizael of Tallusi.
- Jorus Travar
Name: Jorus Travar
Pronunciation: JOR-rus trah-WAAR
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Shadow
Race: Umbaran
Appearance: Jorus is tall, with a lean build and an erect posture. Like all Umbarans, he has no hair, and his skin is dark, the colour of which is hard to determine exactly. His face is determined and set, and in his eyes, carefully hidden pain lurks. Jorus wears a dark grey cloak with dark green armour beneath.
Personality: Silent and watchful, calculating and sad. Inspires fear in those he fights.
Armour: Dark green full-body armour, hidden beneath his cloak.
Weapons: Double-bladed green lightsaber.
Abilities: Stealthy, silent and powerful in the Force; can immediately sort out a situation and carry out the best role he can. Jorus is invisible in shadows and can move very quickly undetected. He can see in ultraviolet light.
Weaknesses: Jorus has a sad history, and dislikes people questioning him about that history.
History: Jorus does not remember his family. He grew up at the Temple and witnessed firsthand a Sith raid against the Jedi. This made him wonder why there was so much evil in the galaxy, and he decided to train as a Jedi Shadow. He was trained by a Jedi Consular named Kyra Solari. Together, they went on many missions, including a mission to Utapau when he was fifteen to protect Umbaran settlers against the anger of the crime lord Gorbo the Hutt. There, Jorus met Shiebrynn, an Umbaran girl around his age. His master was called back to Tython, however, during this mission, which meant that Jorus also had to leave. Kyra stood charges of marrying in secret. She was found guilty and exiled from the Order. At this, Jorus considered leaving the Order to marry Shiebrynn, but when he returned to Utapau three years later, a Sith raid was underway. Jorus fought, but Shiebrynn was slain by Sith troopers under the command of Gadorin the Grey. Jorus slew Gadorin. And as he sat there in the midst of death, a fire was ignited that would never go out. Jorus threw himself back into his training to become a Jedi Shadow, taught partly by Master Tarmys Darumar and the Jedi Shadow Darid Kirin. He received the honour at 20, an exceptionally young age, and began seeking out Sith to bring justice upon.
Other: On Tython, Jorus was slain by a Sith named Darth Matrus.
- Ari Erinnen
Name: Ari Erinnen
Pronunciation: AR-ree ER-rin-nen
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Position: Space Transport Worker (STW: i.e. space slave)
Race: Kel Dor
Appearance: Peach-coloured skin with the typical Kel Dor features; wears a subtle lavender tunic which appears glowing silver under the moon and grey under the sun; only lavender at sunrise and twilight. Also wears leggings and shoes. Eyes are black, and she wears a mask similar to Plo Koon's, but without the downwards projecting spikes. She also wears a large mask with an orange screen over her eyes, similar to a diver's mask, which protects them from oxygen.
Personality: Wary and shy, dumbly obedient and terrified of her master.
Armour: None
Weapons: None
Abilities: Light-fingered and well able to steal things without the owner noticing.
Weaknesses: Can be easily scared and sometimes can be frightened into blank trauma
History: Sold at 5 years old to a master named Kalen Rozeesh, a Nautolan space rogue who taught her many things, including the art of pickpocketing, how to clean his spaceship, and how to cook meals. Kalen was caught by space police when Ari was 9 and imprisoned; Ari was sold by the space police to a slave trader named Gantro Zalldor, who then bartered her off to her current master, Zade Valek, the owner of a spaceship called the Green Shadow. She has stayed under his ownership for four years, and has been the all-around servant on the Green Shadow. When Essa, Mark and Dorn escaped the Jedi Temple, they happened to take the Green Shadow. Ari was discovered and kept hostage until Jorus Travar and Kalen Rozeesh, who had been released from prison, discovered the ship on Tatooine. Kalen was reunited with Ari, and the three returned to Tython to bring an ancient black book back to the Jedi Temple. At the current time, Ari is on Tython.
Other: Nothing else.
- Barras Kampion
Name: Barras Kampion
Pronunciation: BA-ras KAM-pe-on
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Trooper
Race: Human
Appearance: Crewcut dark hair, dark brown eyes, faded scar across cheek. Sharp and handsome features. One mechanical arm (the left one).
Personality: Completely unafraid of his Sith masters. Talks very quickly, and can be very grumpy when things aren't going his way.
Armour: Dark red full-body armour, black helmet.
Weapons: Two blasters, customised rocket launcher on shoulder, burn-pads on palms
Abilities: Extremely skilled in martial arts, deadly accurate with blasters even when not looking.
Weaknesses: Hates the cold.
History: Grew up on Tatooine and joined the Sith army at seventeen. Got the scar on his cheek during a battle when his helmet's cheek guard was hit by a piece of metal shrapnel from an exploding starfighter. Barras was one of the Sith troopers sent to collect Gnawthrul Haniri out of the Jedi's clutches. He nearly killed Zadock Sift by trapping him under a speeder, brought about Gnawthrul's escape, and then traveled in the cruiser of Darth Vastator to Cloud City. At the current time, Barras is stalking about on Vastator's cruiser, muttering about boring duties.
Other: Older brother of the Jedi Padawan Thelis Kampion.
- Cald Arenna
Name: Cald Arenna
Pronunciation: CALD a-REN-na
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Knight
Race: Iridonian Zabrak
Appearance: Dark brown skin, long sandy hair, sharp green eyes, small horns on head.
Personality: Appears calm and composed on the outside. Inside is burning to become a great Jedi and to defeat the Sith.
Armour: Dark grey leg, arm, shoulder and chest armour under a brown robe.
Weapons: Single-bladed blue lightsaber with curved hilt.
Abilities: Extremely skilled in Makashi lightsaber combat.
Weaknesses: Prone to overreacting.
History: Grew up like any Jedi Hopeful. Fought in several major wars with the Octarchy of Tallusi as Tarmys's Padawan and became a Knight at twenty-two. He was a friend of Jorus, and yearns to continue the Umbaran Shadow's legacy. Cald fought Yanna Jakal on Tython during Gnawthrul's escape. He later befriended Kian and witnessed Kian's Trials. Later, on Bespin, Cald used a Force explosion to send the upper levels of Morcarcion's collapsing mansion over the edge of Cloud City by severing his attachment to the Force.
Other: His master was Tarmys Darumar, who is now a Jedi Council Member.
- Tarmys Darumar
Name: Tarmys Darumar
Pronunciation: tar-MYS DA-roo-mar
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Master (Council Member)
Race: Human
Appearance: Shoulder-length white hair, brown skin, blue eyes.
Personality: Calm, precise, confident.
Armour: White armour on arms, shoulders and chest.
Weapons: Two blue lightsabers.
Abilities: Powerful in both Soresu and Ataru.
Weaknesses: Not many.
History: Went through traumatic events during his first mission as a Jedi Knight. Acts like someone twice his age, though not very old. During Gnawthrul's escape, Tarmys fought Gnawthrul along with Jorus Travar and Cald Arenna. He later read the ancient black book that Ari, Kalen and Jorus retrieved.
Other: Trained Cald Arenna and another Padawan, Varyth Shen, to knighthood.
- Kalen Rozeesh
Name: Kalen Rozeesh
Pronunciation: KAY-len ro-ZEESH
Age: 59
Gender: Male
Position: Spaceship Vendor
Race: Nautolan
Appearance: Large black eyes, green skin, lekku, roguish look.
Personality: Able to joke about things even when he is wounded. Cold when angered, and loving when unprovoked.
Armour: Black armour on arms when in battle.
Weapons: Blaster, bowcaster.
Abilities: Skilled in martial arts. Can use a lightsaber to some extents, and accurate when using two blasters at the same time. Very strong.
Weaknesses: Prone to furious anger. Loves his adopted daughter, Ari Erinnen, and doesn't want anything bad to happen to her.
History: Used to be a space rogue, during which time he bought Ari from a slave trader. Was captured by space police troops and imprisoned for several years. Repented in prison and became a spaceship vendor when released. He aided Jorus Travar in hunting down Essa, Mark and Dorn, but their mission was interrupted when they discovered Ari Erinnen in the back of the Green Shadow, the ship the bounty hunters had stolen. Kalen returned to Tython along with Jorus and Ari and befriended Orfful, a Wookiee bounty hunter, there. He traveled to Bespin along with Orfful in order to kill Gnawthrul, but failed.
Other: Nothing else.
- Gorbo the Hutt
Name: Gorbo the Hutt
Pronunciation: GOR-bo
Age: 193
Gender: Male
Position: Crime Lord
Race: Hutt
Appearance: Huge fat sluglike being with slimy blackish-grey skin. Large orange-yellow eyes and a wide-brimmed fedora hat with a cage on top where a womp rat—Honar—lives.
Personality: Patronising, thoughtful, and threatening. Prone to furious anger at those who cheek him.
Armour: None
Weapons: Concealed blaster in fedora hat.
Abilities: Not easily intimidated by Sith or Jedi. Strong of mind, and has a large backup army to call upon when he needs it.
Weaknesses: Scared of that which cannot be rationally explained.
History: Has lived on Tatooine and Nal Hutta for most of his life. Currently dwells on Tatooine, where he is the chief of the Hutt Lords. Rules a fleet of pirates who fly Hunger-class interceptors.
Other: Owns a massive palace on the Mos Esdar bluffs. Uses the expression mik-wan (Nal Huttan: chaser) for bounty hunters. Speaks Basic well, and scorns to use a translator. Has committed the Fallacy of Undistributed Middle by eating too much.
- Orfful
Name: Orfful
Pronunciation: OR-ful
Age: 149
Gender: Male
Position: Bounty Hunter
Race: Wookiee
Appearance: Tall, hairy, wears black chest and shoulder armour.
Personality: Loves to dance, be in the spotlight, and eat.
Armour: Black armour on his chest and shoulders.
Weapons: Two bowcasters, concealed orange lightsaber.
Abilities: Very strong and agile. Can use the Force to some extent.
Weaknesses: Clumsy with a lightsaber. Loves food—another weakness.
History: Born on Kashyyyk and exiled because his family and his tribe were tired of his awfulness and oddness. Lived on Utapau for a time, where he learned lightsaber combat from a retired Jedi outcast named Kravis Thorin. Moved to a remote Tython settlement after Kravis's death, taking the Jedi's lightsaber, and there decided to become a bounty hunter. Has been on the hunt for targets since then, many of them low-ranking Sith. On Tython, he befriended Kalen Rozeesh. He was thought slain in battle with the Dark Hunter Methasys after Morcarcion's mansion collapsed, but ultimately survived, climbing out of the rubble.
Other: Cannot speak Basic. Speaks in growls, grunts, barks, and groans.
- Morcarcion
Name: Morcarcion
Pronunciation: mor-CAR-see-on
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Position: Governor of Cloud City. A Sith Lord.
Race: Human
Appearance: Tall, erect, handsome, smooth dark hair, blue-eyed. Wears a long white cloak, a dark blue tunic with an emblazoned white eagle, and knee-length white breeches tucked into black boots.
Armour: No known armour.
Weapons: The Force. Single-bladed blue lightsaber.
Abilities: Powerful in the Force. Skilled in the lightsaber techniques of Niman and Juyo, and despises the use of Dun Möch. Able to keep his temper easily under control, and generally does not speak loudly except when giving speeches.
Weaknesses: Unknown.
History: Unknown.
Other: Master of the Sith Lord Azong Tiye.
- Darth Vastator
Name: Darth Vastator
Pronunciation: VAS-ta-tore
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Warrior
Race: Iridonian Zabrak
Appearance: Short, slender, dark brown skin, with small horns on his head. Black hair tied in a braid at the back of his head. Wears black.
Personality: Extreme analyst and introvert. Dislikes giving commands.
Armour: Black gauntlets, greaves, and shoulder-chest armour.
Weapons: Two red lightsabers.
Abilities: Strong in the Force. Skilled in the Soresu and Ataru forms of fighting. Very active. Does not often lose his head to anger or rage.
Weaknesses: He carefully stores his great hate and anger for the Jedi down inside, but it is still boiling and can be exploited by those who know his history. For that reason, Vastator keeps his history secret.
History: Vastator was trained by the Sith Lord Nordan Haniri and was in command of the cruiser used for getting Gnawthrul's rescue party out of Tython. He traveled to Cloud City along with Gnawthrul and now waits for the Sith Lord's commands.
Other: Recently was promoted to Sith Warrior. Trained by the Sith Lord Nordan Haniri.
- Kyra Solari
Name: Kyra Solari
Pronunciation: KIE-ra sol-ARE-ree
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Consular, formerly a Sith trooper
Race: Human
Appearance: Tall, slender, with olive skin. Neck-length light brown hair cut unevenly. Her eyes flicker between green and blue. A faded white scar on her cheek depicts the Sith logo.
Personality: Kyra used to be a diplomat. A decade in the Sith armies has beaten out of her the tendency to speak in calculated reservation. Kyra is now direct, blunt and often brutally honest. She tends to watch and wait rather than speak or put herself forward, and is very focused on the Jedi goals. Her history has made her hard, cold and solemn. Kyra maintains a strict code of obedience as a result of a disobedient childhood.
Armour: Red Jedi armour, composing gauntlets, vambraces, and shoulder and torso armour.
Weapons: Kyra still carries her scarlet Sith lightsaber as a reminder to herself. Her years of being a Sith trooper have also taught her how to use a blaster, and she carries a slender black blaster in hiding in her robes.
Abilities: Kyra possesses great Force healing powers and advanced precognition and postcognition among other Consular abilities such as the skill plethora of Jedi Sages and Jedi Shadows. She is skilled in the Ataru form of lightsaber combat and is very accurate with a blaster. Kyra also wields the cryptic Revealer’s Light, but her full potential in this ability has not yet been realised.
Weaknesses: Since returning from her period of service with the Sith, Kyra has lost her diplomatic touch. Her bluntness has got her into trouble more than once.
History: Kyra had a tumultuous childhood as a Padawan and left the Order at one point because of the death of her first Master, Drad Shia. She eventually returned to the Jedi after being persuaded by Jedi Master Warnu Rakorn, who then took her as a Padawan. Kyra studied as a Jedi Consular during her years under Master Rakorn, specialising in Diplomat, Sage and Shadow skills. Later in her Jedi career, she took Jorus Travar as a Padawan, but was banished from the Order several years into Jorus’s training due to having married a man named Jarin Tasdora in secret. Some time later, Kyra joined the Sith armies as a Force-sensitive Sith trooper and was assigned to Azong Tiye’s cruiser at one point. A decade later, Kyra rejoined the Jedi Order on probation and now serves as a Jedi Shadow.
Other: Kyra Solari is the mother of Cypher Solari.
Pronunciation: KIE-ra sol-ARE-ree
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Consular, formerly a Sith trooper
Race: Human
Appearance: Tall, slender, with olive skin. Neck-length light brown hair cut unevenly. Her eyes flicker between green and blue. A faded white scar on her cheek depicts the Sith logo.
Personality: Kyra used to be a diplomat. A decade in the Sith armies has beaten out of her the tendency to speak in calculated reservation. Kyra is now direct, blunt and often brutally honest. She tends to watch and wait rather than speak or put herself forward, and is very focused on the Jedi goals. Her history has made her hard, cold and solemn. Kyra maintains a strict code of obedience as a result of a disobedient childhood.
Armour: Red Jedi armour, composing gauntlets, vambraces, and shoulder and torso armour.
Weapons: Kyra still carries her scarlet Sith lightsaber as a reminder to herself. Her years of being a Sith trooper have also taught her how to use a blaster, and she carries a slender black blaster in hiding in her robes.
Abilities: Kyra possesses great Force healing powers and advanced precognition and postcognition among other Consular abilities such as the skill plethora of Jedi Sages and Jedi Shadows. She is skilled in the Ataru form of lightsaber combat and is very accurate with a blaster. Kyra also wields the cryptic Revealer’s Light, but her full potential in this ability has not yet been realised.
Weaknesses: Since returning from her period of service with the Sith, Kyra has lost her diplomatic touch. Her bluntness has got her into trouble more than once.
History: Kyra had a tumultuous childhood as a Padawan and left the Order at one point because of the death of her first Master, Drad Shia. She eventually returned to the Jedi after being persuaded by Jedi Master Warnu Rakorn, who then took her as a Padawan. Kyra studied as a Jedi Consular during her years under Master Rakorn, specialising in Diplomat, Sage and Shadow skills. Later in her Jedi career, she took Jorus Travar as a Padawan, but was banished from the Order several years into Jorus’s training due to having married a man named Jarin Tasdora in secret. Some time later, Kyra joined the Sith armies as a Force-sensitive Sith trooper and was assigned to Azong Tiye’s cruiser at one point. A decade later, Kyra rejoined the Jedi Order on probation and now serves as a Jedi Shadow.
Other: Kyra Solari is the mother of Cypher Solari.
- Darth Pyre
Name: Darth Pyre
Pronunciation: PYAH (monosyllabic)
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Position: Master Sith
Race: Neimoidian
Appearance: Well-muscled, but short. Dark skin, even for a Neimoidian—a grey that is nearly black. Light brown eyes, almost orange. A tattoo, displaying a flame, beginning at his forehead and licking up over his bald head.
Clothing: Red and orange patterned tunic, black pants, black cloak.
Armour: Full-body red and orange Sith armour over his clothes.
Weapons: Two lightsabers, one red, one orange.
Personality: Fiery and reckless. Bold and proud of himself and his skills. Not particularly angry, like so many of his fellow Sith. Lives for the thrill of the fight.
Abilities: A master of lightsaber combat, and has created several new moves from studying creatures and other fighting forms not recognised by Jedi or Sith. Skilled in Jar’Kai and Juyo. Prefers the offensive to the defensive. Uses Dun Möch to great advantage against enemies. Unlike other Sith, Pyre cannot be prodded into furious anger. Tactically smart. Wields a large store of practical knowledge.
Weaknesses: His recklessness and pride can often bring him trouble. Dislikes being called short. His Force power is large, but there are many with greater Force powers.
History: Pyre’s master was a Sith Lord who worked majorly as a bounty hunter. From these missions, Pyre received a vast stock of practical knowledge about the galaxy and how to hunt down specific targets.
Other: Pyre’s latest mission was on Ryloth with the aim of assassinating a Twi’lek of authority. He failed, was captured after a long fight, and exiled to the Bright Lands. Pyre is currently in the Bright Lands.
Pronunciation: PYAH (monosyllabic)
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Position: Master Sith
Race: Neimoidian
Appearance: Well-muscled, but short. Dark skin, even for a Neimoidian—a grey that is nearly black. Light brown eyes, almost orange. A tattoo, displaying a flame, beginning at his forehead and licking up over his bald head.
Clothing: Red and orange patterned tunic, black pants, black cloak.
Armour: Full-body red and orange Sith armour over his clothes.
Weapons: Two lightsabers, one red, one orange.
Personality: Fiery and reckless. Bold and proud of himself and his skills. Not particularly angry, like so many of his fellow Sith. Lives for the thrill of the fight.
Abilities: A master of lightsaber combat, and has created several new moves from studying creatures and other fighting forms not recognised by Jedi or Sith. Skilled in Jar’Kai and Juyo. Prefers the offensive to the defensive. Uses Dun Möch to great advantage against enemies. Unlike other Sith, Pyre cannot be prodded into furious anger. Tactically smart. Wields a large store of practical knowledge.
Weaknesses: His recklessness and pride can often bring him trouble. Dislikes being called short. His Force power is large, but there are many with greater Force powers.
History: Pyre’s master was a Sith Lord who worked majorly as a bounty hunter. From these missions, Pyre received a vast stock of practical knowledge about the galaxy and how to hunt down specific targets.
Other: Pyre’s latest mission was on Ryloth with the aim of assassinating a Twi’lek of authority. He failed, was captured after a long fight, and exiled to the Bright Lands. Pyre is currently in the Bright Lands.
- Xal Kadene
Name: Xal Kadene
Pronunciation: KSAL kay-DEEN
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Watchman on Ryloth
Race: Twi’lek
Appearance: Dark brown skin, bright blue eyes, athletic form
Clothing: Light brown tunic and pants, black boots and belt.
Armour: Black gauntlets and chestplate.
Weapons: A blue lightsaber and a purple lightsaber.
Personality: Sarcastic. Always has a witty reply ready for anyone who asks. Devoted to his people and his home planet.
Abilities: Agile and quick. Skilled in Jar’Kai and Soresu.
Weaknesses: Devoted to his people—threatening them with obvious and overwhelming force can render him powerless. Prefers the defensive and shies away from the offensive. As such, fights go on much longer than what would be possible.
History: Went on multiple missions around the galaxy with his Master, Warnu Rakorn, and as such, has an extensive knowledge of the galaxy and has picked up words and phrases from many different cultures.
Other: Recently, Xal captured a Sith intruder into Threendik City, the current capital of Ryloth, but as the Sith, Darth Pyre, had committed no crime while he was there, Pyre was only banished, not executed.
Pronunciation: KSAL kay-DEEN
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Watchman on Ryloth
Race: Twi’lek
Appearance: Dark brown skin, bright blue eyes, athletic form
Clothing: Light brown tunic and pants, black boots and belt.
Armour: Black gauntlets and chestplate.
Weapons: A blue lightsaber and a purple lightsaber.
Personality: Sarcastic. Always has a witty reply ready for anyone who asks. Devoted to his people and his home planet.
Abilities: Agile and quick. Skilled in Jar’Kai and Soresu.
Weaknesses: Devoted to his people—threatening them with obvious and overwhelming force can render him powerless. Prefers the defensive and shies away from the offensive. As such, fights go on much longer than what would be possible.
History: Went on multiple missions around the galaxy with his Master, Warnu Rakorn, and as such, has an extensive knowledge of the galaxy and has picked up words and phrases from many different cultures.
Other: Recently, Xal captured a Sith intruder into Threendik City, the current capital of Ryloth, but as the Sith, Darth Pyre, had committed no crime while he was there, Pyre was only banished, not executed.
- Sabera Vayn
Pronunciation: sa-BEER-a VAYN
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Council Member
Race: Human (Christophsis)
Appearance: Chocolate brown skin and sharp features. Long black hair with a streak of silver down the middle. Green eyes.
Clothing: Black and grey tunic, pants, belt and boots. Deep blue Jedi robe.
Armour: No armour.
Weapons: Double-bladed blue lightsaber.
Personality: Stern, watchful and serious. Keeps up a hard facade to protect her raw feelings of guilt and broken trust. Inside feels guilty because of what happened in her past.
Abilities: Powerful in the Force. Skilled in Ataru, Makashi and Soresu.
Weaknesses: Tormented by guilt and the thought that she broke the trust of the Jedi.
History: Sabera’s Master, Marrador Baraye, was slain on a mission to Cerea. Having borrowed Sabera’s faulty lightsaber to fight a Sith, Marrador died after Sabera’s lightsaber shorted out in the middle of the match. Sabera, overcome with guilt and grief, used Force lightning to kill the Sith and fled. After stifling her emotions and building her hard facade, she returned to Tython with the report of her mission—omitting the way she slew the Sith and the reason her Master died. Sometime later, she took the Trials and became a Knight, then later trained a Padawan named Daltin Mand to Knighthood. She became a Council Member at 32 when one of the temporary members stepped down. Throughout her life, Sabera has stifled her guilt and never told anyone.
Other: Sabera is a limited-term member of the Council.
- Jarayim Till
Pronunciation: ja-RAY-im TILL
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Padawan
Race: Human (Haruun Kal)
Appearance: Jarayim is short and dark-skinned with a thin form. He has black hair cropped short, blue eyes, and a long white scar from his temple to his cheekbone.
Clothing: Dark brown Jedi robes.
Armour: Dark brown gauntlets and chestplate.
Weapons: Two green lightsabers.
Personality: Jarayim is quiet and shy. He is aware that being the Padawan of a Jedi Council member is a high honour and wants to live up to that. Jarayim is largely introverted and prefers to be alone with his thoughts because he has no idea of what to say to keep up a conversation.
Abilities: Considerable skill in both Soresu and Ataru. Prefers Soresu. Skilled in the use of the Force.
Weaknesses: An introvert and doesn’t like socialising.
History: Grew up in the Jedi Temple and received a scar on his face during a Sith attack.
Other: Jarayim is the third Padawan of Master Tarmys Darumar.
- Ezar Ravon
Pronunciation: eh-ZAR RAV-von
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Knight
Race: Mandalorian Human
Appearance: Pale skin. Tall. Has a slightly stooped posture. Short light brown hair. Dark brown eyes.
Clothing: Brown Jedi tunic and pants. Dark brown Jedi robes. Black boots and belt.
Armour: Black gauntlets and chestplate.
Weapons: Viridian (bluish-green) lightsaber.
Personality: Quiet and introverted. Somewhat absent-minded. Enjoys spending time with younglings. Reserved when speaking to Jedi of Padawan age or older, but much more open with the younglings. Acts like a youngling and is fascinated by small things.
Abilities: Powerful in the Force. Skilled in the lightsaber fighting form of Soresu.
Weaknesses: Switches to grim lethality when younglings are endangered.
History: Many Jedi think Ezar never grew up properly. He still seems to act and think like a youngling. Ezar’s Master, Parigos Trenn, attempted to help him act older, but failed. When Ezar took the Trials at eighteen, no one thought he would pass, but he did. Since then, Ezar has been content to stick around the Temple, training younglings and telling them stories.
Other: Nothing else.
- Leir Na'alor
Pronunciation: LEER na-AR-lor
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Position: Bounty Hunter
Race: Human
Appearance: Tall and athletic. Narrow stone-grey eyes with flecks of gold. Short dark brown hair. Light brown skin. Long, raised scars on his left arm from shoulder to wrist. A twisting red scar beneath his right eye. A branded symbol on his left cheek.
Clothing: Dark grey shirt, dark brown trousers, dark grey boots. Metal bands at three places along his left forearm. White bandanna around his neck and a dull purple eye-shielding mask. Ammunition belt and grey satchel.
Armour: Laserproof vest, fingerless gauntlets, Mandalorian helmet without its facemask.
Weapons: Six-barreled melee blaster, ranging sniper, two standard-make blasters, two shockblade daggers, explosives, grappling hook.
Personality: Sarcastic, confident and insulting. Very clever. Competitive and pugnacious. Moody at times. Avoids Jedi.
Abilities: An excellent marksman and fighter with any of his weapons. Cannot wield the Force, but is able to sense the presence of other people. Physically tough and athletic.
Weaknesses: Nervous around large bodies of water. Dislikes infirmaries and needles. His physical abilities, while impressive, are easily matched by wielders of the Force.
History: Unknown to all but himself.
Other: Leir often disappears for long periods of time. Those who try to find out what he does don’t come back. Leir has a pet morrigulth (a bird of prey) named Ancor who is trained to fight and distract Leir’s opponents.
- Rink Mortheel
Pronunciation: rin-NEEK (RINK) more-THEEL
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Position: Musician
Race: Human
Appearance: Rink is under average height with short dark brown hair and light skin, slightly tanned by Tatooine’s sun. His eyes are brown and often bear a confused look. His build is thin and by no means impressive—though he isn’t a couch potato, he isn’t an athlete either.
Clothing: Rink wears a light grey vest over a black shirt, dark grey trousers, and brown sandals with socks. He also wears the green bandanna of Ma’Ling’s band around his head.
Armour: No armour.
Weapons: Aside from his drumsticks, which aren’t really weapons, and which he left behind in Belac’s barge—Rink has no weapons.
Personality: Rink is nervous and often confused. He is somewhat trusting, has little to no knowledge about weapons or fighting, and hates being stuck in dangerous situations. Rink much prefers safety and sometimes uses excuses to leave the few fights he has been in. His motto may well be, “Better safe than sorry!”
Abilities: Rink is a skilled drummer and has good ears, despite his years of drumming.
Weaknesses: Since Gataar shot Belac’s barge, Rink’s eyesight has been fuzzy, and he doesn’t know whether or not it will improve. He knows that you pull the trigger to fire a gun, but he has no idea how to reload or use it in other ways. He is reluctant to hurt people and tries to stay out of fights.
History: Rink grew up on Tatooine and has been in Ma’Ling Takkananareen’s band for several years. He has been to Mos Errets, a smallish city near the wastelands, which is a haven for bounty hunters and has pictures of Essa Haniri stuck up around the place with the various bounties offered for her.
Other: A nickname that the Rodian band member Kep assigned to Rink is Stinky Rinky. He hates this name.
- Darth Revenant
Pronunciation: REV-ven-nant
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Lord
Race: Umbaran
Appearance: Darth Revenant is tall and erect with darkish Umbaran-colour skin and dark blue eyes that are nearly black.
Clothing: Revenant wears black and very dark blue Sith robes and black boots. He wears black fur with a silver tint over his shoulders and black leather gloves.
Armour: Revenant wears silver beskar armour over the back of his fingers and palms.
Weapons: The Force.
Personality: Revenant once relied on anger from which to draw his strength. However, his master, Lord Azul, pounded this out of him. He is focused and determined, believes nothing can stand in his way, and possesses a large store of knowledge.
Abilities: Revenant is incredibly strong in the Force—far more so than any regular Sith.
Weaknesses: Revenant possesses no lightsaber, so he must rely on the Force to fight. This, however, is hardly a weakness, as Revenant’s Force ability is enormous.
History: Unknown.
Other: Nothing else.
- Cazoren Lhei
Pronunciation: ca-ZORE-in LAY
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Inquisitor
Race: Human (Haruun Kal)
Appearance: Cazoren is tall and slender with medium brown skin and greyish-blue eyes. His short hair is a dark brown that is nearly black and is combed back over his head and flattened against his scalp. Cazoren prefers to be clean-shaven, but often lets stubble grow when on missions. He possesses a barely distinguishable faded white scar near the outside corner of his left eye.
Clothing: Black cloak and hood.
Armour: Cazoren wears the armoured robes of the Sith Inquisitors; dark grey armour covering his body, shoulders and arms, and intricate dark red designs down the front. His robe falls to his knees, and he wears thigh armour, greaves and boots, coloured the same with similar dark red markings.
Weapons: Two red lightsabers with long hilts.
Personality: Cazoren is tactical, precise and calculating, preferring missions that require finesse and espionage rather than the missions better suited for Sith Warriors. He prefers to stay out of fights when he can help it, but is confident and in his element during times that require speedy thinking and precision to survive. He also has a dry and slightly mocking sense of humour.
Abilities: Cazoren is strong in the Force, preferring the abilities that give him heightened stealth and perception, but is also able to use the destructive powers—Force Maelstrom and such. The use of destructive Force abilities, however, drains his energy, and thus he prefers to use these only as a last resort. He also possesses reasonable training in the Shien and Shii-Cho lightsaber combat forms, and uses his natural and Force-honed agility to his advantage.
Weaknesses: Cazoren is a powerful and persistent lightsaber fighter, but the forms he uses are mainly defensive, and he is by no means the most skilled in them.
History: Cazoren grew up in a Sith Institute on Dathomir and trained in Force abilities and lightsaber combat forms. At seventeen, he left the Institute on a training mission to retrieve a holocron stolen by Kwa marauders. He accomplished the duty with his typical precision and took back the holocron without being discovered by the Kwa. When he returned and gave the report of his mission, the Sith Preceptor Kaxen Hor commissioned him as having completed the period of Apprenticeship on the spot. He then entered training with the Sith Inquisitor Sorgan Crere and became a fully-fledged Sith Inquisitor at twenty-two.
Other: Cazoren’s younger brother is a Sith Warrior, and when the two fight together, their power is overwhelming to all but the most skilled opponents.
- Torqan Mal
Pronunciation: TOR-kan MELL
Age: Classified
Gender: Male
Position: Bounty Hunter
Race: Kaleesh
Appearance: Torqan wears a saurian skull mask over his Kaleesh features, revealing only his yellow eyes. He is a little above average height and powerfully built.
Clothing: Torqan wears the formerly mentioned skull mask and a black priest-like jacket, falling to his knees, open along the front and having small bones woven into the cloth down either side of that split. Beneath this jacket, he wears a dark grey long-sleeved shirt and dark beige trousers, as well as dark brown boots and a utility belt.
Armour: Torqan wears gauntlets.
Weapons: Torqan wields a variety of weapons. He generally carries several blasters and is also trained with traditional Gungan weapons, such as the energy spear and sling.
Personality: Torqan is a person who concentrates on the here and now. He believes that one’s history is useful only for the skills learned back then, especially his own. He is constantly analysing current information with his sharp mind and using it to his own advantage.
Abilities: Torqan is well-trained in fighting skills and knows how to utilise the Internet for his advantage. He is physically strong and knows many of the tricks of the bounty hunter trade.
Weaknesses: Torqan is a good fighter, not an excellent fighter, and he dislikes questions about his history.
History: Born and raised on Naboo as an adopted Gungan, Torqan learned the art of fighting from a young age. But something happened that Torqan has never told, and he fled Naboo to become a bounty hunter. Several years into his bounty hunting career, he met Rawkan Sterynis, a Changeling, and rescued him from the pursuing Diktat Aldory Toarim, whose spaceship Rawkan had stolen.
Other: Wanted on Tatooine and several other systems. Alderaan, for him, is safe.
- Helm Dragonhelm
Pronunciation: HELM
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Position: Force Adept
Race: Umbaran
Appearance: Helm is tall and lean with greenish-gold eyes. He has the dark skin of a Pureline Umbaran and no hair.
Clothing: Helm wears simple grey and black clothes—tunic, trousers, belt, boots, cloak—as well as a black strip of cloth tied across his eyes and bearing eyeholes.
Armour: Helm wears a suit of rugged grey and black Mandalorian armour that has seen obvious use and obvious care. His helmet bears the mark of a golden dragon across the forehead and left cheek, and the same golden dragon is marked across his chestplate and shoulder armour.
Weapons: Helm wields a double-bladed lightsaber with a black hilt and golden blades, as well as a blaster connected to his leg by magnetic straps. This blaster has the function of a grapple gun, among other things.
Personality: Helm is quiet and concentrated, intense and grim. He is always watching, analysing, collecting sensory input on everything. For what reason, no one knows.
Abilities: Helm is adept in the Force and proficient in saberstaff fighting prowess. His combat form has obvious Ataru and Juyo influences. He is stealthy, agile, incredibly balanced, and invisible in shadows. Helm can see in ultraviolet light and, as an Umbaran, possesses great mental prowess and is able to influence people and read minds.
Weaknesses: Every swordsman has weaknesses, and Helm is no exception. If asked, he'd say that.
History: Shrouded. Helm wants it that way.
Other: Nothing else.
- Sol Maronius
Pronunciation: SOL ma-RO-nee-us
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Position: Mercenary
Race: Lethan Twi’lek
Appearance: Sol is a little above average height, lean and graceful, with the red skin of Lethan Twi’leks. His eyes are golden-brown.
Clothing: Sol wears rough mercenary garb—a long-sleeved tunic, a leather jerkin, pants, boots, belt.
Armour: Dark silver full-body armour, minus the helmet.
Weapons: Sol carries a blue lightsaber and a red shoto, as well as several blasters, a rifle, and other gadgets including a serrated knife in his armour.
Personality: Sol is easygoing and good-natured, lively, bold, full of spirit, and cheeky. When the occasion demands, however, he is hard and ruthless. When he commits himself, Sol is loyal to a fault and expects similar loyalty in return.
Abilities: A former Jedi, Sol is skilled in the use of the Force and lightsaber combat forms. He is also an accurate shot from years of mercenary work and bounty hunting.
Weaknesses: Every fighter has weaknesses; Sol is a fighter. Stating the conclusion is thus unnecessary. Sol’s expectation of loyalty can lead to his betrayal, and when betrayed, he is an unforgiving, ruthless enemy.
History: Sol grew up as a Jedi until abandoning the Order as a Padawan and hiring out to several different crime lords and trade houses as a mercenary. He was briefly married to Adidu Maronius before she died/left/vanished, a part of his history that is currently undecided.
Other: Sol is a previous associate of Javez Geten.
- Harn Shate
Name: Harn Shate
Pronunciation: HARN SHAYT
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Position: Elite Legion Commander
Race: Mandalorian Human
Appearance: Harn is muscular, sandy-haired, with thin, sharp sideburns, a whiskery mustache, and thick, greying black eyebrows permanently locked in a frown. His eyes are blue and shadowed by his brow.
Clothing: When off duty, Mandalorian-style clothing that indicates his position.
Armour: Red beskar Mandalorian armour adorned with gold, indicating his position as leader of the Craven Wolf legion. The chestplate of this armour displays a howling wolf’s head on the left.
Weapons: Harn carries a beskar sword and several blasters.
Personality: Harn is hard, grim, serious. He is bluntly direct, despises political manoeuvring, and requires instant obedience. Only those worthy of his respect gain it, and few are worthy of his respect. These few include Aetherix Jarone (Mandalore the Steadfast), Helm Dragonhelm, and several of his Craven Wolf legion warriors.
Abilities: Harn is a skilled and direct fighter with his blade, easily equal with a Jedi, and is constantly training to face Sith Warrior Uradan Jorq when Aetherix lifts the ban. He is a master commander and is capable of leading the elite Craven Wolf legion.
Weaknesses: Harn is not Force-sensitive, and his enemies are numerous. He runs his household like a commander, a trait which alienates his daughter Aryn.
History: Harn has a history that entwines with several aforementioned characters, including Jaraal Starrunner, Rual Dett, and Arizael of Tallusi. Previous to becoming an enrolled warrior in the Mandalorian armies, Harn fought against Arizael of Tallusi and the Marked Ones as the leader of a band of Mandalorian and Taung warriors.
Other: Harn is displeased with Aetherix’s ban on hunting Uradan Jorq, but accepts the Mandalore’s word as final. He is currently teaching Helm Dragonhelm the Mandalorian combat skills used by the Craven Wolf legion. Unlike Aetherix, Harn does not consider Helm a Jedi.
- Varon Parlay
Pronunciation: VA-ron par-LAY
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Sentinel
Race: Human
Appearance: Varon takes very little interest in his appearance. Unevenly cropped hair, scraggly sideburns and beard, standard issue Jedi robes and guard armour. Low eyebrows shadow scrutinising grey eyes.
Armour: Standard issue Jedi guard armour.
Weapons: Varon’s weapon is a short-hilted saberstaff with two blades. In the beginning of a fight, Varon will stand on the defensive and use one blade to lull the opponent into the belief that his lightsaber is a standard construction. However, Varon can very quickly shift the advantage by igniting the lightsaber’s second blade and moving to the aggressive.
Personality: Varon is stolid—calm and dependable, relying very little on emotion or animation. He knows his duty and sticks to it with stubborn loyalty. Adept with handling any situation that comes his way with solid facts and clear mental discernment, Varon allows no flattery, no flirtation to affect him—not hard, since emotion and feelings are not part of his strong suit. Varon rarely smiles and has little to no sense of humour, gaining him the nickname of Master Gloom.
Abilities: A powerful combatant, despite his youth. Trained in the Force. Loyal to the Order.
Weaknesses: In some situations, Varon can be seen as brutal and cold, since he does not feel in the same way most other Jedi do.
History: Varon is a young Jedi Knight, having only recently passed the Trials.
Other: Varon’s one humorous line is, “I don’t parley with Sith scum.” This is Varon’s most famous line among the Jedi, most of whom groan at the lameness of the pun on his last name. Varon himself is quite proud of it, however.
Leilani Sunblade
- Daemora 'Dae' Tai
Name: Daemora "Dae" Tai
Pronunciation: day-MORE-ah 'DAY' TIE
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Knight
Race: Human
Appearance: Dae has short, chin-length ash-blond hair and grey eyes. Her skin is deeply tanned. She's quite short and slim, and usually wears the traditional dark brown Jedi robe over a black shirt, pants, and boots.
Personality: Dae isn't exactly a talkative type. She says exactly what she thinks, and she doesn't sugarcoat things. For this reason, she isn't much of a diplomat, unless you're talking about lightsaber diplomacy. She doesn't mind; she usually prefers solitude to being around people, other than her twin. Even so, she's quick to help anyone in a pinch, but don't count on her sticking around for long. If you're anyone besides Ver, her companionship can be as slippery as an eel. She can also be a bit quick-tempered.
Armour: Generic Jedi armour
Weapons: Twin lightsabers and a blaster, as well as whatever else happens to be handy at the moment.
Abilities: Can use the Force. Is good with mechanics and gadgets and such. Is a very, very skilled fighter.
Weaknesses: Can be a bit impulsive and quick-tempered. Not much of a diplomat.
History: Dae and Ver were both raised and trained as Jedi, and can remember no other life aside from their life on Tython, though they were told they were born on Coruscant. Though they were very competitive during their Padawan years, each always trying to outdo the other, they ended up becoming Jedi Knights on the same day, about six months before the story begins. They were out on a mission when the Sith assassins attacked, and have just now gotten back.
Other: Nothing . . . for now.
- Veraena 'Ver' Tai
Name: Veraena "Ver" Tai
Pronunciation: ver-AY-nah 'VERR' TIE
Age: 21
Position: Jedi Knight
Race: Human
Appearance: Ver looks almost identical to Dae, but her eyes are a bit darker grey, and she's exactly 1.13 inches taller than Dae.
Personality: Ver is quiet, but not as much as her twin. She's also less blunt than Dae, and doesn't get angry as easily. However, she holds grudges much longer than her twin does. She's also not as much of an introvert as Dae is, and she's a bit more loyal, if you give her reason to be. Despite this, she's not as quick to step in and help; she tends to try to analyze the situation first.
Armour: Generic Jedi armour
Weapons: Her (green) lightsaber. Whatever heavy objects are handy at the moment.
Abilities: Can use the Force. Like her sister, is good with mechanics and gadgets. Is a fairly skilled fighter and a good planner.
Weaknesses: Sometimes overthinks things. Will hold grudges for a long time.
History: Dae and Ver were both raised and trained as Jedi, and can remember no other life aside from their life on Tython, though they were told they were born on Coruscant. Though they were very competitive during their Padawan years, each always trying to outdo the other, they ended up becoming Jedi Knights on the same day, about six months before the story begins. They were out on a mission when the Sith assassins attacked, and have just now gotten back.
Other: Nothing . . . for now.
- Ora
Name: Ora
Pronunciation: ORE-ah
Age: 73
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Council Member
Race: Yoda's species, which apparently doesn't have a name.
Appearance: Very, very short. Big grey eyes, wrinkled brown skin, big pointy ears. Has grey hair twisted into a bun-type thing in between her ears.
Personality: Ora, despite her age and maturity, is still rather young at heart. She's very sympathetic to the younger Jedi, particularly the Padawans. When she was a Padawan, she lost not one, but two masters.
Armour: Usual Jedi robes.
Weapons: A green lightsaber.
Abilities: Skilled in Ataru.
Weaknesses: ?
History: ?
Other: ?
- Adali Zess
Pronunciation: AD-a-lie ZESS
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Knight
Race: Human
Appearance: Adali is slightly shorter than average. She has large, blue-grey eyes and wavy, reddish hair, which she usually keeps in a braid.
Clothing: Standard Jedi robes
Armour: Standard Jedi armor
Weapons: Purple lightsaber and shoto
Personality: Adali is decidedly optimistic and extremely stubborn. When she sets her mind on something, you know she'll do whatever it takes to make sure it happens. She's the kind of person you can count on to always come through in a pinch. She does have a bit of a devious/mischevious side, and so can be quite a bit more sneaky than she seems. She has an ever-present desire for adventure.
Abilities: Skilled in Shii-Cho and Jar'Kai, quite agile, surprisingly good shot with a blaster.
Weaknesses: Not especially strong in the Force; her stubbornness can get her in trouble.
History: Adali was born to a Sith couple, but was either captured or 'liberated' (depending on your perspective) by the Jedi when she was only a year old. After that, she was raised and trained by the Jedi.
Other: Nothing at the moment.
- Jezrin 'Jez' Kallash
Pronunciation: Jehz-rihn "Jehz" Kahl-lash
Age: 17-ish
Gender: Male
Position: Padawan, currently masterless
Race: Mixed race. Part human, part something else unknown. (Possibly multiple something-else-unknowns.)
Appearance: Jez has dark brown skin with a faintly greenish cast. Lighter red-brown freckle-like markings spread across his nose and cheeks, as well as his shoulders and upper arms. His eyes are yellow-green, though more yellow than green. His hair is almost unnoticeable, just a light fuzz across his head- the only real visible indication that it's there is that it's a slightly darker brown than his skin. He's startlingly tall for his age, standing at least a half-foot over most other people..
Clothing: Standard Padawan garb in shades of brown- mostly darker browns, with a few tans mixed in.
Armour: Generally just wears a set of leather pads/guards over his knees, elbows, and shoulders.
Weapons: A blue lightsaber and two shotos: one blue (his) and one green (his former master's).
Personality: Jez is moody and troubled. He's driven by a desperate desire to be better, to prove himself, to gain the respect he feels he deserves by any means necessary. The memory of his master's death and his certainty that he was somehow at fault haunt him and compound upon his desire to be somehow better. He's not really a loner; in fact, on his good days, he's quite enjoyable to be around. However, his moodiness and his almost frightening determination sometimes cause him to unintentionally push others away.
Abilities: Some lightsaber training- is better than the average for his age, due to his obsession with proving himself. Can use the Force, but is about average in his skill with it.
Weaknesses: As he's still a Padawan, his skills with both lightsaber and Force are still developing. His emotionally conflicted state can sometimes lead him into trouble. His height also occasionally causes him problems.
History: As an infant, Jez was found on the Temple steps with nothing to indicate who'd left him there. The Jedi took him in, and upon finding that he was Force-sensitive, trained him. He was taken on as a Padawan by the Jedi Knight Tyne Allegra, who helped him to keep his moodiness and constant need to prove himself in check. Since she died while on a mission, however, he's been gradually losing control over his emotions.
- Xyerra Tirith
Name: Xyerra Tirith
Pronunciation: see-EH-rah TIH-rith
Age: Around sixteen, give or take.
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Padawan training to be a Jedi Sentinel, with hopes of becoming a Jedi Shadow.
Race: Human.
Appearance: Straight red-gold hair that is chopped to about chin length. Her padawan braid is just past shoulder length by a few inches. It's a four strand corded braid. She's woven a thin length of pale yellow ribbon into it and has tied three wooden beads: yellow, blue, and green to it. She wears the typical tunic and pants of the Jedi in grey with the robe in brown. She also wears sturdy leather boots and a utility belt of the same material. She also wears a hemp necklace with wooden beads, a gift from the parents she'd never known. Her eyes are a stormy blue-grey and they tend to reflect her emotions, even when her face does not. She has thin, lighting bolt-like tattoos just below her eyes down to her jawline.
Personality: Calm and quiet with the tendency to blow up on occasion. She is a stout follower of the code, but she does struggle quite often with carrying it out. The best way to describe her most of the time is a period of calm before the storm. She's loyal, but has a problem with forming attachments. She's hard on both herself and others, and is most vocal in her criticism believing that the only way to improve is through such feedback. She's very much introverted in the psychological sense in that she feels drained when she's around people too long.
Armour: ?
Weapons: The force when she absolutely has to fight. She has dual yellow lightsabers but she rarely uses them.
Abilities/Positives: Hard worker, has others best interests at heart, loyal.
Weaknesses/Negatives: Overly critical, forms attachments too easily, is less prone to fight even if it's absolutely necessary she'll still shirk from it.
History: Has always been a Jedi in training and remembers nothing else. She was quite loyal to her master, but recently her master Jedi Knight Teria Na'ar, a Togruta, left the order to marry and she was left masterless.
Other: ?
Name: Bri Cerulean
Pronunciation: BREE seh-ru-LEE-an
Age: Early twenties.
Gender: Female
Position: She just recently became a Jedi Knight.
Race: Human
Appearance: Shoulder-length ash brown hair that she ties to the side, wisps of hair are always escaping from the tie. Her eyes are a pale green that is almost a pale blue. She's short and wiry and stands with perfect posture in an attempt to make herself seem taller. She wears a white Jedi tunic and pants with a brown robe. Her robe is just a smidge oversized, enough that it's noticeable but not enough that she would care enough to do anything about it.
Weapons: The force and a green lightsaber.
Personality: She's exuberant and usually bubbly, though when the circumstances call for it she can be serious. She's usually willing to overlook other's faults, but on occasion when the fault is particularly grievous she'll hold a grudge until some sort of an apology is issued. She's always on the lookout for a way to be helpful and to be inclusive of everyone. She's verrrry sensitive about her height.
Strengths: She's well trained in Ataru as that's her preferred form. She tends to read other people well.
Weaknesses: She's impulsive and easily distracted. Her focus could still use some work. And she's still a little wet behind the ears and lacking in the experience that would help her to mature.
History: Your typical Jedi history... She was raised at the temple and trained as a Jedi until she took the trials.
Other: Not that I can think of.
Pronunciation: J. C. Lol.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Position: Bounty hunter
Race: Human
Appearance: Brown hair with a few deep green-blue-almost streaks, parted to the side. She has a braid (french, alternating brown hair with the green streaks) starting just behind her right ear that crosses over her head like a headband to behind her left ear where it joins into a larger braid at the back of her head. This braid is then twisted into a figure eight and pinned to her head using a clip. The clip is a beaded figure eight made of some sort of metal and then a metal chopstick thing goes through it, pinning the hair firmly. Her skin is fairly pale, but a healthy, tanned, pale. She's got a fair smattering of freckles across her face, but congregating mostly across her cheeks and nose. Her eyes are brown, but a lighter brown color than you usually see. Sort of milk chocolate-ish. (Why does a character's looks inevitably reference food?) She's 5 foot 3, and wiry. Proportions wise she's built like a taller person with long limbs and a slightly shorter in proportions torso. Very thin, weighs just under one hundred pounds. Wears a black cowl shirt with black pants. Under these she has a white undershirt that's not visible and she wraps her knees to give them some support, but not tight enough that it inhibits her mobility. Her jacket is a tailored one and fits her well. It's a nice green color to match her hair. The hem on one sleeve is frayed. She usually has a utility belt slung around her hips that holds her twin blasters and other necessary things. Many scars on back, arms, and legs from her time as a slave.
Personality: Confident, but not arrogant. She knows what she does well and she knows what she doesn't do well. She will always try to work anything to her advantage. Considers herself a realist and likes to think she views things impartially and without bias. Enjoys ticking people off and watching them blow up at others and herself. Loves to egg people on, and does her best to remain unprovoked. Usually wears a faint smirk when she knows she can win. If her winning is probable, but not overwhelming then she tends to be more serious. And she tries to avoid situations where she's going to lose. Is notorious for double crossing her allies when it benefits her. Wants to think she's above "useless" emotions and what she considers sentimentality. Thinks long term rather than short term and tends to see the large picture. When planning often makes jumps from point a to point k with no thought of what comes in between, figuring she'll come up with something when it nears the time she needs it. And she usually can. Is very flexible and can change plans on a dime.
In short, she seeks to find the logical option that will inevitably benefit her.
Armor: I don't know anything about armor, so taking a stab in the dark here.... She wears a lightweight chest piece under her black cowl shirt, but over her white undershirt and bracers on her arms under her jacket. That's it. She figures if she's stupid and slow enough to get into a position where she'll need armor then she deserves to be put out of her misery.
Weapons: Twin blasters, anything else she can get her hands on. Likes to think her intelligence can be used as a weapon.
Abilities: Logical and emotionally detached thought process, uncanny ability to benefit herself in nearly everything she does, flexible both physically and in thinking.
Weaknesses: Her logical detachment, untrustworthiness, inability to understand... People. They're so weird, why do they care about others again? Has a hard time of it once you pin her down.
History: Isn't sure where she was born, but grew up a slave on Tatooine. She worked hard, and with the help of her master's daughter (Joy Ardell), bought her freedom. They then ran away from the planet under assumed names. She still goes by hers, a split of her first name Jaycee. Joy then began to go by Audrianna Aria. She and Audri started out as allied bounty hunters, but eventually they split ways. Now she works on her own, but she and Audri still work together occasionally.
Other: Audri's the only person she admits an attachment to.
Pronunciation: Auh-dree-anna A-ree-ah (Joy Ar-dell)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Position: Bounty hunter
Race: Human, white.
Appearance: Thick brown hair, parted to the side with long bangs that hang over her left eye/left side of her face. Left eye is blind and has a milky color from a cataract. Right eye is perfectly normal. Pale pale pale. Sickly pale. This makes the red of her lips stand out, like they do with a sick person. Many scars in various designs reminiscent of tattoos. Major burn scar across the left side of her face and one that curls around her right arm. Small upturned nose, strong cheekbones and jawline. Lips are somewhere between thin and full, closer to thin. Long and lanky, but short. (compared to like everywhere but where I live...) Severely emaciated, but recovering. She has the bony limbs, but her hair isn't as brittle anymore and her face isn't as drawn as it used to be. Over all she looks like she could be fairly attractive, but she's waaaay too thin and pale.
Clothing: Loose clothing with long sleeves and long pants. She's self-conscious of her scars and covers them up. Sometimes when on the job she wraps her arms and legs in cloth strips underneath her clothes and wears an (slightly tighter) undershirt that won't ride up on the off chance that her scars might show. She wears calf high brown leather boots and tucks her pant legs into them. Of course she has one of the cool bags that are hung on a belt and strapped to her leg.
Armor: Same as Jay.
Weapons: Anything and everything she can get ahold of. Knows and is skilled in several various unarmed combat techniques. Is force sensitive, but not strong in the force.
Personality: Ummm... Audri-like? Rude, sarcastic, puts up a front, easily hurt, obsessively idolizes certain people with seemingly no reason to. There's a lot more. Her personality is real enough to me that it's hard to put down as anything other than 'Audri'. She acts differently according to the situation.
Abilities: Skilled in many forms of combat, can out cuss pretty much anyone when she wants to, determined and loyal. Prepared to sacrifice herself. Doesn't lie. Has many connections in the black market. Loves children.
Weaknesses: Has panic attacks, health problems, not really a people person. Scared of death more than anything else, but wants to die. Can't see the faults of her idols, but sees everyone else in the most critical of lights.
History: Born the unwanted illegitimate daughter of a rich merchant on Tatooine. Her mother abandoned both her and Jaxith (Audri's twin brother) on Trey's (Her merchant father's) doorstep. Trey kept her only because he couldn't claim Jax and not Audri. Audri was given to a young slave when she was five to be raised. Before that she'd been cared for by a wet nurse. Her new 'mother figure', the slave, wasn't much older and they grew up more like sisters. Eventually they both got fed up of Trey's abuse and they bought Jay's freedom. They started out as allied bounty hunters, but eventually split ways. Until they met up again.
Other: Real name is Joy Maria Ardell. Goes by Audrianna because that's the name Jaxith gave her, and Aria because it's a shortened form of the middle name her estranged mother gave her. Her motto is live fast and die hard.
- Bri Cerulean
Name: Bri Cerulean
Pronunciation: BREE seh-ru-LEE-an
Age: Early twenties.
Gender: Female
Position: She just recently became a Jedi Knight.
Race: Human
Appearance: Shoulder-length ash brown hair that she ties to the side, wisps of hair are always escaping from the tie. Her eyes are a pale green that is almost a pale blue. She's short and wiry and stands with perfect posture in an attempt to make herself seem taller. She wears a white Jedi tunic and pants with a brown robe. Her robe is just a smidge oversized, enough that it's noticeable but not enough that she would care enough to do anything about it.
Weapons: The force and a green lightsaber.
Personality: She's exuberant and usually bubbly, though when the circumstances call for it she can be serious. She's usually willing to overlook other's faults, but on occasion when the fault is particularly grievous she'll hold a grudge until some sort of an apology is issued. She's always on the lookout for a way to be helpful and to be inclusive of everyone. She's verrrry sensitive about her height.
Strengths: She's well trained in Ataru as that's her preferred form. She tends to read other people well.
Weaknesses: She's impulsive and easily distracted. Her focus could still use some work. And she's still a little wet behind the ears and lacking in the experience that would help her to mature.
History: Your typical Jedi history... She was raised at the temple and trained as a Jedi until she took the trials.
Other: Not that I can think of.
- Jay Cee
Pronunciation: J. C. Lol.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Position: Bounty hunter
Race: Human
Appearance: Brown hair with a few deep green-blue-almost streaks, parted to the side. She has a braid (french, alternating brown hair with the green streaks) starting just behind her right ear that crosses over her head like a headband to behind her left ear where it joins into a larger braid at the back of her head. This braid is then twisted into a figure eight and pinned to her head using a clip. The clip is a beaded figure eight made of some sort of metal and then a metal chopstick thing goes through it, pinning the hair firmly. Her skin is fairly pale, but a healthy, tanned, pale. She's got a fair smattering of freckles across her face, but congregating mostly across her cheeks and nose. Her eyes are brown, but a lighter brown color than you usually see. Sort of milk chocolate-ish. (Why does a character's looks inevitably reference food?) She's 5 foot 3, and wiry. Proportions wise she's built like a taller person with long limbs and a slightly shorter in proportions torso. Very thin, weighs just under one hundred pounds. Wears a black cowl shirt with black pants. Under these she has a white undershirt that's not visible and she wraps her knees to give them some support, but not tight enough that it inhibits her mobility. Her jacket is a tailored one and fits her well. It's a nice green color to match her hair. The hem on one sleeve is frayed. She usually has a utility belt slung around her hips that holds her twin blasters and other necessary things. Many scars on back, arms, and legs from her time as a slave.
Personality: Confident, but not arrogant. She knows what she does well and she knows what she doesn't do well. She will always try to work anything to her advantage. Considers herself a realist and likes to think she views things impartially and without bias. Enjoys ticking people off and watching them blow up at others and herself. Loves to egg people on, and does her best to remain unprovoked. Usually wears a faint smirk when she knows she can win. If her winning is probable, but not overwhelming then she tends to be more serious. And she tries to avoid situations where she's going to lose. Is notorious for double crossing her allies when it benefits her. Wants to think she's above "useless" emotions and what she considers sentimentality. Thinks long term rather than short term and tends to see the large picture. When planning often makes jumps from point a to point k with no thought of what comes in between, figuring she'll come up with something when it nears the time she needs it. And she usually can. Is very flexible and can change plans on a dime.
In short, she seeks to find the logical option that will inevitably benefit her.
Armor: I don't know anything about armor, so taking a stab in the dark here.... She wears a lightweight chest piece under her black cowl shirt, but over her white undershirt and bracers on her arms under her jacket. That's it. She figures if she's stupid and slow enough to get into a position where she'll need armor then she deserves to be put out of her misery.
Weapons: Twin blasters, anything else she can get her hands on. Likes to think her intelligence can be used as a weapon.
Abilities: Logical and emotionally detached thought process, uncanny ability to benefit herself in nearly everything she does, flexible both physically and in thinking.
Weaknesses: Her logical detachment, untrustworthiness, inability to understand... People. They're so weird, why do they care about others again? Has a hard time of it once you pin her down.
History: Isn't sure where she was born, but grew up a slave on Tatooine. She worked hard, and with the help of her master's daughter (Joy Ardell), bought her freedom. They then ran away from the planet under assumed names. She still goes by hers, a split of her first name Jaycee. Joy then began to go by Audrianna Aria. She and Audri started out as allied bounty hunters, but eventually they split ways. Now she works on her own, but she and Audri still work together occasionally.
Other: Audri's the only person she admits an attachment to.
- Audrianna Aria (Joy Ardell)
Pronunciation: Auh-dree-anna A-ree-ah (Joy Ar-dell)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Position: Bounty hunter
Race: Human, white.
Appearance: Thick brown hair, parted to the side with long bangs that hang over her left eye/left side of her face. Left eye is blind and has a milky color from a cataract. Right eye is perfectly normal. Pale pale pale. Sickly pale. This makes the red of her lips stand out, like they do with a sick person. Many scars in various designs reminiscent of tattoos. Major burn scar across the left side of her face and one that curls around her right arm. Small upturned nose, strong cheekbones and jawline. Lips are somewhere between thin and full, closer to thin. Long and lanky, but short. (compared to like everywhere but where I live...) Severely emaciated, but recovering. She has the bony limbs, but her hair isn't as brittle anymore and her face isn't as drawn as it used to be. Over all she looks like she could be fairly attractive, but she's waaaay too thin and pale.
Clothing: Loose clothing with long sleeves and long pants. She's self-conscious of her scars and covers them up. Sometimes when on the job she wraps her arms and legs in cloth strips underneath her clothes and wears an (slightly tighter) undershirt that won't ride up on the off chance that her scars might show. She wears calf high brown leather boots and tucks her pant legs into them. Of course she has one of the cool bags that are hung on a belt and strapped to her leg.
Armor: Same as Jay.
Weapons: Anything and everything she can get ahold of. Knows and is skilled in several various unarmed combat techniques. Is force sensitive, but not strong in the force.
Personality: Ummm... Audri-like? Rude, sarcastic, puts up a front, easily hurt, obsessively idolizes certain people with seemingly no reason to. There's a lot more. Her personality is real enough to me that it's hard to put down as anything other than 'Audri'. She acts differently according to the situation.
Abilities: Skilled in many forms of combat, can out cuss pretty much anyone when she wants to, determined and loyal. Prepared to sacrifice herself. Doesn't lie. Has many connections in the black market. Loves children.
Weaknesses: Has panic attacks, health problems, not really a people person. Scared of death more than anything else, but wants to die. Can't see the faults of her idols, but sees everyone else in the most critical of lights.
History: Born the unwanted illegitimate daughter of a rich merchant on Tatooine. Her mother abandoned both her and Jaxith (Audri's twin brother) on Trey's (Her merchant father's) doorstep. Trey kept her only because he couldn't claim Jax and not Audri. Audri was given to a young slave when she was five to be raised. Before that she'd been cared for by a wet nurse. Her new 'mother figure', the slave, wasn't much older and they grew up more like sisters. Eventually they both got fed up of Trey's abuse and they bought Jay's freedom. They started out as allied bounty hunters, but eventually split ways. Until they met up again.
Other: Real name is Joy Maria Ardell. Goes by Audrianna because that's the name Jaxith gave her, and Aria because it's a shortened form of the middle name her estranged mother gave her. Her motto is live fast and die hard.
- Koynar Tol
Name: Koynar Tol
Pronunciation: KOY-narr TOL
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Position: Lieutenant, ex-Jedi
Race: Zabrak
Appearance: Average height, medium dark skin
Personality: ?
Armour: Lieutenant-ranking TOR armour.
Weapons: Blue lightsaber, two blasters, blaster rifle
Abilities: Has used Force lightning before. (Lightning, not Judgement)
Weaknesses: ?
History: Trained as a Jedi until age 19, when he left the Jedi order, but enlisted in the Republic army. Koynar has convinced himself that leaving the Order was the right thing to do, telling himself that there were problems with the Order that were not shown to the public. However, that is not exactly true. He actually left because he got in a fight with his master—the Trandoshan Jedi Master Hul Maessk—and a few other Jedi.
Other: ?
- Hul Maessk
Name: Hul Maessk
Pronunciation: HUL MAY-esk
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Master
Race: Trandoshan
Appearance: Tall, 6'. Dark greenish-brown skin.
Personality: Aggressive and hot-tempered in battle. Normally calm at other times.
Armour: White Republic vambraces (lower arm armour) and greaves (lower leg armour).
Weapons: One double-bladed blue lightsaber and a single-bladed green lightsaber.
Abilities: Skilled in Tràkata and Juyo.
Weaknesses: Doesn't often willingly stop fighting, even when he's surrounded by Sith and Sith Troopers.
History: Trained as a Jedi at the Jedi Temple. Master of Koynar Tol, who left the Jedi Order at the age of 19.
Other: Hul flies a ship called the Felrell.
- L2-A17
Name: L2-A17
Pronunciation: ell-too ay-seventeen
Age: 5
Gender: Male programming
Position: Built-in droid
Race: Droid
Appearance: N/A
Personality: R2-ish.
Armour: N/A
Weapons: The Felrell's weapons.
Abilities: Can control the Felrell.
Weaknesses: Cannot leave the Felrell.
History: Droid built into the Felrell.
Other: ?
- Thelis Kampion
Name: Thelis Kampion
Pronunciation: THEH-liss KAM-pe-on (soft 'th')
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Padawan
Race: Human
Appearance: Medium height. Dark brown eyes; dark hair.
Personality: Talks fast.
Armour: Traditional Jedi Padawan robes.
Weapons: One blue lightsaber
Abilities: Uses Form I and Sokan.
Weaknesses: ?
History: Trained by Jedi Master Hul Maessk after his former Padawan, Koynar Tol, left the Jedi order.
Other: Younger sister of Sith Trooper Barras Kampion.
- Calane Kiin
Name: Calane 'Cal' Kiin
Pronunciation: CULL-ane KIN
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Preschooler
Race: Iktotchi
Appearance: Short. (He is 5, after all).
Personality: ?
Armour: None
Weapons: One red shoto.
Abilities: Good pilot.
Weaknesses: Not very good at using the Force or lightsaber fighting.
History: Was recruited to the Sith at age 1. Is in Sith Preschool, but is taking Grade 2 flying classes.
Other: ?
Pronunciation: CULL-ane KIN
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Preschooler
Race: Iktotchi
Appearance: Short. (He is 5, after all).
Personality: ?
Armour: None
Weapons: One red shoto.
Abilities: Good pilot.
Weaknesses: Not very good at using the Force or lightsaber fighting.
History: Was recruited to the Sith at age 1. Is in Sith Preschool, but is taking Grade 2 flying classes.
Other: ?
- Javez Ge'ten
Pronunciation: zhja-VEZ GET-en
Age: Mid thirties
Race: Human Mandalorian
Position/Occupation: Mercenary; current psuedo-leader of a mercenary gang
Appearance: Tall, in good physical shape with lean but well-toned muscle. Close-cropped dark (almost black) hair with red highlight streaks. Medium-set greyish sea-blue eyes, long, sharp facial features and evidence of a once-broken nose. Various scars across face and body from a vivacious fighting career.
Armor/Equipment: A personal, customized suit of red and black beskar'gam, with a matching custom multi-slit visor helmet. This armor is highly resistant to energy and kinetic weapons, especially plasma-based weapons like lightsabers and blasters. It is self-powered and equipped with life-support and emergency medical aid systems, as well as a variety of weapons systems.
Weapons: Twin blaster pistols, a Linear Electromagnetic Accelerator Rifle, grenades and detonators, (at least one) sheathed combat knife, and various armor-mounted weapons systems including (but by no means limited to) gauntlet blades and a wrist-mounted rocket launcher.
Skills: Is intelligent and tactically-minded, thus decisive and confident in combat or other adverse situations. Strong and fit, skilled and experienced in weaponry and combat of all kinds, with a unique style of unarmed combat.
Weaknesses: Patience is a virtue largely lost on Javez, and short of temper as well...both of which can affect his judgment and also make him a very dangerous person. He is Force-sensitive, but chooses to ignore this ability and it can sometimes become a liability. Technical mechanical repairs is one area that he is particularly lacking in skill and patience, and would much rather break things than fix them.
Personality: Javez's personality is rather uncomplicated and largely summarized by his strengths and weaknesses. He is generally an easygoing and confident person, fairly social, but somewhat self-absorbed...not arrogant per say, but often occupied by his own goals and rarely bothers with others'. His sense of humor is rarely absent; even in the heat of battle it tends to bubble up excitedly. But beneath all of this, he often questions and resents his own motives and past deeds...he is confused and frustrated about many moral questions.
Background: Javez is fueled by a resentment toward both Force-sensitive factions, for the loss of his love Yatelle and daughter Athia. Deeper and darker secrets are being revealed even now.
Other: Javez is also known as Malachor Ad'gratua.
- Matrus
Name: Matrus/Darth Matrus
Pronunciation: MAY-truss
Age: Unknown (At least 300)
Gender: Male
Position: Experienced Sith, long off the charts and thus unknown by most people.
Race: Humanoid, exact species unknown.
Appearance: Slightly taller than average with a medium build.
Personality: Cold, calculating, and normally silent. Is not especially sadistic, but can and certainly will kill quickly yet savagely.
Armour: A golden face mask similar to Revan's but with three vertical slits beneath the red visor slit. Wears a gold, red-streaked chestplate. Black pants and tunic, and black cloak and hood.
Weapons: Ornate red double-bladed lightsaber. Three long razor beskar claws on each gauntleted fist.
Abilities: Trained first by the Jedi in the six forms, later trained proficiently in the form of Vaapad. A very acrobatic and precise warrior with his preferred doublesaber, but can also perform well with one or two separate sabers. Makes good use of Force Lightning, Force Detonate, and Maelstrom (see Force Unleashed powers).
Weaknesses: Does not socialize with any save a precious few, and then only communicates when necessary. Has no known friends or family, and though his emotions are carefully buried, they are volatile. He only fights out of vengeance, so his sense of right and wrong is tumultuous at best. Therefore, his loyalties to the Sith are thin.
History: Used to work with a pack of other Sith who have gone off the charts along with him but have yet to resurface…
Other: ?
- Lord Cyndar
Name: Lord Cyndar
Pronunciation: SIN-dar
Age: Unknown (At least 300)
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Lord in company of Matrus
Race: Assumed human
Appearance: Dark burgundy cloak and hood, dark grey tunic and pants, black leather boots. Almost always hooded, and face partially covered with wrap. Cold yellow-rimmed eyes and dark hair.
Personality: Silent, dark and unforgiving. Hunts his enemies with cold, emotionless efficiency. Is trained with a lightsaber, but prefers to attack with his devastating Force abilities.
Armour: Sleek black lacquer armour cuirass and vambraces underneath
Weapons: Purple lightsaber with slightly curved hilt and a short, bladed crossguard. Primary weapon is extreme proficiency in Force attacks. (see Force Unleashed powers)
Abilities: Dark Side manipulation, agility, and control over emotions.
Weaknesses: Is not adept at handling more than one Jedi who can dilute and block his Force attacks. Not exceptionally physically strong.
History: Fought alongside Matrus and a small group of other Sith Lords in a largely-unknown team that hunted down Jedi in the far reaches of the galaxy.
Other: Has a secret fondness for donuts. (But nobody knows that.)
- Sendaris
Name: Sendaris
Pronunciation: SEN-dar-iss
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Master
Race: Human
Appearance: Average build, brown hair and trimmed beard with silver edges. Tan tunic and pants, brown boots, rarely wears a cape.
Personality: Calm, collected, and compassionate, wise for his age, and with a decent sense of humour, though he is normally somewhat serious.
Armour: ?
Weapons: Blue lightsaber
Abilities: Average with a saber, but uses his agility and surroundings to his advantage.
Weaknesses: Is attached to his Padawan. Cannot bear to see people in pain.
History: Found his Padawan as a slave girl and raised her since the age of thirteen.
Other: Has no living family and is emotionally scarred deep inside.
- Talia Amrilla
Name: Talia Amrilla
Pronunciation: ta-LEE-ah am-REE-ah
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Padawan
Race: Twi'lek
Appearance: Tall for her age and attractive with exotic teal-green skin. Wears a loose tan tunic over fitting shirt and pants.
Personality: Shy and socially detached as a result of her past, but has a kind heart. Looks up to Master Sendaris as a father. Has slight sociopathic tendencies due to some deep-seated emotional issues.
Armour: ?
Armour: ?
Weapons: A green lightsaber
Abilities: Is strong and ahead of her age in saber fighting.
Weaknesses: Has a hot temper that can blind her judgement. Somewhat behind in Force skills.
History: Was a raised as a slave girl for a tavern on Ryloth, found and rescued by Sendaris.
Other: Likes coffee
- Gataar
Name: Gataar
Pronunciation: ga-TAR
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Position: Mercenary and bounty hunter
Race: Trandoshan
Appearance: About 7 feet tall, orange-tan skin, with a crown of short, blunt horns. Dark orange eyes and sharpened teeth and claws. Strong, even for his naturally powerful race.
Personality: Ruthless, sadistic, treacherous and cunning
Armour: Light plasteel chestplate and greaves over his dark grey jumpsuit.
Weapons/equipment: Blaster assault rifle with underslung grenade launcher, scattergun, and blaster pistol. Gauntlet-mounted vibroblade and an assortment of explosives.
Abilities: ?
Weaknesses: ?
History: ?
Other: Is the (stolen) owner of a light freighter, outfitted with a ridiculous array of weaponry and armor and named The Bloodfreight.
Pronunciation: ga-TAR
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Position: Mercenary and bounty hunter
Race: Trandoshan
Appearance: About 7 feet tall, orange-tan skin, with a crown of short, blunt horns. Dark orange eyes and sharpened teeth and claws. Strong, even for his naturally powerful race.
Personality: Ruthless, sadistic, treacherous and cunning
Armour: Light plasteel chestplate and greaves over his dark grey jumpsuit.
Weapons/equipment: Blaster assault rifle with underslung grenade launcher, scattergun, and blaster pistol. Gauntlet-mounted vibroblade and an assortment of explosives.
Abilities: ?
Weaknesses: ?
History: ?
Other: Is the (stolen) owner of a light freighter, outfitted with a ridiculous array of weaponry and armor and named The Bloodfreight.
- Lara Reyleen
Pronunciation: LAR-ra RAY-leen
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Acolyte
Race: Human
Appearance: Rather small, but shapely, 5'8" and under 130 pounds. Straight black shoulderblade-length hair worn loose, pale skin and dark green eyes accentuated by the Sith yellow. Wears a fitting black outfit and boots.
Personality: An interesting one...Lara is stubbornly independant, less than respectful to authority, and often sassily flirtatious. However, she has an unusually keen sense of justice, and will not abide anything she deems unjust However, this is the biggest wedge between her and the Sith order.
Weapons: Her red curved-hilt lightsaber and the Dark Side, both of which she is very capable with.
Abilities/Weaknesses: She possesses a sharp wit that she always keeps about her. However, her stubbornness is as much as a liability as it is a strength, and her atittude places her at odds with most people.
History: Raised as a normal Sith, Lara's relationship with the Sith has always been a tenuous one. The main reason she is drawn to the Dark Side is the power it offers her, to make up for her shortcomings in making and keeping friends.
Other: ?
- Krai'kan Tarn
Pronunciation: CRY-kan TARN
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Position/Affiliation: Unknown affiliation or motives
Species: Yuuzhan Vong, male
Appearance: Characteristically tall; six and a half foot tall. Tough, grey skin and no hair on his ghastly skull-like head. Heavily built and covered in horrific tattoo-like scars, typical of his race.
Clothing/Armor: A dark grey cloak, on top of which he often wears ornate, spiny, weapon-like battle armor of a dark, shining metal. Eerie ceremonial bone/tooth necklaces and other ornaments.
Weapons: A deadly arsenal of ceremonial melee weapons; as his culture frowns upon technology. He favors a long, sickle-like bladed weapon with serrations, a long handle and a mace-like butt. Another favored weapon is a flail-like axe on a chain.
Skills: As is typical in Yuuzhan Vong culture, Krai'kan (addressed "Tarn") is savagely warrior-like, extremely zealous, and therefore in supreme physical condition and impervious to pain. His body and armor are weapons in themselves, and his mind is both cunning and sadistic. His species is also invisible in the Force, an ability he exploits.
Weaknesses: Prone to anger, and if goaded on his judgement becomes clouded. Has few if any friends or allies and is driven by rather confused motives.
Personality: Dark. Warlike. Sadistic. Extremely violent.
- Kayma Arn
Name: Kayma Arn
Pronunciation: KAY-ma ARN
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Position: Mercenary; Gun-for-hire
Species: Mandalorian Human
Appearance: A little shorter than average; about 5'6" and slender at 122 lbs. Fair, pinkish skin and strawberry-blonde hair, with green eyes and a fox-face
Personality: Sassy and rather cynical, with a dry and sarcastic sense of humor. Not very fond of people as a whole and for the most part only cares for people that are useful to her. Overall quite selfish, but can actually be companionable and is not necessarily a bad person...more like misunderstood.
Clothing/Armor: An incomplete suit of deep blue-green beskar'gam (chestpiece and vambraces), supplemented with plasteel greaves, boots and gauntlets. Has a traditional Mandalorian helmet to match the beskar'gam. Underneath the armor, wears a form-fitting navy blue bodysuit and black boots.
Weapons/Equipment: A Westarr-20 blaster pistol, ripper handgun, and a kal dagger, the latter from her father. Currently inoperable weapons systems on vambraces.
History: Kayma Arn's backstory is to be developed
- Darth Vizios
Name: Darth Vizios
Pronunciation: VIH-see-ohs
Age: Early 30s
Gender: Male
Species: Iridonian Zabrak
Occupation/Position: Sith Marauder
Appearance: 5'10" and powerful, broad physique. Blood-red skin with black tattoos all across visible body. Dark eyes and seeming permanent frown. Crown of horns around head, one broken in a duel
Clothing/Armor: Short, fitting black robes with a red cross-sash. Light black armor inbetween, on forearms, shins and boots.
Weapons/Equipment: Red doublesaber with saber-resistant alloy blades on hilt. Spikes on vambraces
Skills: Extremely skillful in all aspect of saber combat. Average Force ability
Weaknesses: Impatient and short of temper. Is disinclined to use the Force in favor of his skill with a saber.
Personality: Stalwart and stubborn, and bound inseperably to a knight's code of honor. Tends to speak the obvious, and take things very seriously. Does not attack unprovoked, but at any perceived provocation he is very capable of killing any Jedi.
History: To be developed
- Traull
Name: "Traull"
Race, Gender, Age: Human/near-human, Male, 30s-40s
Occupation: Ex-soldier mercenary
Appearance: Without armor: 1.8m/6'2", 84kg/185lb man with hardened physique, black crew cut hair and grey-hazel eyes. His face is chiseled and flecked with scars, and his mouth is a thin, slightly smirking line. With armor: A 7', 150kg blue-and-gray walking tank with full helm, adorned with the impression of some sort of beast's skull.
Clothing/Armor: Heavily modified prototype powered armor suit, blue with grey color scheme. The armor senses the spinal cord's nueral impulses and reacts with artificial muscle, multiplying the strength and speed of its operator. This also allows for full protection against most energy and kinetic weapons (refractive plating and energy screen, respectively). Traull has incorporated small amounts of rare cortosis alloy interlaced in the plating to increase resistance against lightsabers.
Weapons/Equipment: Traull's armor significantly increases his physical attributes, so a punch or kick can crush bone. It also mounts wrist and shoulder weapons systems. Traull possesses a large (and growing) personal armory aboard his ship, Doom Watcher, that includes various rifles, handguns, repeaters and munitions systems. His armor's hardpoints can carry several of these weapons at a time, depending on the situation, and he always has a vibrosword, a couple knives and a handgun on him. The armor suit also includes basic utilities and can mount equipment on the back hardpoints.
Skills/Weaknesses: Traull is, by absolute definition, a warrior. With or without his armor he is a perfectly honed weapon and adept in all aspects of battle. He is strong, persistent and creative in pursuing his goals. However, he has shallow purpose and lives in a certain sense of denial. Bitter and selfish at heart, he has no capacity at trust and is overall socially dysfunctional. Prone to anger and not especially clever.
Personality: Traull is sort of strange and a little bit demented. He is rather sadistic with a twisted sense of humor, and finds combat exhilarating. He usually appears to be good-natured (in his own messed-up way) but is also characterized by dark moods. Overall, his purpose in life seems to be fighting for the sake of increasing his capacity to fight. He dislikes force users of any sort and take particular interest in the art of defeating them.
History: To be developed. Rumored to have worked with the Punisher.
Other: Physical attribute: When he was trained to use his powered armor suit, Traull was augmented with hyper-ossified bones performance-enhancing serum that increases his muscle ability and tissue regeneration.
- Demga 'Dem' Utarroe
Pronunciation: DEM-ga oo-TAH-row
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Sarkhai
Occupation, Position/Rank: Ex-Jedi rogue
Appearance: A little on the shorter side of average, around 5'9" or so. Characteristic of his species, he has porcelain skin and white hair with glinting dark eyes. His hair hangs to the bottom of his neck and is dyed black at the tips of each lock. Usually has a bit of white stubble on his chin. A dark blue tribal-looking tattoo sounds his upper right arm.
Clothing/Armor: A plain undergarment with one of several trench-style jackets, usually brown. He wears a blaster vest under the coat and normally a cloak over it all. He tucks his dark pants into tall boots and wears gloves, any of which may or may not match any other article of his outfit--the concept of fashion is often lost on him.
Weapons/Equipment: His green shoto, which he carries on him in secret, and his yellow lightsaber that was passed down through his family of rare Sarkai Force-sensitives. This, however, he normally keeps hidden away. He also possesses an astounding variety of weapons and gadgets that he has created including but of course not limited to rocket darts, grapnels, flamethrowers and compact explosives. These he mixes and matches in his different outfits.
Skills/Weaknesses: Agile and quick on his feet, extremely smart and sharp on common sense, but unpredictable. Extremely unstable, prime to short-term memory loss, and not always trustworthy. Brave or powerful does not truthfully describe him, but he has a decent mastery of the Force and is the last of his kind to wield it.
Personality: Demga is psychologically and emotionally broken, making him very unstable and resulting in a slew of mental disorders that plague but do not actually debilitate him. But getting past that, in the rare instances where he opens up to someone, he becomes a completely different person and becomes amiable, loyal and even sacrificial. However, it takes a lot of work to dig this out of him. Demga is also rather impulsive, which can be good or bad, and tends to gravitate towards extremes.
History: (Get ready for a novel) Demga was trained as a Jedi with his older sister to the point of early knighthood. But after a major rash decision following a buildup of earlier incidents, he was put on trial to be returned to padawan status or be banished. Harsh treatment pushed Demga's already-fragile psyche and he stormed away from the order to hide among his native people. He begged his sister not to come after him, but kept in contact with her whenever possible and let her comfort him. The Purge occurred less than two months later, resulting in the death of Demga's sister and nearly his own death as well. Demga fled and lived in hiding, trying and failing to cope with the trauma alone. As his psyche feel apart, however, he exercised his intelligence and his people's natural flair for technology, and became a proficient gadgetry tinkerer which aided him in his harsh fight for survival.
- Darth Decretus (Decree)
Pronunciation: DEC-re-tus
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown
Affiliation, Position: Unofficially Sith; officially Dark Crescent of Dathomir. Ceremonially positioned Arm of Judgement, thus his Sith name.
Appearance: Towering and hulking, forever clad in armor. Stands over 2 meters at 6'9", and weighs well over 200 pounds without his armor; powerfully built with pronounced musculature. Invariably wears the Sith Arbiter armor, uniquely built for one warrior: It is the color and luster of graphite, with a vague copper hue, and forged by the ancient hammer methods from a traditional and extremely durable alloy. The broad, angular plates cover Decretus's body from head to toe to fingertip in the ancient style of knights, and are engraved with runes and symbols, with which the armor has been enchanted with the dark Arts of Dathomir. The armor has various ornamental yet deadly sharp projections, and the helmet is adorned with twin bladed crests. A faint orange glow shows from the dark vertical eye slits in the full helm.
Personality: No notes on personality. Decretus rarely talks.
Clothing/Armor: See "Appearance"
Weapons/Equipment: Decretus's weapon is a fusion of tradition and technology: twin pale orange lightsaber blades built into a double-edged greatsword forged from the same alloy as his armor; durable, super-conductive and super-reflective. Also engraved with enchantments.
Skills, Weaknesses: Decretus combines his substantial Force abilities with his powerful physique to effectively bear the massive armor and sword with minimal effect on his speed and maneuverability. However, he is still not exceptionally fast and relies on his strength and passive Force ability (enhanced strength and precognition) rather than aggressive. When he uses the Force to attack in combat, he is rendered somewhat immobile.
- Cander Rendous
Name: Cander Rendous
Gender, Species, Age: Male Umbaran, mid-thirties
Occupation: Mercenary hitman
Appearance: Cander has a pale, expressionless face characteristic of his species, with silver eyes hooded under his deep-set brow. Colorless scars pockmark the skin on his cheek, chin and forehead. He is of average height and built, but with a presence that silently exudes confidence and deadliness.
Clothing/Armor: Prefers dark and unassuming colors to blend in. Rarely wears armor on hit missions, but sometimes has light duraplast armor on or under his ordinary outfit.
Weapons/Equipment: Cander has a selection of weapons that he keeps on his small, nondescript shuttle-turned-home-ship: A sniper slug rifle, a military blaster marksman rifle, a light repeater and a variety of medium-and-small-sized blaster pistols. He also utilizes a variety of specialized melee weapons, gases, and hacking tools. His equipment includes a micro-hologram system integrated beneath the skin on his face, which allows him to keep his already-nondescript identity unknown, but is composed of materials that escape sensors.
He flies around in an old but secretly modified Starversal 300 shuttle, which doubles as his meager home and conceals his weapons cache in a hidden sensor-shielded compartment.
Skills/Weaknesses: Cander is hyper-lethal, having trained with guerrilla militants and a number of assassins in the IBC, Exchange, and the Bounty Hunter Guild. He excels at infiltrating and isolating his targets--and of course dispatching them. He is a fairly proficient sniper, uses blades and other melee weapons as his primary weapons, and is also good at blasting his way out of places. As confident as he is, he does not take any unnecessary risks and will always run rather than stick out a fight. Relies on the element of surprise most of all and can normally not afford to lose it. Trusts no one.
Personality: Cander is as cold and efficient as a steel blade, and equally unfeeling. Unlike his counterpart Lasique, he does not do his job out of necessity or ignorance...he kills because it is his profession, and he excels at it. He does not care for social interaction, barely tolerating it even for work purposes. All he ever does for "leisure" time is study and plan how to improve, and he has a rather bland taste in music and furniture.
History: Cander started bounty hunting at an early age and quickly found his niche as a covert hitman, infiltrating and assassination or sabotage. He preferred to keep his jobs limited to low-profile criminal leaders or businessmen, staying off the radar. Recently, however, the IBC and Exchange have taken notice of his abilities and have began to employ him in larger plots...though he does not yet realize how large.
Kirenyth Fireblade
- Lawrken Manklev
Name: Lawrken Manklev
Pronunciation: LARK-en MAN-klev
Age: 30-ish
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Master
Race: Human cyborg
Description: 6'5", Broad-shouldered, Brown hair, blue eyes(left eye can't be seen due to an ICT lens covering it)
Personality: Mostly light-hearted, but can get serious when it comes to cracking down to the mission at hand. Likes to do things in an unconventional manner, thus earning the not-so-popular title 'grey Jedi'.
History: Was born a prince of a planet in the mid rim, but narrowly escaped death when his home planet exploded when he was a child, damaging over 40% of his body, including most of his brain. His parents took him to the jedi for healing, and discovered that he was a force-sensitive.
Weapons: A green lightsaber, sometimes two, and a shock whip.
Armour: Usually shoulder and chest armor over standard Jedi attire.
Abilities: Due to his cybernetic nature, he is great at thinking analytically, independent, skilled in shien/djem so lightsaber combat, skilled in morichro, can create force barriers, and one of the few Jedi masters who practice force lightning. He also has amazing insight, and can sniff out a hoax or a trap fairly easily.
Weaknesses: Although he is good at analytical thinking, he can be very impulsive at times, and has a VERY low patience level.
Other: Being a so-called 'grey jedi', the only way he was able to make it to the rank of master was the fact that his apprentice, Braytris Sandgar, graduated to knighthood. This was due to the fact that he disagreed with many of the philosophies of the order, especially its disposed view on romance and other emotional attachments. Formerly known as Zelaric Starfalcon.
- Braytris Sandgar
Pronunciation: BRAY-tris SAND-gar
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Knight
Race: Omwati
Cybernetics: Robotic left hand, many tools/mini-weapons concealed inside
Description: 6'10", willowy build, blue skin, blonde feather-like hair, deep blue eyes
Personality: Impatient, fast talker, hates being late, likes cracking jokes but isn't great at it, generally in a lighthearted mood but can be rather short-tempered.
History: Undiscovered by the Jedi until about 5, the only one who convinced the order to let him be trained was Zelaric Starfalcon, who would eventually become his master.
Much later, during a mission, they were faced with a powerful sith lord who was adept in force illusion, who used this power to surround them in an "army" of sith. They fought at first, but Brathiel saw through the illusion, and attacked the real sith lord. However, the sith used force illusion and force masquerade to make himself appear dead. This time, he only partially saw through the illusion, and couldn't recover in time to fully deflect a strike from the side, causing him to lose his left hand.
Weapons: Blue lightsaber, but is adept with most any weapon he can get his hands on. Mostly prefers ranged weapons.
Armor: durasteel pauldron on his left shoulder
Strengths: Exceptional in his abilities with the force, especially with force sight, and proficient in Ataru.
Weaknesses: impatient, often has a short temper, sometimes has trouble concentrating on a project. Also has a tendency to make jokes at the wrong time.
Other: often uses force sight instead of using his eyes, good friends with Zakar Norlang. Formerly known as Brathiel Silverhawk.
- Zakar 'Zak' Norlang
Name: Zakar Norlang (Zak for short)
Pronunciation: ZACK-ar NOR-lang
Race: Epicanthix (near-human)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Position: mercenary (sympathetic toward the Jedi)
Description: lean, medium build, about 6'3", black hair, sharp features, green eyes
Personality: likes to work alone, snarky, enjoys an occasional joke at someone else's expense, can't always be trusted but will help his friends
History: Orphaned at an early age with 2 younger siblings, life on the city planet of Eriadu was very unforgiving. He quickly learned not to trust anyone, but also learned to protect. Once, he got into a fight with a group of thugs, but was saved from being killed by a Jedi and his Padawan, who had happened to be walking by. He became friends with the Padawan, Braytris, and helped him and Lawrken on several of their missions. Later, he became a merchant (and smuggler), but had his ship ravaged by Trandoshan thugs, urging him to get revenge, forsaking his career as a merchant for the mercenary lifestyle.
Weapons: S-40 assault techblade, DT-57 heavy blaster pistol, particle beam blaster pistol, along with other mini weapons installed on his armor. Proficient with almost any ranged weapon.
Armor: modified Mandalorian armor he stole from a bounty hunter, custom helmet, several weapons/gadgets concealed inside
Other: hates rodents.
Raptor Elytra
- Valka Solari
Name: Valka Solari
Pronunciation: VAL-Ka sol-AR-ree
Age: She looks around 21
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Apprentice
Race: Human.
Appearance: Valka has black hair with maroon stripes in them, running lengthways down her back. She has brown eyes.
Clothing: Valka has a black tunic. Her trousers are black with red rings around the bottom. She has a hood that she likes to keep up.
Armour: Durasteel chest-plate under her tunic. Durasteel vambraces and gloves. Durasteel shoulder plates.
Weapons: Two red lightsabers and a blaster.
Personality: To be developed...
Abilities: Skilled with the lightsaber and the Force. She is just starting to use Force lightning.
Weaknesses: Reflexes aren't all they could be…
History: …? (Means to be developed.)
Other: Later revealed to be Athia Savant, back from the dead.
- Baronia Kyte
Name: Baronia KytePronunciation: ba-RO-nee-a KITE
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Lady
Race: Mirialan
Appearance: Purple-blue lips, black tattoos under them. Baronia has green eyes and olive green skin.
Clothing: Black robes. Her cloak has red lines running lengthways down the back.
Armour: Chestplate and vambraces. (All Durasteel.)
Weapons: Lightsaber and red shoto.
Personality: Is hard, but doesn't think that she should take lives for the fun of it.
Abilities: Is quite athletic.
Weaknesses: Can be persuaded quite easily.
History: Not telling.
Other: She has a younger brother, who is a Jedi. So… split family.
- Alessa Tain
Name: Alessa Tain
Pronunciation: ah-LESS-ah TAYN
Gender: Female
Position: Servant
Race: Human
Appearance: Alessa has short brown hair. She has light grey eyes, and a light brown complexion. She wears a light grey tunic and loose black trousers.
Personality: Is quite soft. Doesn't like killing people.
Armour: None
Weapons: Lightblaster, and is known for finding more weapons.
Abilities: She is quite short, so she can go through small places.
Weaknesses: She has a weakness for her adopted mother, Essa, and will do anything to keep her safe.
History: Was taken by Azong when she was little. She was rescued by Essa, and then was adopted by her after Alessa's mother was killed by Azong. She went to Cloud City and was carbonated.
Other: Her mother's name is Maria Tain.
- Obeva
Name: Obeva
Pronunciation: OH-beaver
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Position: Force Adept
Race: Besalisk
Appearance: Obeva has a relatively small wattle, being just out of young-adulthood. He has brownish grey eyes. He has not got very many folds of fat, so he's cold a lot of the time.
Clothing: Nondescript black tunic, plenty of pockets.
Armour: None, but he can make a powerful protection bubble.
Weapons: Force Shield, two lightsabers, one red, one white.
Personality: To be developed.
Abilities: Powerful in the Force, is capable of using a lightsaber while maintaining a protection bubble, but not for long.
Weaknesses: Short-tempered.
History: To be announced…
Other: ?
- Ere'ma
Name: Ere'ma
Pronunciation: Eh-reema
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Lady
Race: Besalisk
Appearance: Ere'ma has six arms. She has a large wattle. Ere'ma isn't exactly overweight, but she's not petite either.
Clothing: Brown pants, and a black shirt with a dark grey vest over it.
Armour: Breastplate, upper leg armour, arm armour.
Weapons: Lightsaber x3, shoto x1. Two blasters.
Personality: To be developed.
Abilities: Able to multi-task.
Weaknesses: ?
History: To be announced.
Other: Her mother's name is Maria Tain.
- Obeva
Pronunciation: OH-beaver
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Position: Force Adept
Race: Besalisk
Appearance: Obeva has a relatively small wattle, being just out of young-adulthood. He has brownish grey eyes. He has not got very many folds of fat, so he's cold a lot of the time. Clothing: Nondescript black tunic, plenty of pockets.
Armour: None, but he can make a powerful protection bubble.
Weapons: Force Shield, two lightsabers, one red, one white.
Personality: To be developed.
Abilities: Powerful in the Force, is capable of using a lightsaber while maintaining a protection bubble, but not for long.
Weaknesses: Short-tempered.
History: To be announced…
Other: ?
- Ere'ma
Pronunciation: Eh-reema
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Lady
Race: Besalisk
Appearance: Ere'ma has six arms. She has a large wattle. Ere'ma isn't exactly overweight, but she's not petite either.
Clothing: Brown pants, and a black shirt with a dark grey vest over it.
Armour: Breastplate, upper leg armour, arm armour.
Weapons: Lightsaber x3, shoto x1. Two blasters.
Personality: To be developed.
Abilities: Able to multi-task.
Weaknesses: ?
History: To be announced.
- Kara Werda
Name: Kara Werda
Pronunciation: KAR-ra WER-da
Age: ?
Gender: Female
Occupation: Mercenary for hire. Any job, any time, but her price.
Appearance: Average height (5'8") slim build with close-cropped dyed hair and green eyes
Armor: Mandalorian, colored dark grey.
Weapons: A bes'bev (which is a flute that can double as a shirk) and a pair of pistols.
Abilities: Being slightly attuned to the Force, Kara can sometimes sense when others are nearby and maybe lift a cup here and there. Most of the time it doesn't work. She usually passes the time playing her bes'bev, which she has gotten better at over the years.
Weaknesses: Over-confidence and sarcasm had a baby and her name is Kara.
Other: Kara flies an ancient Dynamic-class freighter called Ru'trattok.
Age: Who knows? (Mid-forties)
Appearance (under the helmet): Brown hair just starting to go grey, slight stubble. Grey-blue eyes and serious eyebrows.
Armor: Green and grey beskar’gam
Weapons: A Verpine Rifle and two Verpine Shatter Guns. When in close combat, uses his fists and gauntlet-blades. Excellent sharp-shooter.
History: Spoilers, darling.
Personality: Gruff, to the point, and rarely talks more than a sentence to someone he doesn’t like. With his employers, they may get two or three out of him. Those who have heard him speak more haven’t lived to tell the tale…
- Redden 'Red' Gilsha
Name: Redden 'Red' Gilsha
Race: Dathomirian Human
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen.
Position: Unclaimed Padawan.
Description: Of a regular height, but still bearing traces of baby-fat around her hips and cheeks. Black hair cropped close to her face set off her green-yellow eyes. Slender nose, lips large enough to make her uncomfortable with makeup and pointed ears. Tattoos cover her body—thick black stripes that wrap around her waist, legs and arms that remind people of snakes.
Personality: Like a droid in a scrap-yard, always jumpy and watching for the next person who would try and get close to her. Still, when they'd manage to break through her shell, she could be a very calm, organized being.
History: Picked up by Jedi when she was two, Red's only memory of her family was her sobbing mother. When unable to get an answer from the Jedi Masters, Red took matters into her own hands and, at the age of seven, stole and ship and flew to Dathomir. She was caught as soon as she landed, but she found out that the Jedi hadn't 'taken her peacefully and with her parents' goodwill' like she had been taught. Because of her sullen and sarcastic shields, no Master really wanted to pick her. A few tried, but she ended up scaring them off. She served a stint in the Agriculture Corps, but was brought back after a building 'mysteriously' burnt down.
Abilities: Master of Sarcasm and Brutal Honesty. The Force had always been a companion to her, and she learned how to listen to the voices inside that no one else seemed to hear. Lightsabers she hated, being more skilled in spears or whips—which troubled the Jedi Masters even more.
Armor: After being put under 'house arrest' for her pyromania, all that Red wears is a fire-proof tunic and leggings. On the inside, she hopes to earn the full-regalia of a Jedi Knight.
Weaknesses: Even when she doesn't agree, Red always does what the voices tell her to, even if it meant giving up her lightsaber training—not that she liked lightsabers anyway. And, if someone were to get close, Red would abandon reason and completely trust that person, forgoing common sense.
Pronunciation: AR-ran ROO-nee
Age: Twenty
Appearance: Curly medium-blond hair, soft blue eyes and tanned skin, only smiles when in his sister’s company. 5’11’ but has a slim build.
Clothing/Armor: Usually goes around with his blood-red coat, but, if going into a scrap, he’ll wear his green beskar’gam (green stands for duty—his duty to his sister)
Weapons: A Verpine Rifle and various mods to his armor.
Strengths/Weaknesses: With the combination of a strong will and sound mind, Aran can get things done with record speed…unless his sister is involved and could possibly get hurt. Then he’s very indecisive.
History: Born and raised a Mandalorian on the plains, moved to the city when he was sixteen and had lost his father. Worked multiple jobs at once to keep his family cared for, but soon lost his mother due to shoddy hospitals and poor welfare. Now he takes care of his sister and prays the same thing won’t happen to her.
Personality: Quiet around strangers, but can be quite a wild card around his sister and close friends. Extremely protective of his sister.
Age: Nineteen.
Appearance: Soft chestnut hair hanging down to her waist, deep blue eyes and freckles across her nose. 5’7’ with a willowy build.
Clothing/Armor: Usually seen in a white tunic, brown trousers and a blaster at her belt. She keeps her blue beskar’gam in her closet, waiting for the day to use it—if her brother lets her.
Weapons: Since her mother never liked letting her play with guns, Evaar is very handy with knives, since she could practice using them while doing the dishes.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Her pretty face has fooled many a man into thinking she’s a weakling. She quickly proves them wrong. She trusts those she allowed to become closer to her with her life, but becomes blind to any sort of inkling to betrayal.
History: Same as her brother, but stayed at home to take care of their mother when she fell ill. Now she works a job at a produce market, helping her brother keep their tiny home in their possession.
Personality: Very shy around new people, but warms up quickly in the right circumstances. Like her brother, she’d do anything to keep him safe.
Pronunciation: tay-EE-a (or tay-yah) SKWALL
Name: Cabur Karta ‘Black Heart’- Aran Runi 'Soul Guardian'
Pronunciation: AR-ran ROO-nee
Age: Twenty
Appearance: Curly medium-blond hair, soft blue eyes and tanned skin, only smiles when in his sister’s company. 5’11’ but has a slim build.
Clothing/Armor: Usually goes around with his blood-red coat, but, if going into a scrap, he’ll wear his green beskar’gam (green stands for duty—his duty to his sister)
Weapons: A Verpine Rifle and various mods to his armor.
Strengths/Weaknesses: With the combination of a strong will and sound mind, Aran can get things done with record speed…unless his sister is involved and could possibly get hurt. Then he’s very indecisive.
History: Born and raised a Mandalorian on the plains, moved to the city when he was sixteen and had lost his father. Worked multiple jobs at once to keep his family cared for, but soon lost his mother due to shoddy hospitals and poor welfare. Now he takes care of his sister and prays the same thing won’t happen to her.
Personality: Quiet around strangers, but can be quite a wild card around his sister and close friends. Extremely protective of his sister.
- Evaar Runi 'Young Soul'
Age: Nineteen.
Appearance: Soft chestnut hair hanging down to her waist, deep blue eyes and freckles across her nose. 5’7’ with a willowy build.
Clothing/Armor: Usually seen in a white tunic, brown trousers and a blaster at her belt. She keeps her blue beskar’gam in her closet, waiting for the day to use it—if her brother lets her.
Weapons: Since her mother never liked letting her play with guns, Evaar is very handy with knives, since she could practice using them while doing the dishes.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Her pretty face has fooled many a man into thinking she’s a weakling. She quickly proves them wrong. She trusts those she allowed to become closer to her with her life, but becomes blind to any sort of inkling to betrayal.
History: Same as her brother, but stayed at home to take care of their mother when she fell ill. Now she works a job at a produce market, helping her brother keep their tiny home in their possession.
Personality: Very shy around new people, but warms up quickly in the right circumstances. Like her brother, she’d do anything to keep him safe.
- Teyia Squall
Pronunciation: tay-EE-a (or tay-yah) SKWALL
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Rank: Jedi Knight
Appearance: Dark blonde hair cropped close to her head, slightly tilted green-blue eyes that made her look sad most of the time, faintly tanned skin, 5’8 in height, regular-looking build, and a cybernetic arm.
Clothing: Used to wear Jedi robes, now she just wears a long-sleeved brown jumpsuit with gloves on practically all the time.
Weapons: Her green lightsaber and the Force—but only if absolutely necessary. Otherwise, she uses a small hold-out…but only when she needs it.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Her grasp of the Force is powerful, but tends to leave her open to the pain and anguish surrounding Order 66. Fairly decent with her lightsaber, but would rather avoid conflict more than anything. Because of the Jedi Purge, she lost practically all of her ability to trust herself and other people, and hid behind a sarcastic shell.
Powers: She focused on peaceful abilities in the Force while training (healing; precognition; shielding; etc.) so her offensive abilities are a bit lacking unless she concentrates really hard (mainly Force-pushes, speed, and jumping).
History: Raised by the Jedi since she was two, she became a Knight near the end of the Clone Wars, but focused on helping others repair and rebuild their lives after the war swept through. She barely escaped the Purge alive (spoilers) and received her prosthetic limb in the process. Now she struggles to make ends meet, trying to find a new purpose in the galaxy.
Personality: Nervous and shy, but ready to tell you off if you’re annoying her. She’s afraid to open herself up to people, because who knows…someone might be an Imperial in disguise. Hates violence, but will defend herself when needed.
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Rank: Jedi Knight
Appearance: Dark blonde hair cropped close to her head, slightly tilted green-blue eyes that made her look sad most of the time, faintly tanned skin, 5’8 in height, regular-looking build, and a cybernetic arm.
Clothing: Used to wear Jedi robes, now she just wears a long-sleeved brown jumpsuit with gloves on practically all the time.
Weapons: Her green lightsaber and the Force—but only if absolutely necessary. Otherwise, she uses a small hold-out…but only when she needs it.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Her grasp of the Force is powerful, but tends to leave her open to the pain and anguish surrounding Order 66. Fairly decent with her lightsaber, but would rather avoid conflict more than anything. Because of the Jedi Purge, she lost practically all of her ability to trust herself and other people, and hid behind a sarcastic shell.
Powers: She focused on peaceful abilities in the Force while training (healing; precognition; shielding; etc.) so her offensive abilities are a bit lacking unless she concentrates really hard (mainly Force-pushes, speed, and jumping).
History: Raised by the Jedi since she was two, she became a Knight near the end of the Clone Wars, but focused on helping others repair and rebuild their lives after the war swept through. She barely escaped the Purge alive (spoilers) and received her prosthetic limb in the process. Now she struggles to make ends meet, trying to find a new purpose in the galaxy.
Personality: Nervous and shy, but ready to tell you off if you’re annoying her. She’s afraid to open herself up to people, because who knows…someone might be an Imperial in disguise. Hates violence, but will defend herself when needed.
- Cabur Karta 'Black Heart'
Age: Who knows? (Mid-forties)
Appearance (under the helmet): Brown hair just starting to go grey, slight stubble. Grey-blue eyes and serious eyebrows.
Armor: Green and grey beskar’gam
Weapons: A Verpine Rifle and two Verpine Shatter Guns. When in close combat, uses his fists and gauntlet-blades. Excellent sharp-shooter.
History: Spoilers, darling.
Personality: Gruff, to the point, and rarely talks more than a sentence to someone he doesn’t like. With his employers, they may get two or three out of him. Those who have heard him speak more haven’t lived to tell the tale…
- Dexus Paine
Name: Dexus Paine
Pronunciation: ("Dexus" rhymes with "nexus" and "Paine" rhymes with "rain")
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Position: Jedi Padawan
Description: 5'8", average build. Pale-skinned. Shaggy dark brown hair. Green eyes.
History: Spent his childhood in the low levels of Coruscant, barely living off scraps. The Jedi found him alone one night in a back-alley beaten and bruised, and since then Dexus has been under the wing of Master Sienna.
Personality: Dexus is easy-going and blunt. He couldn't care less about what someone thought about him or whether or not he hurt their feelings.
Abilities: Really well-trained with the lightsaber, but a bit rough with the Force.
Weapons: Standard single-bladed green lightsaber.
Armor: Black tunic, leggings and boots.
Weakness: He's merely a Padawan and has trouble concentrating.
Other: N/A
Pronunciation: ("Dexus" rhymes with "nexus" and "Paine" rhymes with "rain")
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Position: Jedi Padawan
Description: 5'8", average build. Pale-skinned. Shaggy dark brown hair. Green eyes.
History: Spent his childhood in the low levels of Coruscant, barely living off scraps. The Jedi found him alone one night in a back-alley beaten and bruised, and since then Dexus has been under the wing of Master Sienna.
Personality: Dexus is easy-going and blunt. He couldn't care less about what someone thought about him or whether or not he hurt their feelings.
Abilities: Really well-trained with the lightsaber, but a bit rough with the Force.
Weapons: Standard single-bladed green lightsaber.
Armor: Black tunic, leggings and boots.
Weakness: He's merely a Padawan and has trouble concentrating.
Other: N/A
- Locke Cindari
Name: Locke Cindari
Pronunciation: lock sin-dar-ee
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Position: Hotshot Freelance Pilot
Race: Human
Appearance: Messy dark brown hair. Chiseled jaw, green eyes. Average height (say 5'10", decent build.
Clothing: Luke Skywalker-esque rags and cloak.
Armour: None
Weapons: Heavy blaster pistol
Personality: Confident. Protective when it comes to his friends.
Abilities: Locally renowned pilot. Good with a blaster.
Weaknesses: Often his mouth can get him in too deep.
History: He was taken in by an expert engineer/pilot named Rowen. Locke began building his own pod-racers at 9 years old and got into street racing at 14 years old. His mouth and his confident personality got him into a lot of fights (earning him some street knowledge). When his "father" (not biologically) died in an incident involving leaked fuel, Locke set off on his own path with his close friend Anders, and now they work together as mercenary pilots.
Other: N/A
Jaran Dranthuil
- Draejan Karn
Name: Draejan Karn
Pronunciation: Dray-jin Carn
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Position: Wandering Loner
Race: Human
Appearance: 6'; short, light brown hair; average build; mysterious gray eyes
Personality: (Much of his personality is unknown even to him; it usually depends on his mood.) Being a loner, he's not always sure how to act around others and therefore often stays unnoticed. Quiet and stealthy, but enjoys a good battle or now and then.
Armor: Light, jagged, steel gray armor covering his chest, shoulders,forearms, and calves, over a black body suit.
Weapons: Dual blaster pistols, Jagged armor spikes and small gauntlet blades, with a pirated ACP array gun on his back.
Abilities: Athletic and skilled at climbing, sneaking, escaping, and infiltrating almost anything. He prefers close quarters combat, and is mildly adept at piloting various vehicles.
Weaknesses: Gets into trouble while exploring and getting into places he shouldn't-which he can't resist doing. He also has trouble thinking things all the way through, and is easily distracted.
History: Whether abandoned or a run-away, nobody knows, nor where he's from. And he doesn't usually stay in one place for long so they can find out.
Other: Occasionally gets hired as an assassin or mercenary.
- Grek Vangar
Name: Grek Vangar
Pronunciation: Greck Ven-gar
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Position: Mercenary
Race: Barabel
Appearance: 6'2", reptilian looking from the hard red scales and 5 cm teeth to his slanted black eyes and sharp claws.
Personality: A vicious and brutal fighter, wary of most humans after being taken from his homeworld. Not one to pass up a good (paying) job and is also a pyro.
Armor: Besides his armored scales—irregularly shaped armor plates strapped to his torso, arms and legs.
Weapons: Blaster rifle, plenty of grenades, serrated axe, teeth and claws.
Abilities: Excellent at tracking, burning and destroying.
Weaknesses: Not highly learned in English; Doesn't always think before jumping into a battle, or before doing many things.
History: Taken from his home planet of Barabel 1, escaped from his captors and became a mercenary.
Other: Nothing else.
Derago Thorkson
- Mikilah Berthoud
Name: Mikilah Berthoud
Pronunciation: mi-KEE-lah ber-THOOD
Age: 17
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Alderaan
Appearance: Long brown hair with dark red highlights usually in a braid. 5"10' and thin, but built. She has one dark brown eye and the other is a bright grey blue. She tends to wear dark a dark leather suit with a belt and chest strap to hold her gear.
Weapons: Bow with specialized arrows (explosive, incindiary, armor piercing, grapple, tracer and homing) (look up the bow from Crysis 3, it's sorta like that), three knives (for throwing or hand to hand), and a green and blue duel bladed light Saber that can split into two separate blades.
Personality: Headstrong, clever and a good negotiator. Has a need for justice and a heart for the disadvantaged.
History: Orphaned at the age of twn, Mikilah moved from one planet to another till she met a bounty hunter, who trained her in the art of bounty hunting. She crated her own weapons and mysteriously found the lightsaber in the aftermath of a battle. She taught herself how to use it and it helped her win many deadly fights.
Strengths: Sense of justice, good shot with blaster, excellent with her bow, proficient with knives and sabers, good negotiator. Quick reflexes and sharp mind, thinks on the fly.
Weaknesses: Not especially strong (must rely on speed and agility), can lose her cool when she sees injustice going on, not the best pilot, doesn't think ahead as often as she should.
- Alti 'Punisher' Berthoud
Name: Alti "Punisher" Berthoud
Pronunciation: AL-tee ber-THOOD
Age: 20
Occupation: Bounty hunter/terrorist leader
Race: Human
Homeworld: Unknown
Appearance: Short blonde hair, 6', very strong, blue eyes, sunglasses, net pattern tattoo sleeve on his left arm, green tight fitting jacket. With cross belts.
Weapons: Dual custom conceal carry blaster pistols, wrist rocket launcher, arm mounted shields for blocking sabers, varying grenades, rocket boots.
Personality: Bitter at the Jedi for various reasons, very sarcastic and clever, criminal mastermind, thought to be slightly sociopathic.
Background: Mikilah's older brother who is now the head of an anti-Jedi terrorist organization known as The Purge. He doesnt know his little sister is still alive.
Strengths: Brutal at hand to hand, decent with blasters, cunning attack coordinator, good pilot.
Weaknesses: Slightly sociopathic, angry and bitter, doesn't see how his actions affect others.
- Draejan Karn
Name: Draejan Karn
Pronunciation: Dray-jin Carn
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Position: Wandering Loner
Race: Human
Appearance: 6'; short, light brown hair; average build; mysterious gray eyes
Personality: (Much of his personality is unknown even to him; it usually depends on his mood.) Being a loner, he's not always sure how to act around others and therefore often stays unnoticed. Quiet and stealthy, but enjoys a good battle or now and then.
Armor: Light, jagged, steel gray armor covering his chest, shoulders,forearms, and calves, over a black body suit.
Weapons: Dual blaster pistols, Jagged armor spikes and small gauntlet blades, with a pirated ACP array gun on his back.
Abilities: Athletic and skilled at climbing, sneaking, escaping, and infiltrating almost anything. He prefers close quarters combat, and is mildly adept at piloting various vehicles.
Weaknesses: Gets into trouble while exploring and getting into places he shouldn't-which he can't resist doing. He also has trouble thinking things all the way through, and is easily distracted.
History: Whether abandoned or a run-away, nobody knows, nor where he's from. And he doesn't usually stay in one place for long so they can find out.
Other: Occasionally gets hired as an assassin or mercenary.
- Grek Vangar
Name: Grek Vangar
Pronunciation: Greck Ven-gar
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Position: Mercenary
Race: Barabel
Appearance: 6'2", reptilian looking from the hard red scales and 5 cm teeth to his slanted black eyes and sharp claws.
Personality: A vicious and brutal fighter, wary of most humans after being taken from his homeworld. Not one to pass up a good (paying) job and is also a pyro.
Armor: Besides his armored scales—irregularly shaped armor plates strapped to his torso, arms and legs.
Weapons: Blaster rifle, plenty of grenades, serrated axe, teeth and claws.
Abilities: Excellent at tracking, burning and destroying.
Weaknesses: Not highly learned in English; Doesn't always think before jumping into a battle, or before doing many things.
History: Taken from his home planet of Barabel 1, escaped from his captors and became a mercenary.
Other: Nothing else.
- Mikilah Berthoud
Pronunciation: mi-KEE-lah ber-THOOD
Age: 17
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Alderaan
Appearance: Long brown hair with dark red highlights usually in a braid. 5"10' and thin, but built. She has one dark brown eye and the other is a bright grey blue. She tends to wear dark a dark leather suit with a belt and chest strap to hold her gear.
Weapons: Bow with specialized arrows (explosive, incindiary, armor piercing, grapple, tracer and homing) (look up the bow from Crysis 3, it's sorta like that), three knives (for throwing or hand to hand), and a green and blue duel bladed light Saber that can split into two separate blades.
Personality: Headstrong, clever and a good negotiator. Has a need for justice and a heart for the disadvantaged.
History: Orphaned at the age of twn, Mikilah moved from one planet to another till she met a bounty hunter, who trained her in the art of bounty hunting. She crated her own weapons and mysteriously found the lightsaber in the aftermath of a battle. She taught herself how to use it and it helped her win many deadly fights.
Strengths: Sense of justice, good shot with blaster, excellent with her bow, proficient with knives and sabers, good negotiator. Quick reflexes and sharp mind, thinks on the fly.
Weaknesses: Not especially strong (must rely on speed and agility), can lose her cool when she sees injustice going on, not the best pilot, doesn't think ahead as often as she should.
- Alti 'Punisher' Berthoud
Pronunciation: AL-tee ber-THOOD
Age: 20
Occupation: Bounty hunter/terrorist leader
Race: Human
Homeworld: Unknown
Appearance: Short blonde hair, 6', very strong, blue eyes, sunglasses, net pattern tattoo sleeve on his left arm, green tight fitting jacket. With cross belts.
Weapons: Dual custom conceal carry blaster pistols, wrist rocket launcher, arm mounted shields for blocking sabers, varying grenades, rocket boots.
Personality: Bitter at the Jedi for various reasons, very sarcastic and clever, criminal mastermind, thought to be slightly sociopathic.
Background: Mikilah's older brother who is now the head of an anti-Jedi terrorist organization known as The Purge. He doesnt know his little sister is still alive.
Strengths: Brutal at hand to hand, decent with blasters, cunning attack coordinator, good pilot.
Weaknesses: Slightly sociopathic, angry and bitter, doesn't see how his actions affect others.
Dropped Out or Absent Players
Gamemaster Grimwarden
Warrior of Aror
Raptor Elytra (having dropped out several of his characters)
Lady Lessien
the Hunter
Warrior of Aror
Raptor Elytra (having dropped out several of his characters)
Lady Lessien
the Hunter
Kirenyth Fireblade
Kirenyth Fireblade
Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Mark Tane
Name: Mark Tane
Pronunciation: MARK TAYN
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Position: Mercenary for the Sith
Race: Human
Appearance: Dark brown hair, blue eyes. Face bears scars from many battles.
Personality: Conflicted, wants to be a better person, but is afraid of the Sith.
Armour: Hard bulletproof vest.
Weapons: Two blasters, a set of knives, bombs, poison, grappling hook, and all manner of gadgets.
Abilities: Fast, extremely sneaky, can defeat a Jedi.
Weaknesses: Has a hard time making himself kill someone.
History: ?
Other: Slain by Gnawthrul in the Jedi prisons on Tython.
- Abriel Tow
Name: Abriel Tow
Pronunciation: AE-bree-el TOE
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Padawan
Race: Human
Appearance: Dark, dark brown hair, grey eyes.
Personality: Desperately wants to avenge his master's death.
Armour: Apprentice robes
Weapons: Blaster, green lightsaber.
Abilities: The Force
Weaknesses: Very young. Not very skilled in lightsaber combat or the use of the Force.
History: ?
Other: Abriel's master, Master Ti, was slain by Mark Tane on Mandalore.
- Si Dan
Name: Si Dan
Pronunciation: SIE DAN
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Master
Race: Human
Appearance: Straight black hair, scarred, worldly face.
Personality: Grim, has seen many battles
Armour: Tough green chest plate, impervious to blaster fire.
Weapons: Dual lightsabers, one green, one blue.
Abilities: Very powerful in the Force, can sense people changing their allegiance
Weaknesses: Can get carried away during a fight.
History: During his life, Si trained four Padawans; Neera Talinth, Valin Sarsis, Master Ti, and Rual Dett, who was reported killed on Mandalore by a speeder.
Other: Slain by Gnawthrul during a space trip. The thumb of his left hand is robotic. Si's favourite colour is grey.
- Inir Tarath
Name: Inir Tarath
Pronunciation: IN-err TAH-rath
Age: 64
Gender: Male
Position: One of the two highest-ranking Sith, a Sith Consul.
Race: ?
Race: ?
Appearance: Red eyes, dead grey skin, hollow cheeks
Personality: Dark, doesn't usually fight.
Armour: Black Sith robes.
Weapons: Red lightsaber and the Force
Abilities: Extremely, extremely powerful with the Force.
Weaknesses: Not very tough.
History: ?
Other: Inir and Jaraal are the two Consuls of the Sith Consulate. Inir trained Yanna Jakal, Gnawthrul's Master.
- Gnawthrul Haniri
Name: Gnawthrul Haniri
Pronunciation: NAW-throol han-EER-ee
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Position: Bounty Hunter
Race: Human
Appearance: Colorless, drained skin. Completely black eyes. Tall and muscular.
Personality: ?
Armour: Blaster-proof black armor, nearly impervious to blaster fire.
Weapons: One long red saber, spiked brass knuckles, a blaster.
Abilities: Amazing at Ataru style fighting. Never misses with a blaster.
Weaknesses: Won't give up on a fight, even if he knows he will lose.
History: ?
Other: Brother of Nordan and Essa Haniri.
- Valin Sarsis
Name: Valin Sarsis
Pronunciation: VAY-lin SAR-siss
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Master
Race: Human
Appearance: Blonde hair, kind blue eyes, a friendly smile.
Personality: Joking, but very serious when in battle
Armour: Green Jedi robes.
Weapons: Dual green sabers, a blaster, and the Force.
Abilities: Force-sensitive, skilled with the fighting form of Soresu, much like his older brother.
Weaknesses: Can be a bit too merciful.
History: ?
Other: Works at a Space Station as a guard. The younger stepbrother of Kazadan Sarsis. Valin was trained by Si Dan.
- Neera Talinth
Name: Neera Talinth
Pronunciation: NEAR-er ta-LINTH
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Council Member (Jedi Master)
Race: Human
Appearance: Raven black hair, green eyes.
Personality: Sarcastically wise.
Armour: Jedi robes
Weapons: Dual purple sabers
Abilities: Fast, skilled in Vaapad.
Weaknesses: Can get too cocky in a fight
History: ?
Other: Neera's Master was Si Dan. She trained a Padawan named Halin Microft to Knighthood.
- Yanna Jakal
Name: Yanna Jakal
Pronunciation: YAR-na or YAN-na ja-KARL
Age: 49
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Lord
Race: Human
Appearance: Straight black hair, grey eyes.
Personality: Grey, sullen.
Armour: Black Sith robes.
Weapons: Two double-bladed sabers, one in each hand.
Abilities: The Dark Side; nearly as learned as Inir in the ways of the Dark Side
Weaknesses: Has many enemies
History: ?
Other: The master of Gnawthrul and the apprentice of Inir Tarath. Thought slain by her apprentice on Tython. However, she actually survived, but died a while later.
- Ara Nerona
Name: Ara Nerona
Pronunciation: AR-ra ne-RONE-naAge: 20
Gender: Female
Position: Bounty Hunter
Race: ?
Appearance: Dirty blond hair, dull grey eyes, thing and scraggly.
Personality: Always finishes what she starts, not one to give up. Loyal to friends, brutal to her enemies.
Armour: Nearly blaster-proof Mandalorian armour that she took off one of her bounties. Tooth necklace and long spiked gauntlets down her arms.
Weapons: Vibroblade, large arsenal of weaponry, from blaster pistols to hand held cannons she is prepared for anything.
Abilities: Fast, a crack shot with a blaster, and just as good as a Jedi with her Vibroblade.
Weaknesses: Has a ton of enemies on her tail.
History: ?
Other: ?
- Mara Silth
Pronunciation: MAR-ra SILTH
Age: ?
Gender: Female
Position: ?
Race: ?
Appearance: Long brown hair, usually in a muss all over her face, dull green eyes. But most of the time she keeps a black hood covering her face so as nobody can see her.
Personality: Dark, brooding. Rarely says much at all.
Armour: ?
Weapons: Single bladed yellow saber
Abilities: Very strong in the Force, and complete and total mastery in Ataru (like Ataru beyond the skills of a Grandmaster)
Weaknesses: Can be cruel at times, so her bond with the Jedi is not very strong. She is respected by them, but not many agree with her methods of dealing with her enemies.
History: ?
Other: ?
- Thanatos Vanon
Name: Thanatos Vanon
Pronunciation: THAN-na-toss VAN-non
Age: Some say he has been around since the beginning of time, but this of course cannot be true.
Gender: Male
Occupation: He simply is. Nobody truly knows who he is, or what his purpose is.
Race: Human
Appearance: Never shows his face, wears a black skull mask with dark red eye slits. Dark robes.
Armour: Armour of a Jedi.
Clothing: Robes of a Sith.
Weapons: Clawed gloves, spiked gauntlets, dual vibroblades.
Personality: He has not been known to speak. But what can be determined from him is that he is brutal, unforgiving and devoid of kindness in any form. Nothing will stand in his way from his ultimate goal, whatever that may be.
Abilities: Uses both sides of the Force, but is most definitely not a Grey Jedi.
Weaknesses: He has no alliances, he works alone.
History: Unknown.
Other: None.
- Xandok Elire
Name: Xandok Elire
Pronunciation: KSAN-dock e-LIREAge: ?
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Trooper
Race: Human
Appearance: Yellowing skin. Blind, staring eyes. Weasley in appearance but surprisingly strong. Has a device implanted in his brain, allowing him to see noise.
Personality: Strangely fascinated with the world he can't see. Takes pleasure in seeing how far he can push people before they snap.
Abilities: One of the best shots in the galaxy when it comes to a sniper rifle
Weaknesses: He can't see anything that doesn't make even the slightest noise.
Strengths: Can hear everything from a person's heartbeat to the sound of blood rushing through your veins clear as day. Impossible to sneak up behind.
Weapons: Spiked gauntlet ending in a large metal claw that engulfs his hand. Sniper rifle. All manner of knives for pulling out guts or sticking pressure points.
History: ?
Other: None
Warrior of Aror
- Kian Shekk
Name: Kian Shekk
Pronunciation: KEE-an SHECK
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Knight
Race: Human
Appearance: Average height, messy chocolate color hair, very dark green eyes, sharp jaw, strong built frame.
Personality: Often suspicious, but can be, or was, kind. Is a total rogue, often working himself up into frenzies. He overlooks anything he's accomplished and sets his eyes ahead. Inside, he's a workaholic. Can often be foolish and rash in quick decisions.
Armour: Jedi Padawan robes with customary (of that time) battle armor shoulder guards.
Weapons: Dark blue lightsaber and sniper rifle.
Abilities: Can use the Force to some extent. Excellent Sniper.
Weaknesses: Can make rash and foolish decisions in dire times. Often works himself into frenzies.
History: Kian's Master, Jian Kee, was killed on Mandalore in the Battle of Mandalore by Zuc'ar Nochimo. Kian was wounded in that fight and returned to Tython with fellow Jedi Si Dan. When Kian attempted to leave the Order, Jedi Master Si Dan followed him and ultimately dissuaded Kian through the Master's death at the hands of Gnawthrul Haniri. Kian then took the Trials, despite his youth, and passed. Immediately after becoming a Knight, Kian, along with Kazadan Sarsis and Cald Arenna, set off for Cloud City to face Gnawthrul Haniri. The resulting Battle of Cloud City ended with Gnawthrul wounded but not dead and Kian possessing a new dark power given to him by Grey Jedi Master Djo-im Pollik. Kian, Kazadan and Cald tracked Gnawthrul to Tatooine, where Kian faced and killed Sith Lord Azong Tiye, to the mansion of Jedi Master Est, then to Coruscant, and finally to Kamino. On Kamino, Kian and Gnawthrul engaged in a duel to the death, where both were severely wounded. When Gnawthrul told Kian to kill him, Kian gave up his hatred of Gnawthrul and came to peace. The young Jedi Knight died several minutes later after Gnawthrul's fall into the raging seas of Kamino.
Other: His master is Master Jian Kee.
- Astrid Shekk
Name: Astrid Shekk
Pronunciation: ASS-trid SHECK
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Lady
Race: Human.
Appearance: She has grey-green eyes with waved long chocolate brown hair that reaches just a few inches above her waist and is usually laying over her left shoulder. She has a thin, tall frame, very agile but not good for a head on fight.

Astrid at 11
Personality: She is talkative at times, but also likes to think things out before she decides what her opinion is on something. She is a mastermind in strategical thinking - always planning before doing.
Armour: Black and silver Sith robes, with red shoulder guards and kneepads.
Weapons: Two black-handled, red-bladed lightsabers that have the ability to connect and disconnect.
Abilities: She is rather weak in the Force compared to others, but has excellent lightsaber skills in ambushing that have saved her on the battlefield more than once.
Weaknesses: She is tall and thin, therefore combatting with heavier, stronger Jedi or other Force-users is a challenge if she does not have the drop on them. She also feels unsafe whenever jumping into something she doesn't have a plan for - often unnerving her to a great extent.
History: She had been ordered by her Master to retrieve Zuc'ar, who the Sith had not heard of since his location device had been destroyed in the early stages of the fighting on Mandalore. Astrid was now told to seek and find Zuc'ar and bring him back to the Sith alive.
Other: Her Master is Darth Lucius.
- Djo-im Pollik
Name: Djo-im "Djo" Pollik
Pronunciation: DJO-im POLL-ick
Age: 50?
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Council Member
Race: Human
Appearance: Pale skinned and usually found wearing black Jedi robes, Djo has a color scheme of yellow and black mixed in his clothes. His saber hilt is curved and painted yellow. He has a yellow lightsaber blade.
Personality: Grim, thoughtful, and very, very serious. Has been known to have never said anything funny in his life. Ever. He also hates poor little Younglings . . . XD
Armour: Thick black Mandalorian armor covering his entire body with the robes covering over unless he's in battle.
Weapons: Yellow lightsaber, and a blaster-reflective shield.
Abilities: Is a Master in the Ataru form. Leads an army with grim delight and will often crush his enemy with superior tactical skills.
Weaknesses: He is extremely haughty and overconfident, but checks himself once in a while. He also prefers to lead an army alone, and usually refuses aid.
History: He was orphaned on Naboo as a very young child. When a Master saw that his midi-chlorines were outrageously high, he began to train Djo.
Other: Djo prefers to stay off of Tython, and rather to be on whatever planet the heat of action is. He most commonly appears on the Council in a hologram.
- Scott Remiraz
Name: Trooper Scott Remiraz
Pronunciation: SKOTT REM-mire-raz
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Position: Republic Trooper
Race: Mandalorian Human
Appearance: He's a large built man, not husky but broad shouldered and thick, muscly. He looks more like a shock soldier than a scout. He wears the average Republic Trooper armor tinted silver, with a yellow body suit underneath showing through the armor pieces. He has a medic pack strapped to the small of his back so that he can act as a medic while off scout duty.
Personality: Rough and tough, but compassionate and humorous. He's optomistic of the future, but doesn't talk much about his past. He'll take the blow for a friend, and will offer grace to an enemy, and avoids violence if he can.
Armour: Silver Republic Trooper armor with a yellow body suit beneath, and also a yellow plexiglass space to see through
on his helmet.
Weapons: A light repeating blaster.
Abilities: He's strong (physically, that is) and can lift a great deal of junk.
Weaknesses: Tender heart inside the armor shell that can be broken open and torn apart if you mention his son . . .
He has a lot more mercy than is probably best for him.
History: Born on Mandalore, raised by his uncle on the young planet of Coruscant (not a city planet at this time ;)
Other: He enjoys fried chicken.
- Skanders Tralvaar
Name: Skanders Tralvaar
Pronunciation: SKAN-ders TREL-var
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Position: Bounty Hunter
Race: Human
Appearance: Short but ragged dusty light brown hair and light blue eyes. He wears a leather jacket and leather backpack, filled with a dozen different gadgets and other trivial (but deadly) things. He sometimes wears a khaki fishing hat, but prefers his green nightvision goggles. He has a short black dagger, tan pants with one leg ripped off from the knee down,
some small explosives tucked in his sleeve, and a small arrow-caster, which shoots small electric bolts at laser speed; they can both kill or stun. He wears a hard expression constantly.
Personality: He tries to stay cool and confident even after succesful "elimination" missions, but inside is weak and insecure. He tries to stay cool and confident, that is. Just about everyone he knows sees straight through him. He has a soft spot for naive children, and feels cheated of his early life. That's all I've got right now.
Armour: Not much. He relies on agility over armour - probably a bad move.
Weapons: A hundred different gadgets, including small detonation bombs, a short black knife, a small bowcaster, and a scowl that could kill a Moonrascal galaxies away.
Abilities: He's fast and light on his feet, and can scrape through just about any situation.
Weaknesses: He's not good with medicine or healing. He's fairly insecure, though doesn't know why and scolds himself about it.
History: He was raised by a Sith Trooper named Capone, but Capone clearly didn't want to do it. There was a hidden benefactor from the start. Parents were never mentioned. Skanders knew enough not to bring it up.
Other: ?
- Nu'mural Gii
Name: Nu'mural Gii
Pronunciation: Nyue-MYUR-al JEE
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Inquisitor
Race: Alderaan Human
Appearance: Tall, broad shouldered, a cold eye. A grey scar over his right eye.
Clothing: Black robes. A permanent bandage wrap over his left arm - legend has it that he hides a terrible scar beneath. And though it may have not been the ugliest of scars he sports, it carries something with it that burdens him . . . according to legend.
Armour: Tight black leather bodysuit beneath his robes. Only useful for softening a fall, punch, or other assault besides blaster bolts or saber cuts.
Weapons: A red saber.
Personality: He is . . . well, he's a Sith Inquisitor. Mysterious, stays to the shadows, calculating and calm. Like I said, Sith Inquisitor.
Abilities: He is strong in the Force.
Weaknesses: Legend has it he has no weaknesses . . . again, according to legend.
History: Born on Alderaan. The brother of Carva Gii, a Jedi Temple guard.
- Mordrei Ketosis Alice
Name: Mordrei Ketosis Alice
Pronunciation: More-dray Key-toe-sis Al-iss
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Position: Search & Rescue Member
Species: Kaleesh
Appearance: ?
Clothing: Normal Search & Rescue uniform and a skull
Armour: Skull mask and other light armor underneath
Weapons: Repeating blaster rifle.
Personality: Gruff, doesn't like serving other people, greedy, likes bird watching, is an animal person, very sensible and realistic.
Abilities: Immensely strong, can bellow loud enough everyone within a mile hears.
Weaknesses: Can get on someone's nerves without trying; greedy.
History: Born on Cloud City to two immigrant Kaleesh.
Other: N/A
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Astrid at 11 |
Name: Trooper Scott Remiraz
Pronunciation: SKOTT REM-mire-raz
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Position: Republic Trooper
Race: Mandalorian Human
Appearance: He's a large built man, not husky but broad shouldered and thick, muscly. He looks more like a shock soldier than a scout. He wears the average Republic Trooper armor tinted silver, with a yellow body suit underneath showing through the armor pieces. He has a medic pack strapped to the small of his back so that he can act as a medic while off scout duty.
Personality: Rough and tough, but compassionate and humorous. He's optomistic of the future, but doesn't talk much about his past. He'll take the blow for a friend, and will offer grace to an enemy, and avoids violence if he can.
Armour: Silver Republic Trooper armor with a yellow body suit beneath, and also a yellow plexiglass space to see through
on his helmet.
Weapons: A light repeating blaster.
Abilities: He's strong (physically, that is) and can lift a great deal of junk.
Weaknesses: Tender heart inside the armor shell that can be broken open and torn apart if you mention his son . . .
He has a lot more mercy than is probably best for him.
History: Born on Mandalore, raised by his uncle on the young planet of Coruscant (not a city planet at this time ;)
Other: He enjoys fried chicken.
Other: ?
- Nu'mural Gii
Name: Nu'mural Gii
Pronunciation: Nyue-MYUR-al JEE
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Inquisitor
Race: Alderaan Human
Appearance: Tall, broad shouldered, a cold eye. A grey scar over his right eye.
Clothing: Black robes. A permanent bandage wrap over his left arm - legend has it that he hides a terrible scar beneath. And though it may have not been the ugliest of scars he sports, it carries something with it that burdens him . . . according to legend.
Armour: Tight black leather bodysuit beneath his robes. Only useful for softening a fall, punch, or other assault besides blaster bolts or saber cuts.
Weapons: A red saber.
Personality: He is . . . well, he's a Sith Inquisitor. Mysterious, stays to the shadows, calculating and calm. Like I said, Sith Inquisitor.
Abilities: He is strong in the Force.
Weaknesses: Legend has it he has no weaknesses . . . again, according to legend.History: Born on Alderaan. The brother of Carva Gii, a Jedi Temple guard.
- Mordrei Ketosis Alice
Pronunciation: More-dray Key-toe-sis Al-iss
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Position: Search & Rescue Member
Species: Kaleesh
Appearance: ?
Clothing: Normal Search & Rescue uniform and a skull
Armour: Skull mask and other light armor underneath
Weapons: Repeating blaster rifle.
Personality: Gruff, doesn't like serving other people, greedy, likes bird watching, is an animal person, very sensible and realistic.
Abilities: Immensely strong, can bellow loud enough everyone within a mile hears.
Weaknesses: Can get on someone's nerves without trying; greedy.
History: Born on Cloud City to two immigrant Kaleesh.
Other: N/A
Raptor Elytra
- Azong Tiye
Name: Azong Tiye
Pronunciation: AZ-ong TIE
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Lord
Race: Besalisk
Appearance: Four-armed, brown-skinned, red armour.
Armour: Red and black breastplate.
Personality: Very short temper. Has a knack for cruelty.
Weapons: Four red lightsabers; two single-bladed, two double-bladed
Abilities: Able to sustain damaging wounds without flinching.
Weaknesses: ?
History: ?
Other: Trained by Morcarcion, the governor of Cloud City, a secret Sith Lord. Slain by Kian Shekk on Tatooine, becoming the first named Sith in the Battle killed by Jedi hands.
- Nelev Sepech
Name: Nelev Sepech
Pronunciation: NEH-lev SE-peck
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Master
Race: Human
Appearance: Short black hair, grey eyes.
Personality: Very wise.
Armour: White arm guards, blue breastplate
Weapons: Blue lightsaber
Abilities: ?
Weaknesses: ?
History: ?
Other: ?
- Gaorth Tain
Name: Gaorth Tain
Pronunciation: GAY-orf
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Position: Republic Trooper
Race: Human
Appearance: He has a robotic leg and one of his arms is robotic as well. Also an assortment of robotic toes and fingers.
Clothing: Tunic.
Armour: Normal Trooper armour.
Weapons: Grenades, blasters.
Personality: He is quite kind, but can be brutal.
Abilities: He is quite thin, so he can get through gaps easily.
Weaknesses: He doesn't want anyone near his daughter, and will kill anyone to get to her.
History: Gaorth married a human named Maria. They had a daughter. Just before she was born, Gaorth led an attack on a sith ship. On that ship was Azong Tiye's older brother, Trake. Gaorth killed him. Azong wanted to avenge his brother, so he killed Gaorth. Or so he thought. Gaorth survived, but he was very hurt. Now, nine years later, he is back. And he is out to get his daughter.
Other: Gaorth was killed by Darth Pyre in Mos Easli, Tatooine, along with his squad.
- Retcara Patorn
Name: Retcara Patorn
Pronunciation: ret-CAR-a pat-TORN
Age: 16 1/2
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Padawan
Race: Kel Dor
Appearance: ?
Clothing: White tunic. Black cloak. He has a mask like Plo Koon, but the spikes are shorter and it is black instead of grey.
Armour: Arm armour
Weapons: Double white shotos.
Personality: Introvert.
Abilities: When he makes a good friend, he expects them to stay with him.
Weaknesses: Isn't very smart.
History: Has had two masters but they have both died. Wants another one.
Other: Retcara Patorn has now been dropped out of the Battle.
- Athia Savant
Name: Athia Savant (Marae Geten)
Pronunciation: ATH-ee-ah sa-VARNT / ma-RAY GET-en
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Padawan, Bounty Hunter
Race: Human
Appearance: She has maroon hair, usually flowing back over her shoulders. She has a braid running down the length of her hair at the back. Her padawan braid is brown, and it’s at least a foot long. Her eyes are hazel. Her left one has an assortment of green, yellow and blue speckles in it. The right eye has no other colours in it. She has reddish cheeks, and her skin is tanned from all the time in the sun at Tatooine.
Clothing: Athia has a white tunic with light brown lines running through it. The sleeves are light brownish. Her trousers are a dark brown, tied with a black belt.
Or Black calf length tunic tied with a brown belt. Black trousers with red stripes running along them up/down ways. Black knee length boots with the trousers tucked into them. Armour: Thin dura-steel armour chestplate under her tunic.
Or Thin dura-steel armour chestplate, dura-steel vambraces.
Weapons: Mwhaha. Where should we start? At the start, Athia had a lightsaber and a shoto. After Malton ‘died’ she took his saber. Then Javez got the shoto. Now she was left with two lightsabers. Then she restocked. Now she has her two lightsabers, plus another small shoto in her boot. Then she also has a medium blaster and two smaller ones.
Personality: Well… you know Athia. Sorta short-tempered. She is an extrovert and can be quite emotional.
Abilities: Reasonably skilled with Lightsaber and the Force.
Weaknesses: Not very good at keeping up shields and stuff with the force.
History: She was born to Javez and Yatelle. When she was two, Yatelle died and Athia (Marae at that time) was taken by Malton to the Jedi. She became Malton’s apprentice at the age of twelve after ten years of being a Hopeful. She went with Malton when he was ‘exiled’ to Tatooine.
Other: Athia died in Cas Ascos, Tatooine, after her father Javez Geten destroyed Avarice Khan and his army with a baradium missile.
Personality: Very short temper. Has a knack for cruelty.
Other: ?
- Gaorth Tain
- Retcara Patorn
- GR-47
Name: GR-47
Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown, but speaks in a male voice and is referred to as "he".
Position: Service droid on the Starlancer.
Race: Protocol Droid
Appearance: Basically a blue-tinted C-3PO.
Personality: Always willing to help, and correct others' mistakes.
Armour: Full-body chest plating, tinted blue.
Weapons: None.
Abilities: Translating, manners, serving skills (specialises in making cheese sandwiches).
Weaknesses: Slow (waddles around), not much knowledge of the galaxy.
History: GR-47 was built on an old spice freighter as a servant to a crime lord.
Other: Nicknamed "Grrr" by his previous owner. He is quite fond of his silver-blue plating, and likes to view himself as a 'good' droid.
- Iggy Ruffel
Name: Iggy Ruffel
Pronunciation: IG-gi RUFF-ell
Age: Adolescent by Gungan standards
Gender: Male
Position: ?
Race: Gungan
Appearance: Like Jar Jar Binks, but slightly more greyish/blackish.
Personality: Not clumsy, but not smart either.
Armour: ?
Weapons: His fists, legs, tongue, etc.
Abilities: Jumping high, his tongue.
Weaknesses: Not very smart.
History: Came to Tatooine after being stranded in an escape pod
Other: Iggy has a twin brother—Piknab Low Ta.
- Piknab Low Ta
Name: Piknab Low Ta
Pronunciation: PIK-nab LOW-taw (means Clever Eyes)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Position: Bounty Hunter
Race: Gungan
Appearance: Grey
Personality: Hard, vengeful.
Armour: Gungan battle armour.
Weapons: Electrostaff, Bodooka gun. (shoots energy balls)
Abilities: Jumping high, being clever.
Weaknesses: Angry and can get out of control sometimes.
History: Unknown
Other: Piknab claimed to be Iggy for a while, but later ran into Iggy, who turned out to be his twin brother.
- Dez
Name: Delta 54
Nickname: Dez
Pronunciation: DEZ
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Race: ?
Position: Member of Ghost Ranger Delta squad / Republic Trooper
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, about 5'8", not excessively muscular.
Clothing: Republic Trooper armour
Armour: Republic Trooper armour
Weapons: Blaster rifle, a few grenades here and there.
Other equipment: Standard technician's toolkit, including hydrospanners and a cutting torch.
Personality: Kind of a nerd/technician sort of guy. Slow when it comes to jokes, etc.
Abilities: Good at hotwiring doors.
Weaknesses: Not all that accurate with his rifle.
History: ?
Other: Being a part of special forces, he was issued a BT-7 Thunderclap rapid assault ship.
- GR-47
Name: GR-47
Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown, but speaks in a male voice and is referred to as "he".
Position: Service droid on the Starlancer.
Race: Protocol Droid
Appearance: Basically a blue-tinted C-3PO.
Personality: Always willing to help, and correct others' mistakes.
Armour: Full-body chest plating, tinted blue.
Weapons: None.
Abilities: Translating, manners, serving skills (specialises in making cheese sandwiches).
Weaknesses: Slow (waddles around), not much knowledge of the galaxy.
History: GR-47 was built on an old spice freighter as a servant to a crime lord.
History: GR-47 was built on an old spice freighter as a servant to a crime lord.
Other: Nicknamed "Grrr" by his previous owner. He is quite fond of his silver-blue plating, and likes to view himself as a 'good' droid.
- Iggy Ruffel
Name: Iggy Ruffel
Pronunciation: IG-gi RUFF-ell
Age: Adolescent by Gungan standards
Gender: Male
Position: ?
Race: Gungan
Appearance: Like Jar Jar Binks, but slightly more greyish/blackish.
Personality: Not clumsy, but not smart either.
Armour: ?
Weapons: His fists, legs, tongue, etc.
Abilities: Jumping high, his tongue.
Weaknesses: Not very smart.
History: Came to Tatooine after being stranded in an escape pod
Other: Iggy has a twin brother—Piknab Low Ta.
- Piknab Low Ta
Name: Piknab Low Ta
Pronunciation: PIK-nab LOW-taw (means Clever Eyes)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Position: Bounty Hunter
Race: Gungan
Appearance: Grey
Personality: Hard, vengeful.
Armour: Gungan battle armour.
Weapons: Electrostaff, Bodooka gun. (shoots energy balls)
Abilities: Jumping high, being clever.
Weaknesses: Angry and can get out of control sometimes.
History: Unknown
Other: Piknab claimed to be Iggy for a while, but later ran into Iggy, who turned out to be his twin brother.
- Dez
Name: Delta 54
Nickname: Dez
Pronunciation: DEZ
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Race: ?
Position: Member of Ghost Ranger Delta squad / Republic Trooper
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, about 5'8", not excessively muscular.
Clothing: Republic Trooper armour
Armour: Republic Trooper armour
Weapons: Blaster rifle, a few grenades here and there.
Other equipment: Standard technician's toolkit, including hydrospanners and a cutting torch.
Personality: Kind of a nerd/technician sort of guy. Slow when it comes to jokes, etc.
Abilities: Good at hotwiring doors.
Weaknesses: Not all that accurate with his rifle.
History: ?
Other: Being a part of special forces, he was issued a BT-7 Thunderclap rapid assault ship.
Nickname: Dez
Pronunciation: DEZ
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Race: ?
Position: Member of Ghost Ranger Delta squad / Republic Trooper
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, about 5'8", not excessively muscular.
Clothing: Republic Trooper armour
Armour: Republic Trooper armour
Weapons: Blaster rifle, a few grenades here and there.
Other equipment: Standard technician's toolkit, including hydrospanners and a cutting torch.
Personality: Kind of a nerd/technician sort of guy. Slow when it comes to jokes, etc.
Abilities: Good at hotwiring doors.
Weaknesses: Not all that accurate with his rifle.
History: ?
Other: Being a part of special forces, he was issued a BT-7 Thunderclap rapid assault ship.
- Shiner
Name: Delta 51 'Shiner' '51'
Pronunciation: SHY-ner
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Position: Republic Commando
Race: ?
Appearance: Charcoal black armor, very intimidating, sniper strapped to his back.
Personality: Somewhat witty, deep voice, efficient and proficient. 51 likes to take control and lives by the saying, "No soldier gets left behind."
Armour: Charcoal black Commando armour
Weapons: DC-17, vibroblade, sniper
Abilities: ?
Weaknesses: ?
History: Assisted takeover of the Geonosis Spire and handled the infiltration procedure.
Other: Shiner has now been dropped out of the Battle.
- Celke Dies
Name: Celke Dies
Pronunciation: SELK DIES
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Position: Scoundrel/Engineer
Race: Human
Appearance: Shoulder-length black hair that falls over his (silver) eyes in the slightest; wears dark leather clothing. His face is rather dirty and smeared with random substances. He isn't bulky or skinny, but instead balanced between height and strength. Celke's height is 6'2.
Personality: Sarcastic, casual, and (only sometimes) wise.
Armour: None - unless his clothing counts.
Weapons: A long, serrated dagger that he keeps at his waist.
Abilities: Um...he's a good engineer.
Weaknesses: Has trouble keeping his mouth closed, and his ability to restrain himself is weak.
History: Celke's parents were wealthy, but were both assassinated and robbed when Celke was only 14, leaving him to find work in the cluttered streets of the Republic.
Other: Celke has now been dropped out of the Battle.
- Ceden
Name: Ceden
Pronunciation: SEED-en
Location: Mandalore
Age: 16
Gender: Male.
Position: Jolly Mo-Mo's Deliveryman and cashier.
Race: Human.
Appearance: Short, messy, jet black hair; pale complexion; emerald-green eyes; tall; average-build.
Clothing: Luke Skywalker-esque rags.
Armour: None.
Weapons: Stun blaster.
Personality: Blunt usually, but polite when need be.
Abilities: None.
Weaknesses: His bluntness often gets him into trouble.
History: Ceden is an only child. His mother is usually stressed and frustrated with him all the time, and his father is too involved in business to care about him. He has no friends and was always ridiculed by the other kids. Ceden is also used to being undermined and yelled at.
Other: The darker parts of town have taught him how to both fight and to be aware at all times.
- Shiner
Name: Delta 51 'Shiner' '51'
Pronunciation: SHY-ner
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Position: Republic Commando
Race: ?
Appearance: Charcoal black armor, very intimidating, sniper strapped to his back.
Personality: Somewhat witty, deep voice, efficient and proficient. 51 likes to take control and lives by the saying, "No soldier gets left behind."
Armour: Charcoal black Commando armour
Weapons: DC-17, vibroblade, sniper
Abilities: ?
Weaknesses: ?
History: Assisted takeover of the Geonosis Spire and handled the infiltration procedure.
Other: Shiner has now been dropped out of the Battle.
- Celke Dies
Name: Celke Dies
Pronunciation: SELK DIES
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Position: Scoundrel/Engineer
Race: Human
Appearance: Shoulder-length black hair that falls over his (silver) eyes in the slightest; wears dark leather clothing. His face is rather dirty and smeared with random substances. He isn't bulky or skinny, but instead balanced between height and strength. Celke's height is 6'2.
Personality: Sarcastic, casual, and (only sometimes) wise.
Armour: None - unless his clothing counts.
Weapons: A long, serrated dagger that he keeps at his waist.
Abilities: Um...he's a good engineer.
Weaknesses: Has trouble keeping his mouth closed, and his ability to restrain himself is weak.
History: Celke's parents were wealthy, but were both assassinated and robbed when Celke was only 14, leaving him to find work in the cluttered streets of the Republic.
Other: Celke has now been dropped out of the Battle.- Ceden
Name: Ceden
Pronunciation: SEED-en
Location: Mandalore
Age: 16
Gender: Male.
Position: Jolly Mo-Mo's Deliveryman and cashier.
Race: Human.
Appearance: Short, messy, jet black hair; pale complexion; emerald-green eyes; tall; average-build.
Clothing: Luke Skywalker-esque rags.
Armour: None.
Weapons: Stun blaster.
Personality: Blunt usually, but polite when need be.
Abilities: None.
Weaknesses: His bluntness often gets him into trouble.
History: Ceden is an only child. His mother is usually stressed and frustrated with him all the time, and his father is too involved in business to care about him. He has no friends and was always ridiculed by the other kids. Ceden is also used to being undermined and yelled at.
Other: The darker parts of town have taught him how to both fight and to be aware at all times.
- Drago Jytre
Name: Drago Jytre
Pronunciation: Dray-go J"eye"-ter
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Apprentice
Race: Human
Appearance: 6' 2" (Unless I got the quotation marks wrong), Average body, blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and an average nose.
Clothing: Sith apprentice robes
Armour: Light Mandalorian battle armor, under robes.
Weapons: Single red lightsaber.
Personality: Cunning and vicious, with a sense of organization and strategy.
Abilities: Force-Sensitive, but still learning about the Dark Side.
Weaknesses: Mercy, if he thinks his victims deserve it.
History: Born on a planet long forgotten, he learned about his connection to the Force at an early age. Due to the nature of his homeworld, he fell quickly to the Dark Side.
Other: Loves cookies.
- Drago Jytre
Name: Drago Jytre
Pronunciation: Dray-go J"eye"-ter
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Apprentice
Race: Human
Appearance: 6' 2" (Unless I got the quotation marks wrong), Average body, blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and an average nose.
Clothing: Sith apprentice robes
Armour: Light Mandalorian battle armor, under robes.
Weapons: Single red lightsaber.
Personality: Cunning and vicious, with a sense of organization and strategy.
Abilities: Force-Sensitive, but still learning about the Dark Side.
Weaknesses: Mercy, if he thinks his victims deserve it.
History: Born on a planet long forgotten, he learned about his connection to the Force at an early age. Due to the nature of his homeworld, he fell quickly to the Dark Side.
Other: Loves cookies.
Pronunciation: Dray-go J"eye"-ter
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Position: Sith Apprentice
Race: Human
Appearance: 6' 2" (Unless I got the quotation marks wrong), Average body, blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and an average nose.
Clothing: Sith apprentice robes
Armour: Light Mandalorian battle armor, under robes.
Weapons: Single red lightsaber.
Personality: Cunning and vicious, with a sense of organization and strategy.
Abilities: Force-Sensitive, but still learning about the Dark Side.
Weaknesses: Mercy, if he thinks his victims deserve it.
History: Born on a planet long forgotten, he learned about his connection to the Force at an early age. Due to the nature of his homeworld, he fell quickly to the Dark Side.
Other: Loves cookies.
Lady Lessien
- Aria Kamoth
Name: Aria Kamoth
Pronunciation: AIR-ee-uh KAM-oth
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Position: Padawan to to Jedi Master Tornth
Race: ?
Appearance: Red hair. Bright sapphire eyes with a hint of green. Wears a tan tunic and leggings with a dark brown cape. Quite tall, about five feet, eleven inches.
Personality: Wary, but friendly. When friends, very loyal.
Armour: ?
Weapons: Blue lightsaber.
Abilities: Powerful in the force, but not as good at using her lightsaber
Weaknesses: Her family, whom she has met once or twice.
History: Born on Coruscant, and tested for Jedi training, proving to have enough power in the force to qualify.
Other: ?
- Coroun Tornth
Name: Coroun Tornth
Pronunciation: core-ROON TORnth
Age: No one really knows.
Gender: Male.
Position: Jedi Master.
Race: ?
Appearance: Wears nearly the same outfit as his Padawan, but his cape is nearly black. Brown hair, brown eyes. Six feet.
Personality: Seems detatched to strangers, but when with friends, he can be very friendly. Wary.
Armour: ?
Weapons: Green lightsaber.
Abilities: Good in the force, and good with a lightsaber.
Weaknesses: The fact that he is bad at following orders.
History: Born on Coruscant, and tested for Jedi training, proving to have enough power in the force to qualify.
Other: ?
- Saraide Teneth
Name: Saraide Teneth
Pronunciation: sare-AIDE TEN-eth
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Position: Padawan to Master Koroth
Race: ?
Appearance: Tan tunic and trousers, with a dark brown cape.
Personality: Friendly and collected. Organized and can't stand the unorganized.
Armour: ?
Weapons: Green lightsaber.
Abilities: Good in the force, and good with a lightsaber.
Weaknesses: Is bad at following orders.
History: Born on Coruscant, and tested for Jedi training, proving to have enough power in the force to qualify.
Other: ?
- Tanner Koroth
Name: Tanner Koroth
Pronunciation: TAN-ner CORE-oth
Age: 50ish
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Master
Race: ?
Appearance: Tan tunic and trousers, with a dark brown cape.
Personality: Calm and aloof. Is quite loyal to friends.
Weapons: Blue lightsaber.
Abilities: Strong in the force, and well trained with the lightsaber.
Weaknesses: Would risk something precious to preserve his loyalties.
History: Born on Coruscant, and tested for Jedi training, proving to have enough power in the force to qualify.
Other: ?
- Annabeth Niark
Name: Annabeth Niark
Pronunciation: AN-na-beth nie-ARK
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Lady
Race: ?
Appearance: Black cloak, black tunic with black leggings, shiny black boots. Hauntingly pale, with straight, elbow-length stark red hair with black streaks dyed into it. A black doubled-bladed lightsaber. Along with her lightsaber, she carries a bag of small (but deadly) explosives. The skin around her eyes is lined with black eyeliner. A scar stretches from her right eyebrow to her chin.
Personality: Angry, dangerous, vengeful when provoked. Usually cool and collected.
Weapons: A double-bladed lightsaber with black blades.
Abilities: Is good with a lightsaber, an assortment of weapons, the Force, poison, and explosives.
Weaknesses: Enemy of the Jedi Order and has many enemies.
History: To be revealed later.
Other: ?
- Aria Kamoth
Name: Aria Kamoth
Pronunciation: AIR-ee-uh KAM-oth
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Position: Padawan to to Jedi Master Tornth
Race: ?
Appearance: Red hair. Bright sapphire eyes with a hint of green. Wears a tan tunic and leggings with a dark brown cape. Quite tall, about five feet, eleven inches.
Personality: Wary, but friendly. When friends, very loyal.
Armour: ?
Weapons: Blue lightsaber.
Abilities: Powerful in the force, but not as good at using her lightsaber
Weaknesses: Her family, whom she has met once or twice.
History: Born on Coruscant, and tested for Jedi training, proving to have enough power in the force to qualify.
Other: ?
- Coroun Tornth
Name: Coroun Tornth
Pronunciation: core-ROON TORnth
Age: No one really knows.
Gender: Male.
Position: Jedi Master.
Race: ?
Appearance: Wears nearly the same outfit as his Padawan, but his cape is nearly black. Brown hair, brown eyes. Six feet.
Personality: Seems detatched to strangers, but when with friends, he can be very friendly. Wary.
Armour: ?
Weapons: Green lightsaber.
Abilities: Good in the force, and good with a lightsaber.
Weaknesses: The fact that he is bad at following orders.
History: Born on Coruscant, and tested for Jedi training, proving to have enough power in the force to qualify.
Other: ?
- Saraide Teneth
Name: Saraide Teneth
Pronunciation: sare-AIDE TEN-eth
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Position: Padawan to Master Koroth
Race: ?
Appearance: Tan tunic and trousers, with a dark brown cape.
Personality: Friendly and collected. Organized and can't stand the unorganized.
Armour: ?
Weapons: Green lightsaber.
Abilities: Good in the force, and good with a lightsaber.
Weaknesses: Is bad at following orders.
History: Born on Coruscant, and tested for Jedi training, proving to have enough power in the force to qualify.
Other: ?
- Tanner Koroth
Name: Tanner Koroth
Pronunciation: TAN-ner CORE-oth
Age: 50ish
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Master
Race: ?
Appearance: Tan tunic and trousers, with a dark brown cape.
Personality: Calm and aloof. Is quite loyal to friends.
Weapons: Blue lightsaber.
Abilities: Strong in the force, and well trained with the lightsaber.
Weaknesses: Would risk something precious to preserve his loyalties.
History: Born on Coruscant, and tested for Jedi training, proving to have enough power in the force to qualify.
Other: ?
- Annabeth Niark
Name: Annabeth Niark
Pronunciation: AN-na-beth nie-ARK
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Lady
Race: ?
Appearance: Black cloak, black tunic with black leggings, shiny black boots. Hauntingly pale, with straight, elbow-length stark red hair with black streaks dyed into it. A black doubled-bladed lightsaber. Along with her lightsaber, she carries a bag of small (but deadly) explosives. The skin around her eyes is lined with black eyeliner. A scar stretches from her right eyebrow to her chin.
Personality: Angry, dangerous, vengeful when provoked. Usually cool and collected.
Weapons: A double-bladed lightsaber with black blades.
Abilities: Is good with a lightsaber, an assortment of weapons, the Force, poison, and explosives.
Weaknesses: Enemy of the Jedi Order and has many enemies.
History: To be revealed later.
Other: ?
the Hunter
- Takira Botna
Name: Takira Botna
Pronunciation: ta-KEER-ah BOT-nah
Age: ?
Gender: Female
Position: ?
Race: Human
Appearance: 5' 9", long light brown hair, deep green eyes, thin, athletic-looking, really pretty
Personality: strong willed, hates injustice, quick thinking but prone to rash decisions, quiet (for the most part), has a soft spot for an earthling named Austin Drake.
Armour: Leather vest
Weapons: Crossbow with varying ammo (explosive bolts, armour-piercing bolts, homing bolts and incendiary bolts), Earth pistol (M1911), lightsaber she plucked off of a dead Jedi, knife.
Abilities: Decent pilot, quick in hand to hand combat, deadly accurate with the crossbow, fights to protect the innocent, loves children.
Weaknesses: Prone to rash decisions, not too strong, poor with any kind of laser rifle
History: ?
Other: No faction. Prefers working with Jedi.
- Loch Redborn
Name: Loch Redborn
Pronunciation: LOCK RED-born
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Position: Commander of the Nightwing, a sort of special forces detachment
Race: Argonian
Appearance: Green scales, short, blunt snout, strong chest and arms, blue human-looking eyes
Personality: Cunning, very patriotic, strong beliefs, good negotiator
Armour: Studded chainmail chest plate, leather steel studded boots, steel vambraces and leather steel studded gauntlets with forward-curved blades on the left hand
Weapons: Curved twinblades with red etchings, recurve bow with red etchings, throwing knives in shoulder holsters
Abilities: Can think of solutions for most situations, brilliant strategic planner, very tactically minded, stealthy and agile, can breathe under water
Weaknesses: Too much of a lone wolf, not skilled with heavier weapons
History: ?
Other: Argonians tend to be disliked in most kingdoms
- Corynn Falon
Name: Corynn Falon
Pronunciation: core-RIN FAY-lon
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Position: ?
Race: Human
Appearance: 5'8", long blonde hair, hazel eyes
Personality: ?
Armour: Earth kevlar vest, digi camo army trousers
Weapons: G36 assault rifle (earth), USP .45 pistol (earth), frag grenades
Abilities: ?
Weaknesses: ?
History: Loch's adopted sister, was transported from Earth
Other: ?
- Desmond Beretta
Name: Desmond Beretta
Pronunciation: DEZ-mond beh-RET-tah
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Position: Militia leader
Race: Human
Appearance: Brown hair, 5'9", well built
Personality: ?
Armour: Fingerless gloves, kevlar tac vest, green camo trousers
Weapons: m16 rifle, M9 pistol, tac knife
Abilities: ?
Weaknesses: ?
History: Has a grudge with Corynn and Loch
Other: ?
- Sara
Name: Sara
Pronunciation: SAAR-ah
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Position: ?
Race: Human
Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, wears a black leather jacket and army cargo pants.
Personality: Friendly to those who are friendly to her, but if someone is mean, prepare to meet your new enemy!
Armour: Whatever she can get
Weapons: Sword and bow
Abilities: Can go invisible; her weapon skills
Weaknesses: Temper sometimes gets out of control and causes her to do stupid things
History: Had a friend who got killed in a war.
Other: ?
- Drogan
Name: Drogan
Pronunciation: DRO-gan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Position: Sith
Race: Human
Appearance: Average height, blond hair, blue-green eyes, average build
Personality: Calm until the battle starts, is good in a crisis. Loyal and smart.
Armour: Medium armour (?)
Weapons: Two red lightsabers
Abilities: The Force
Weaknesses: Anything that could kill him
History: ?
Other: ?
Name: Drake Marclinus
Pronunciation: DREYK MAR-clin-us
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Position: Assassin, bounty hunter and ex-Jedi
Race: Nautolan
Appearance: Green skin with red bands of pigment on his brain tail and black eyes.
Personality: Dangerous at times but friends with some (very few) Jedi and sometimes visits the Jedi's bases with permission from the Jedi
Armour: The matrix armour light. Source
Weapons: Dual wrist-mounted lightsabers
Abilities: Can sense peoples intent to do something before the do it because of his unique tentacles.
Weaknesses: His weakness is his mistrust of others is a big part and he also has problems with other Jedi.
History: Betrayed by his master and left for dead. His mistrust of his master afterwards caused him to quit the Jedi.
Other: ?
Name: Ellemakil
Pronunciation: EL-lee-mak-kil
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Position: ?
Race: Human
Description: Tall, broad shouldered, dark hair, tan skin.
Weapons: 2 blue lightsabers
Armour: Same thing all jedi wear like a cloak
Personality: Loyal, but hard headed. Little patience but great at strategy.
Abilities: Tactics, quick thinking, and skilled with a saber
Weaknesses: Patience
History: ?
Other: ?
- Vince
Name: Vince
Pronunciation: VINSS
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Position: Sith
Race: Human
Appearance: He is pale with cole black hair and has several scars from his lightsaber his eyes are also dark black flecked with green giving him and alien like apearance
Personality: Cares nothing for other and is very arrogant and cocky although he is intellegent and has earned his premature sith position.
Armour: A Sith cloak spoarting a red hand on a black cloak. Also wears a version of Mandalorian armour.
Weapons: A firesaber dual-phase hybrid that is light green and highly volital and still only a trial-experimental lightsaber. (See here)
Abilities: Strong with the force but slightly weak at swordplay. Generally relies on his firesaber to finish the fight prematurely.
Weaknesses: Hard-headed, arrogant and does not follow orders. If his ego says he can do something he wants to do...he does it.
History: ?
Other: ?
Pronunciation: VINSS
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Position: Sith
Race: Human
Appearance: He is pale with cole black hair and has several scars from his lightsaber his eyes are also dark black flecked with green giving him and alien like apearance
Personality: Cares nothing for other and is very arrogant and cocky although he is intellegent and has earned his premature sith position.
Armour: A Sith cloak spoarting a red hand on a black cloak. Also wears a version of Mandalorian armour.
Weapons: A firesaber dual-phase hybrid that is light green and highly volital and still only a trial-experimental lightsaber. (See here)
Abilities: Strong with the force but slightly weak at swordplay. Generally relies on his firesaber to finish the fight prematurely.
Weaknesses: Hard-headed, arrogant and does not follow orders. If his ego says he can do something he wants to do...he does it.
History: ?
Other: ?
- Drake Marclinus
Pronunciation: DREYK MAR-clin-us
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Position: Assassin, bounty hunter and ex-Jedi
Race: Nautolan
Appearance: Green skin with red bands of pigment on his brain tail and black eyes.
Personality: Dangerous at times but friends with some (very few) Jedi and sometimes visits the Jedi's bases with permission from the Jedi
Armour: The matrix armour light. Source
Weapons: Dual wrist-mounted lightsabers
Abilities: Can sense peoples intent to do something before the do it because of his unique tentacles.
Weaknesses: His weakness is his mistrust of others is a big part and he also has problems with other Jedi.
History: Betrayed by his master and left for dead. His mistrust of his master afterwards caused him to quit the Jedi.
Other: ?
- Ellemakil
Pronunciation: EL-lee-mak-kil
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Position: ?
Race: Human
Description: Tall, broad shouldered, dark hair, tan skin.
Weapons: 2 blue lightsabers
Armour: Same thing all jedi wear like a cloak
Personality: Loyal, but hard headed. Little patience but great at strategy.
Abilities: Tactics, quick thinking, and skilled with a saber
Weaknesses: Patience
History: ?
Other: ?
- R1-16
Name: R1-16
Pronunciation: Are-one sixteen
Gender: Male programming
Position: ?
Race: Droid
Appearance: See side image, around 3' tall
Personality: ?
Armour: Green, silver and white plating.
Weapons: Taser
Abilities: ?
Weaknesses: ?
History: Greatly rewarded for some great deed of valour.
Other: ?
- Dorn Thelcar
Name: Dorn Thelcar / Darth Kal
Pronunciation: DORRN THEL-car / KAL or KELL
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Position: Sith lord, bounty hunter
Race: Human
Appearance: Dark brown hair, brown eyes, a thin beard, 5’ 11’’
Armour: Dark chestplate
Weapons: (as bounty hunter) Jedi lightsaber, rifle, pistol (as Sith) Lightning, double sided lightsaber that can split into two smaller lightsabers.
Abilities: Skilled in lightsaber combat and is known for wearing out his opponent during battle.
Weaknesses: Severely allergic to peanuts.
History: Currently unknown.
Other: Disguises himself as a bounty hunter and pretends to be weak in the Force. (as Sith) Commonly wears a dark cloak and hood.
- Cole Marr
Name: Cole Marr
Pronunciation: COLL MARR
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Position: Space station guard.
Race: ?
Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, friendly smile.
Personality: Is usually cheerful, can be easily frustrated, doesn't like battles much, but is good at fighting when he's in one.
Armour: Chest plate.
Weapons: Twin blasters.
Abilities: ?
Weaknesses: ?
History: ?
Other: ?
- Koran Reth
Name: Koran Reth
Pronunciation: KOH-ran RETH
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Knight
Race: Human
Appearance: Dark brown hair, thin beard, grey eyes
Personality: Usually serious, is always ready to fight when necessary…
Armour: ?
Weapons: Blue lightsaber.
Abilities: Excellent at wielding a lightsaber.
Weaknesses: Anger can overpower him at times.
History: ?
Other: ?
- IG-16
Name: IG-16
Age: ?
Gender: Masculine programming
Position: Bounty hunter
Droid type: IG assassin droid
Appearance: ?
Personality: Currently unknown
Weapons: Blasters, snipers, arms and legs
Abilities: Very agile. Skilled in many different fighting styles. Great shot with a gun.
Weaknesses: Magnets.
History: ?
Other: ?
- Caspar Fenn
Name: Caspar Fenn
Pronunciation: CASP-par
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Position: Bounty hunter
Race: Human
Appearance: Shorter than average, messy light brown hair, blue eyes
Personality: He can be quite sarcastic at times. He hates Sith and prefers to work for the Republic. He also has a hard time taking certain situations seriously.
Armour: None
Weapons: Blaster
Abilities: Quite agile. Knows parkour.
Weaknesses: (to be added)
History: ?
Other: Can be quite annoying.
- Tave Quenlin
Name: Tave Quenlin
Pronunciation: TAYV KWEN-lin
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Position: Rogue Jedi, looking for a job of just about anything
Species: Human
Appearance: Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, thin, not exactly tall
Personality: Snarky and sarcastic, gets angry easily
Clothing/Armor: White, tattered tunic; leather vambraces; boots
Weapons/Equipment: Green lightsaber
Abilities: ?
Weaknesses: ?
History: ?
Non-Profiled, Mentioned and Minor Characters
- Polla Kaleesh (POLL-a kay-LEEsh)
Race: Nautolan
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: Master of Cypher Solari. Slain by Jaraal Starrunner on Korriban.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Jaevis Chek'toa (JAY-vis check-TOE-a)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Mercenary Clan Leader
Background: Trainer of Karn Su'theed and the leader of a clan of mercenaries.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Twee Do (TWEE DOE)
Race: ?
Position: Senator
Background: A Senator assassinated by Zuc'ar Nochimo on Mandalore near the beginning of the Battle.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Kol Ponteel (COLE pon-TEEL)
Race: ?
Background: Mentioned by Shor To as a prospective Jedi Saboteur.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Aekala Toth (ae-KAR-la TOTH)
Race: Bothan
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The female Padawan of Shor To. Slain in action on Cato Neimoidia.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Jolly Mo-Mo (JOL-lee MO-mo)
Race: Thisspiasian
Position: Cantina owner
Background: Owns a chain of Jolly Mo-Mo's taverns all across the galaxy.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Stevie (STEE-vee)
Race: Cato Neimoidian
Position: Tavern patron
Background: A tavern patron at Gedgy's who played CrimeLords with Javez and company.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Chuuby the Hutt (CHEW-bee)
Race: Hutt
Position: Crime Lord
Background: A Hutt crime lord in the Teth system.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Jimbob/Echo Three
Race: ?
Position: Republic Pilot
Background: The Echo Three pilot from the Firegator.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Captain Chipper
Race: ?
Position: Republic Pilot Captain
Background: The Echo Squadron leader from the Firegator.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Hopper
Race: ?
Position: Republic Pilot
Background: An Echo Squadron pilot from the Firegator.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Spud
Race: ?
Position: Republic Pilot
Background: An Echo Squadron pilot from the Firegator.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Gerard Hombre (geh-RARD OM-bray)
Race: Human
Position: Former palace guard
Background: Gerard Hombre was a former palace guard of Chuuby the Hutt's palace until he disturbed the peace to cause a distraction that would enable Doyan Shiell to steal Chuuby's favourite goblet. He is now being tracked by Torqan Mal and Derek E'shall.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Doyan Shiell (DOY-an shee-EL)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: ?
Background: Stole Chuuby the Hutt's goblet under a distraction caused by Gerard Hombre. Is now being tracked by Torqan Mal and Derek E'shall and is rumoured to be at the Bon'tee Hotel.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Lonn Kupo (LONN KU-poe)
Race: Bothan cyborg
Position: ?
Background: Killed Chuuby the Hutt's favourite rancor and is now rumoured to be traveling with Doyan Shiell and Gerard Hombre. He is being tracked by Torqan Mal and Derek E'shall.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Chipcha Woll (CHIP-cha WOL)
Race: Gungan
Position: Bounty Hunter and Assassin
Background: A bounty hunter and assassin and a personal enemy of Chuuby the Hutt.
Author: Ellron Silvertree
- Master Ti (TIE)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Master
Background: Master of Abriel Tow. Deceased.
Author: Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Ona Lay (OH-na LEY)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Council Member
Background: A female Jedi on the list of Mark and Essa's targets. Slain by Gnawthrul during his interrogation at the Temple.
Author: Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Halin Microft (HAY-lin MY-croft)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The Padawan of Neera Talinth.
Author: Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Lanna (LAN-na or LAR-na)
Race: Human
Position: ?
Background: Apparently also known as Deus, Hanos and Galdrin. Has appeared several times in CaC2 to various people, disappearing almost as quickly.
Author: Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Pollit Urai (POL-lit u-RIE)
Race: ?
Position: ?
Background: A person on Gnawthrul's hit list.
Author: Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Utah Matrin (YOU-tah MAT-trin)
Race: ?
Position: ?
Background: A person on Gnawthrul's hit list.
Author: Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Gorza the Hutt (GORZ-za)
Race: Hutt
Position: ?
Background: A Hutt on Gnawthrul's hit list.
Author: Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Master Est (EST)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A Jedi on Gnawthrul's hit list. Killed by Gnawthrul.
Author: Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Quambo the Hutt (KWAM-bo)
Race: Hutt
Position: Hutt Crime Lord
Background: A Hutt crime lord who has put a bounty on Abner Kline's head after Kline stole from him. Quambo considers Abner a "primary target".
Author: Gamemaster Grimwarden
- Master Cale (CAYIL)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The hot-tempered and neglectful master of Aza Valline.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Master Kiri (KIH-ree)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Council Member
Background: Master of Kazadan Sarsis.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Jaider (JAY-der)
Race: Zabrak
Position: IBC Dignitary
Background: A young dignitary of the Intergalactic Blaster Corporation. Possesses a vendetta against Morcarcion.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Cade Evicci (CAYd ev-VEE-see or ev-VEE-chee)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: A renegade Jedi who met Essa Haniri during one of his missions. She eventually killed him at 19 years old for a large bounty.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Gwen Dak (GWEN DACK)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: One of the two Padawans whom Zadock Sift trained to Knighthood.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Ristan Arvel (RISS-tan AR-vil)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The former Padawan of Kazadan Sarsis.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Arvarel Corbane (ARV-a-rel COR-bane)
Race: Human
Position: Former Jedi Knight, later Sith
Background: The mother of Nordan, Gnawthrul and Essa Haniri. Deceased.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Corteen (cor-TEEN)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Secretary
Background: A red-skinned Twi'lek. Nordan Haniri's secretary.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Frumplat Kurtmin (FRUMP-lat KURT-min)
Race: Toydarian
Position: Black marketer
Background: One of Essa's friends in The Works on Coruscant. Frumplat Kurtmin, better known as 'Uncle Bartie', was a dealer in stolen spaceships. Deep in the black market. He used to sell Essa ships back in her early days. Shot by Javez in the sewers of Coruscant.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Arnie Kurtmin (AR-nee KURT-min)
Race: Toydarian
Position: Landlord
Background: The brother of Frumplat Kurtmin. Lives in Mos Eisley, Tatooine.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Keera Areen (KEER-a a-REEN)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi (Clan House instructor)
Background: The Clan House instructor of Aza Valline.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Commander Paiko (PAY-ko)
Race: ?
Position: Commander
Background: The commander of the IBC (Intergalactic Blaster Corporation) army.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Winterhart 'Bob' (VIN-ter-hart)
Race: ?
Position: Bounty hunter, criminal, and mercenary
Background: A former partner of Javez's and now under contract with Avarice Khan to hunt down and kill Javez and Essa.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Liana (lee-AA-na)
Race: Human
Position: Moisture farmer
Background: The younger sister of Crom, a Force-sensitive moisture farmer on Tatooine.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Lyon Streamwyte (LY-on STREEM-wyte)
Race: Human
Position: Captain of the Guard
Background: The captain of Nordan Haniri's mercenary guard on Timira City, Kamino.
Author: Lylyss Silvertree
- Jian Kee (JIE-an KEE)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Master
Background: Master of Kian Shekk. Deceased.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Carva Gii (CAR-va JEE)
Race: Alderaan Human
Position: Jedi
Background: A Jedi Temple guard. The brother of Nu'mural Gii.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Darth Lucius (LU-see-us)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Lord
Background: Master of Astrid Shekk. Deceased.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Capone (ca-PONE)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Trooper
Background: Raised Skanders Tralvaar. The slave of Darth Lucius. Deceased.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Mascurella Keed (mas-cyu-REL-la KEED)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi
Background: Lives on Alderaan. Thinks of Kazadan as an enemy. Has a scrambled personality.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Kim (KIM)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi
Background: A friend of Kian's from his youngling years.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Master Kamron (KAM-ron)
Race: Human
Position: Village Master
Background: A teenaged boy who ruled a Korriban village close to the Academy.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Viez Necorra (VEE-ez neck-KOR-ra)
Race: ?
Position: ?
Background: Mentioned by Capone—"Search out Viez Necorra when in need of wisdom."
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Ina (EE-na)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi
Background: A friend of Kian's. Killed by Azong Tiye.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Gallis H. Toto (GAL-liss TOE-toe)
Race: Gallisian-hitorian-totolian
Position: President of Primstar Corp.
Background: The president of Primstar Corp. whose head is wanted by Chuuby the Hutt. Ronan works for President Toto as a bodyguard.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Master Yara (YA-ra)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi
Background: Tharus Rogue contacted Master Yara, requesting reinforcements in the West Wing of the Jedi Temple after a Jedi seemingly turned dark.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Arick (A-rick)
Race: Human
Position: Coruscanti Police Guard
Background: A guard on Coruscant.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Ronin (ROE-nin)
Race: Human
Position: Coruscanti Sheriff
Background: A sheriff on Coruscant who dealt with "Jac" and Kara about the custody of Trin.
Author: Warrior of Aror
- Zade Valek (ZADE VAY-lek)
Race: Human
Position: Trader and Space Trawler
Background: Once owned Ari. The owner of the Green Shadow.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Gantro Zalldor (GAN-tro ZORL-door)
Race: Rodian
Position: Slave Trader
Background: Once came in possession of Ari and sold her to Zade Valek.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Gadorin the Grey (ga-DOOR-in)
Race: Human
Position: Sith Lord
Background: Once wielded the power of Zaul. Trained a Sith named Darth Makkur. Slain by Jorus Travar on Utapau.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Darth Zaul the Mighty (ZORL)
Race: Umbaran
Position: Sith Lord
Background: Possessed a great Force ability known as the Power of Zaul. Slain by his apprentice on Korriban.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Arizael of Tallusi (a-ri-ZAY-ill)
Race: Lusillian
Position: Sith Lord
Background: Once wielded the power of Zaul. Trained Jaraal Starrunner. Slain in battle by a Jedi Master named Tarmys Darumar on Mandalore several weeks previous to the Battle.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Faekora (fay-CORE-a)
Race: Mirialan
Position: Sith Lady
Background: Once wielded the power of Zaul. Trained an apprentice named Lady Mordiana. Slain by Sable Quarr on Mandalore.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Erik Gen (EH-rik JEN)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi
Background: A Jedi at the Temple who took Dorn into custody. Name is a pun on 'generic'.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Sable Quarr (SAY-bill KWAAR)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Dark Jedi
Background: Fell to the Dark Side at a young age and began building an army. Slew the Sith Lady Faekora, the wielder of the Power of Zaul, to steal it for himself, but was thwarted in gaining the power. Slain by Faekora's apprentice on Mandalore.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Honar (O-narr)
Race: Womp rat
Position: Pet of Gorbo the Hutt
Background: Lives in a cage on Gorbo's fedora
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Hiro Zalten (HEE-ro ZOL-ten)
Race: Zabrak
Position: Majordomo
Background: Serves Gorbo the Hutt in his Mos Esdar Bluffs palace as majordomo.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Shiebrynn Nar'laan (SHY-brin nar-LARN)
Race: Umbaran
Position: Settler girl on Utapau
Background: Daughter of two Umbaran settlers. Slain by the Sith troopers under the command of Darth Gadorin. The 'girl that Jorus loved', brought up in some conversations.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Esclave (es-CLAYVE)
Race: Droid
Position: Servant
Background: A droid servant of Morcarcion on Cloud City.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jarin Tasdora (JAH-rin tass-DORE-a)
Race: Human
Position: Unknown
Background: Kyra Solari's husband and the father of Cypher Solari.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Darid Kirin (DAH-rid KIH-rin)
Race: Kiffar
Position: Rogue Jedi Shadow
Background: Trained Jorus Travar in Shadow tactics after Kyra's exile from the Order. A personal friend of Jedi Master Tarmys Darumar.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kravis Thorin (KRAY-viss THOH-rin)
Race: Iridonian Zabrak
Position: Grey Jedi Outcast, formerly Master
Background: Exiled from the Order because of his Grey Jedi actions after training his Padawan, Ruo Bron, to Knighthood. Trained Orfful the Wookiee in lightsaber combat on Utapau and died there.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Ruo Bron (ROO-oh BRON)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The Padawan of the Grey Jedi Master Kravis Thorin.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Tekin Amach (TEK-in AM-mack)
Race: Dathomirian Zabrak
Position: Jedi Padawan
Background: A friend of Cald's. Slain by Sith in the Koros War several years previous to the Battle. The older brother of Jedi Knight Gadrith Amach.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Admiral Erezek (EH-reh-zeck)
Race: Human
Position: Admiral
Background: The admiral of the Sith cruiser under Vastator's command.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Errol Vandor (EH-rol VAN-dore)
Race: Human
Position: Wing Commander
Background: Leader of the pilots on Vastator's Sith cruiser.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A proposed replacement for the Jedi Council.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Trien Ganoth (TREE-in GAN-noth)
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A proposed replacement for the Jedi Council.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Warnu Rakorn (WAR-noo ra-CORN)
Race: Togruta
Position: Jedi Master
Background: The master of Xal Kadene. Promoted to Council Member after the death of Ona Lay, Master Nivane, and Master Ard'tior.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Queen Ciarna (see-AR-na)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Queen
Background: The queen of Ryloth and a good friend of Xal Kadene.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Dike Tyreen (DIYK tie-REEN)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: General
Background: A Twi'lek general with a mastery of tactics, currently living in Threendik City on Ryloth.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Darth Aca (ARC-a)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Sith Lady
Background: A Sith Lady and one of the Dark Circle, a gathering of thirteen Sith who control a ring of assassins, Darth Pyre among them.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Rig Nauta (RIG NORT-a)
Race: Human
Position: Pilot
Background: The head pilot on Cloud City.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Corrogan Mald (COH-ro-gan MELD)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A proposed Jedi Master to fill an empty spot in the Council.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kavar Nivane (KAV-var nih-VANE)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Jedi Council Member
Background: A hot-tempered and blustering Council Member slain by Gnawthrul Haniri during his interrogation.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Dol Ard'tior (DOLL ARD-tee-or)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Jedi Council Member
Background: A Council Member slain by Gnawthrul Haniri during his interrogation.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Marrador Baraye (MAH-ra-door ba-RIY)
Race: Quarren
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The master of Sabera Vayn. Deceased.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Daltin Mand (DEL-tin MAND)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The former Padawan of Sabera Vayn.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Lord Morug (MOR-rug)
Race: Lusillian
Position: Sith Lord
Background: One of the Sith Lords of the Sith Octarchy on Tallusi.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
Race: Droid
Position: Pilot
Background: The automatic built-in pilot of Darth Pyre's specialised starfighter. Able to contact Pyre through a transmitter on the Neimoidan's wrist.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Raenen Mareth (RAY-nen MA-reth)
Race: Human
Position: Sith trooper
Background: Barras Kampion's best friend.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jaamok Rin (JAA-mock RIN)
Race: Human
Position: Villager and Tuk'ata hunter
Background: A one-armed old Tuk'ata hunter, the father of Jaakor Rin, and the grandfather of Kaedis Rin. One of the two survivors in their village.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kaedis Rin (KAY-dis RIN)
Race: Human
Position: Villager girl
Background: The daughter of Jaakor and Rathia Rin and one of the two survivors, along with her grandfather Jaamok Rin, in their village.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jaakor Rin (JAA-kore RIN)
Race: Human
Position: Villager
Background: The father of Kaedis Rin and the son of Jaamok Rin. Deceased.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Rathia Rin (RATH-ee-a RIN)
Race: Human
Position: Villager
Background: The mother of Kaedis Rin. Deceased.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Darth Nimrod (NIM-rod)
Race: Dathomirian Zabrak
Position: Sith Lord
Background: A Tuk'ata trainer who controls four Tuk'ata, the Beasts of Nimrod.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Alrick Keethin (AL-rick KEETH-thin)
Race: Mirialan
Position: Jedi Master
Background: Jedi Master who trains younglings in the use of the Force.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Flor (FLOOR)
Race: Iridonian Zabrak
Position: Jedi Hopeful
Background: A Jedi Hopeful, or youngling.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kindal (KIN-dal)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Hopeful
Background: A Jedi Hopeful, or youngling.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Lavin (LAV-vin)
Race: Nautolan
Position: Jedi Hopeful
Background: A Jedi Hopeful, or youngling.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Sherri Kath (SHEH-ree KATH)
Race: Kel Dor
Position: Jedi Master
Background: Female Jedi Master who runs a speaking class for younglings.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Zekariel Brike (zee-KAH-ree-il BRIKE)
Race: Human
Position: Republic Commander
Background: The Republic commander who commands the Firegator. Commissioned by Tarmys Darumar to take the Jedi Master, several other Jedi, and a battalion of Republic troopers to Korriban.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Nariel (NAR-ree-il)
Race: Human (Haruun Kal)
Position: Jedi Master
Background: The Master of Tarmys Darumar. Deceased.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Cotrand Satharan (COT-trand SATH-tha-ran)
Race: Zabrak
Position: Jedi Shadow
Background: A Jedi Shadow mentioned briefly by Tarmys in interior monologue who shares the same first name as Jedi Investigator Cotrand Quen.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Parigos Trenn (PAH-rih-goes TREN)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Master
Background: The Master of Ezar Ravon.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Hibacca (hi-BAR-ka)
Race: Wookiee
Position: Clan Chieftain
Background: The father of Orfful and the head of the Kolbacca Clan.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Sarifful (SAR-rif-full)
Race: Wookiee
Position: Clan Chieftainess
Background: The wife of Hibacca, mother of Orfful, and co-leader of the Kolbacca Clan.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Captain Broden (BRO-den)
Race: Human
Position: Republic Captain
Background: A captain of the Firegator.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Arack Ta'Leen (AR-rack ta-LEEN)
Race: Iridonian Zabrak
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A Jedi Master recently appointed from another mission to Tarmys Darumar's Korriban mission. Arack later fought in the defence of the Jedi Temple on Tython, battling invading Sith forces, and sacrificed his body to create a living Force shield around the Temple.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Akwa Dal (ACK-wa DELL)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A Jedi Master recently appointed from another mission to Tarmys Darumar's Korriban mission.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Gadrith Amach (GAD-drith AM-mack)
Race: Dathomirian Zabrak
Position: Jedi Knight (Sage)
Background: The older brother of Tekin Amach who was recently appointed from another mission with Arack Ta'Leen and Akwa Dal to Tarmys Darumar's Korriban mission. Gadrith later fought under Captain Ronan Gorn and infiltrated the Staff of Regret. He died along with the ship when it exploded under the power of its damaged superlasers.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Ancor (AN-core)
Race: Morrigulth
Position: ?
Background: The pet morrigulth (a bird of prey) of Leir Na'alor.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Rollie Mo-Mo (ROLL-lee MOE-moe)
Race: Thisspiasian
Position: Dignitary
Background: A son of Jolly Mo-Mo sent to negotiate with Morcarcion about opening a Jolly Mo-Mo's on Cloud City.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Ma'Ling Takkananareen (ma-LING TAK-ka-nan-na-reen)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Musician
Background: A musician and contortionist on Belac the Hutt's sail barge. Runs a band.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Juddy (JUD-dee)
Race: Kaleesh
Position: Musician
Background: A flutist and drummer on Belac the Hutt's sail barge. Part of Ma'Ling's band.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kep (KEP)
Race: Rodian
Position: Musician
Background: A flutist and cymbalist on Belac the Hutt's sail barge. Part of Ma'Ling's band.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Thirimar (THIH-rim-mar)
Race: Talz
Position: Musician
Background: A flutist and tomtom drummer on Belac the Hutt's sail barge. Part of Ma'Ling's band.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Du'un (DOO-OON)
Race: Toydarian
Position: Musician
Background: A musician in Ma'Ling's band.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jallic (JAL-lick)
Race: Dug
Position: Musician
Background: A musician in Ma'Ling's band.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Gur-Dur (GUR-dur)
Race: Gamorrean
Position: Guard
Background: A guard on Belac the Hutt's barge.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Anian Reed (AN-nee-an REED)
Race: Nautolan
Position: Assassin
Background: A female assassin who meddles with poisons and viruses. Killed the Mon Calamari governor Zarae Sul on Mon Calamari. Wanted by the Jedi Watchman Grandel Praw (Glee Anselm) and Ithamar Sul (Mon Calamari warchief). Reward is 10,000 RC, according to the IntraGalactic Bounties Database.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kalef Drocken (KAY-lef DROCK-in)
Race: ?
Position: Cloud Citizen
Background: A Cloud City resident wanted on Tatooine.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Mons Templis (MONS TEM-plis)
Race: ?
Position: ?
Background: A wanted person.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Akkaria Dell (a-KAR-ree-a DELL)
Race: ?
Position: ?
Background: A wanted person.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Cral Damine (CRELL da-MINE)
Race: Human
Position: Bounty Hunter
Background: A very famous bounty hunter—as Tolkien to fantasy writers, so Cral to bounty hunters. A particular enemy of Tarmys Darumar.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Fanger (FANG-er)
Race: ?
Position: Bounty Hunter
Background: An associate of Cral Damine.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Darth Angra (ANG-gra)
Race: Human
Position: Sith Warrior
Background: A Sith Warrior at the Sith Academy. Also known as Josh'Dan.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Fadron Byre (FAD-dron BYRE [rhyming with 'fire'])
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: A Jedi Knight stationed on Cato Neimoidia. Has fought Pyre on numerous occasions, and Pyre uses Fadron's name as an alias.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Lord Azul (a-ZUL)
Race: Lusillian
Position: Sith Dark Hunter
Background: A Dark Hunter who was in league with Matrus, Cyndar, Ter'aan, Methasys, and one other Dark Hunter long ago. He trained Darth Revenant.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
Position: Sith Preceptor
Background: The head of the Sith Institute on Dathomir.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kaxen Hor (KACKS-sen HORE)
Position: Sith Preceptor
Background: The head of the Sith Institute on Dathomir.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Sorgan Crere (SOR-gan CREER)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Inquisitor
Background: Cazoren Lhei's mentor and a powerful Sith Inquisitor.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jarvu Lhei (JAR-vue LAY)
Race: Human (Haruun Kal)
Position: Sith Warrior
Background: The younger brother of Cazoren Lhei.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Shadli Kron (SHAD-lee CRON)
Race: ?
Position: Cloud Citizen
Background: A Cloud Citizen who escaped Jaider's attack.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Teldor Rin (TELL-door RIN)
Race: Human
Position: Cloudfighter Pilot
Background: A Cloud Citizen who escaped Jaider's attack.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jeth Aminnor (JETH AM-min-nor)
Race: Human
Position: Cloud Citizen
Background: A Cloud Citizen who escaped Jaider's attack.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Benjian Mortheel (ben-JIE-an more-THEEL)
Race: Human
Position: ?
Background: The father of Rink Mortheel.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Merrick Trayon (MEH-rick TRAY-on)
Race: Kiffar
Position: Jedi Shadow
Background: A Jedi Master and Shadow who has been on mission with Kyra Solari and Tarmys Darumar in their past. Currently supposed to be in the hands of Shadow Hand Natari Ashe.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Grandel Praw (GRAN-del PROR)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Watchman
Background: The Jedi Watchman on Glee Anselm. Has met both Kyra Solari and Tarmys Darumar. He also trained Kyra's Master.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Rawkan Sterynis (ROR-kan ster-RY-niss)
Race: Clawdite
Position: Mercenary
Background: A mercenary and associate of Torqan Mal who is deep in debt. A Clawdite/Changeling and thus able to shapeshift.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Aldory Toarim (AL-door-ree TO-a-rim)
Race: Corellian Human
Position: Diktat
Background: A Diktat of Corellia. Wants Rawkan for stealing his ship, the Lancer.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Zevan Roth (ZEV-van ROTH)
Race: Human
Position: Sith
Background: The former mentor of Darth Pyre. Known to use cortosis. His home planet is Kirrek.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kelea Dra'an (keh-LEE-ah dra-ARN)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Rebel (former slave)
Background: A former slave of Corpul the Hutt; now leads a band of rebels against the Hutt Lords. Force-sensitive and estimated fifteen years old.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Revora Mor'ken (rev-VOR-ra MOR-ken)
Race: Umbaran
Position: Watchlord
Background: The wife of Imorr and the caretaker/Watchlord of the Ghost City on Umbara.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Imorr (IM-morr)
Race: Umbaran
Position: Watchlord
Background: The husband of Revora and the Watchlord of the Ghost City on Umbara.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Wraith (RAITH)
Race: Umbaran
Position: ?
Background: An ancient Force-sensitive Umbaran ruler.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Coren (COR-ren)
Race: Umbaran
Position: Son of Wraith
Background: A son (descendant) of Wraith and the brother of Imorr.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Silree Javal (SIL-ree JAR-val)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Tactician and Healer
Background: A close friend of Daltin Mand's, who leads the army in his absence. Possesses healing powers.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Soranon Javard (SOR-ra-non ja-VARD)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi High Prophet
Background: A blind old Jedi who leads the Jedi Prophets.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kwo (KWO)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A Jedi from a bygone era who wrote the proverb Praise for valour and judgement for crimes.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Ulath Rin (YOU-lath RIN)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Investigator
Background: A Rogue Jedi Investigator who was falsely accused of defrauding and exiled from the Order.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Ronan Gorn (RO-nan GORN)
Race: ?
Position: Republic Captain
Background: The captain of the Spirit of Unity Republic super-warship.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Osgyn Snappan (OZ-gin SNAP-pan)
Race: Weequay
Position: Jedi Commissioner
Background: The Jedi Commissioner at the Tython Jedi Temple.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Gant Barek (GANT BA-rek)
Race: ?
Position: Tactician (Sith trooper lieutenant)
Background: Darth Vastator's lieutenant and tactician on the Nightsword.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Dreegan Kast (DREE-gan KAST)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Lord
Background: A Sith Lord who ruled the Sith of Korriban more than three hundred years. Also known as the Crimson Hand, Dreegan constructed three identical holocrons, known as the Rydoran holocrons.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Javez Junior (JAH-vez)
Race: Human
Position: Baby
Background: A baby formerly being cared for by the Jedi Eerekim Hol. Nicknamed JJ by Essa.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon (formerly Raptor Elytra)
- Jate (JAYT)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: An acquaintance of Ulath Rin who believes Essa Haniri knew his brother.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Sindron Korn (SIN-dron CORN)
Race: Human
Position: Sith Trooper
Background: A Force-sensitive Sith trooper on the Nightsword, Vastator's personal cruiser. Killed by Jiskar.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Maddas 'Maddie' Tilth (MAD-das 'MAD-dee' TILTH)
Race: Iridonian Zabrak
Position: Jedi Knight-Commissioner
Background: The former Padawan of Jedi Commissioner Osgyn Snappan who now works with him in the Tython commissioning department.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Rual Dett (RU-el DET)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The fourth Padawan of Jedi Master Si Dan, missing in action on Mandalore.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Endoris Dell (en-DOR-is DELL)
Race: Cerean
Position: Sith Lord
Background: A Sith Lord who killed Sabera Vayn's Master, Marrador Baraye, and was slain by Sabera's use of Force lightning.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Sha'Kan Kale (SHAR-kan KAYIL)
Race: Tusken Raider
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: A former Dark Jedi who has now been restored to the Order.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Runen Nuhm (RU-nen NOOM)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The former Padawan of Varyth Shen and, after Shen died, of Jorus Travar.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Holter Indas (HOLT-ter IN-das)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: High Lord
Background: The cousin of Queen Ciarna Ai and the governor of Drek City.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Brekk Korn (BREK KORN)
Race: Human
Position: Sith Trooper Lieutenant
Background: The Force-sensitive lieutenant of Vastator's soldiers on the Nightsword and the brother of Sindron Korn, who was slain by Jiskar Ether.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Makkur (MAK-kur)
Race: Geonosian
Position: Sith
Background: A Geonosian Sith mentioned by Revenant.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Davor Kran (DAV-vor KRAN)
Race: Human
Position: Sith Inquisitor
Background: A leading Sith Inquisitor among the Sith of Tallusi during the Koros War. A master tactician and Force-wielder. Slain in the Koros War.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Aexiel Lhei (ae-EX-ee-el LAY)
Race: Human
Position: Sith Archivist
Background: The Sith Archivist in the Academy's Archives. The mother of Jarnu and Cazoren Lhei.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Darth Ravage
Race: Togruta
Position: Sith Inquisitor
Background: A Sith Inquisitor tasked with hiding one of Dreegan Kast's holocrons. Died on Mandalore; the holocron is now widely accepted as destroyed, although this has not been confirmed.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Habe Barr (HABE BARR)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Jedi Hopeful
Background: A Jedi Hopeful at the Tython Jedi Temple.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Drion Balor (DREE-on ba-LORE)
Race: Kiffar
Position: Medic
Background: The head medic at the tent in Cas Ascos, Tatooine, after Javez Geten destroyed Avarice Khan and his soldiers.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Neinrad Merkez (NAYN-rad MER-kez)
Race: Human
Position: Mercenary Captain (IBC-affiliated)
Background: A mercenary captain working for Jaider and the IBC on Cloud City.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Bors Gjarra (BORZ gih-ZHJAR-ra)
Race: Rodian
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A practical Jedi Master who interrogated Zuc'ar Nochimo in the cells of Tython Jedi Temple.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Radolf Fee (RAD-dolf FEE)
Race: Human
Position: Bandit
Background: Radolf is the leader of a bandit gang on Hoth who are currently terrorising a small village.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Governor Corlas (COR-las)
Race: Human
Position: Village governor
Background: The governor of the village which Radolf Fee is terrorising, who is currently offering 3000 RC for bounty hunters to get rid of the bandit troubles.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Adidu Maronius (a-DEE-doo ma-ROE-nee-us)
Race: Lethan Twi'lek
Position: ?
Background: The wife of Sol Maronius, now either vanished or dead.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Trodus (TRO-dus)
Race: ?
Position: ?
Background: An enemy of Sol Maronius who is currently stalking him.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Falkor Valen (FELL-kor VAY-len)
Race: ?
Position: Desolation King
Background: A powerful Dark Sider on Dathomir many years back, known alternatively as the Desolation King, the Masked One of Dathomir, or Tor'an. He once taught Kyra Solari as a Sith apprentice and then enslaved her, but she broke the power of his mask with the Light Side.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Chip (CHIP)
Race: Microdroid
Position: Scout and guide
Background: Orfful's microdroid scout on Cloud City set into his cyborg armour.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Taden Aminnor (TAY-den AM-min-nor)
Race: Human
Position: Cloud Citizen and rebel
Background: The brother of fellow rebel Jeth Aminnor. A former Sith trooper. Once knew Barras Kampion.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Shaonian Nyra (sha-O-nee-an NY-ra)
Race: Togruta
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: A Jedi Knight recently commissioned from the Taris Jedi Temple to the Tython Jedi Temple.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Natari Ashe (na-TAR-ree ASH)
Race: Iridonian Zabrak
Position: Shadow Hand
Background: The second-in-command of Sith Lord Inir Tarath.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Io'Nahsé (EE-oh/nah-SAY)
Race: Yhod (Yoda's species)
Position: ?
Background: Called 'Onassis' by Samuel.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Samuel Jyngar (SAM-yul JIN-jar)
Race: Human
Position: Deck Hand
Background: A deck hand at one Mandalore City harbour, the one where Si Dan and Zuc'ar Nochimo first emerged in the Battle. Later revealed to be a Force Adept allied with Helm Dragonhelm.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Paratus D'Naign (PAR-ra-tus dih-NINE)
Race: ?
Position: Dark Jedi
Background: A Dark Jedi who Jedi Shadow Merrick Trayon was commissioned to hunt down.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Iriselle Jarone (IH-riss-sell ja-RONE)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Mandalorah
Background: The wife of Aetherix, Iriselle possesses an innate talent to dream of things past, things present, and occasionally things to come.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Lestan Imarien (LEST-tan im-MAH-ree-en)
Race: Human
Position: Silver Guard
Background: A Silver Guard and a bodyguard of Mandalore the Steadfast, Lestan is also a strategist and a member of Aetherix's military cabinet.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Aryn Shate (A-rin SHAYT)
Race: Human
Position: ?
Background: The daughter of elite legion commander Harn Shate.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Uradan Jorq (YOU-ra-dan JORK)
Race: Human
Position: Sith Warrior
Background: A Sith Warrior who is currently challenging Aetherix Jarone for the position of Mandalore on the basis that Aetherix allegedly killed his father, Eldar Jorq, the previous Mandalore. Uradan has chosen the Temple of Jahn, an ancient Dark Side temple on Mandalore, as his base.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Len Corrick (LEN COH-rick)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Craven Wolf corporal
Background: A Mandalorian corporal from the Craven Wolf legion under Harn Shate. Corrick is from the north of Mandalore and speaks with a northern accent.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- The Boss
Race: ?
Position: The Boss
Background: A character mentioned by Sol Maronius. Sol apparently works for the Boss.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Aleena Stryder (a-LEEN-na STRY-der)
Race: Human
Position: Republic Fighter Pilot
Background: A Republic fighter pilot on the Pillar of Justice and the sister of Tack Stryder.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Tack Stryder (TACK STRY-der)
Race: Human
Position: Republic Fighter Pilot
Background: A Republic fighter pilot assigned to the Pillar of Justice and the brother of Aleena Stryder.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Lux (LUKES)
Race: Human
Position: Craven Wolf Legionnaire
Background: A soldier in the Craven Wolf legion under Harn Shate. Along with Harn and Dante, Lux pursued Veraena Tai through Mandalore City. He later entered the Temple of Jahn with the rest of Craven Wolf and used a stick of dynamite to blow up a battle hydra, killing himself in the process.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Dante (DANT)
Race: Human
Position: Craven Wolf Legionnaire
Background: A soldier in the Craven Wolf legion under Harn Shate who, along with Harn and Lux, pursued Veraena Tai through the streets of Mandalore City. Dante was later killed by Veraena Tai when he revealed his allegiance to Uradan Jorq.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Leif Imarien (LEEF im-MAH-ree-en)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Imarien Protector
Background: An Imarien Protector mentioned by Harn Shate.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kiera Imarien (key-EER-ra im-MAH-ree-en)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Imarien Chief Protector
Background: The leader of the Imarien Protectors and the cousin of Jurge Imarien. Kiera was captured by Arizael during the Koros War and held in the Temple of Jahn, but was rescued by two Jedi.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jurge Imarien (JURGE im-MAH-ree-en)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Imarien Protector
Background: An Imarien Protector and the cousin of Imarien Chief Protector Kiera Imarien.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kanner Ellaere (KAN-ner EL-ae-EER)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Valet
Background: The valet of Harn Shate's personal residence.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Valene Imarien (vay-LEEN im-MAH-ree-en)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Imarien Protector
Background: A young Imarien Protector participating in the raid on the Temple of Jahn. Possesses healing Force powers.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jacen Law (JAY-sen LAW)
Race: Ronikan Human
Position: Captain
Background: The captain of the Fang of Koros, a Praetorian-class frigate under the command of Captain Katen Tenaza and, after Tenaza's death, under the command of Captain Ronan Gorn.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Viago Marquellis Sauron VIII (vee-AR-go mar-KWEL-lis SAA-ron)
Race: Noghri
Position: Bounty Hunter
Background: A bounty hunter on the trail of Sol Maronius. Flies a cruiser named the Greyspry.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Tana Mu (TA-na MOO)
Race: Kaminoan
Position: Petty Chancellor
Background: The petty chancellor of Timira City, Tana recently attempted to solicit the aid of Cald Arenna and Kazadan Sarsis in response to a Sith threat.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Tyne Knoros (TINE NOR-ros)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A Jedi Master supervising Jedi Consular Kyra Solari on her mission to Taanab. Tyne has dark dreadlocks and a stern personality.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Drad Shia (DRAD SHEE-a)
Race: Human (Corellia)
Position: Jedi Master
Background: The first Master of Kyra Solari and a senior Jedi during the years of Tarmys's youth, Drad died on Utapau along with his first Padawan, Dark Jedi Cadoras Lyn, who was redeemed in his last moments of life.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Cadoras Lyn (cad-DOR-ras LIN)
Race: Human
Position: Dark Jedi Padawan
Background: The first Padawan of Jedi Master Drad Shia, mortally wounded on Utapau by a band of Utai raiders. Died moments after his redemption and return to the Light.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Rian Kurmoil (RY-an KUR-moil)
Race: Arkanian Offshoot
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: A senior Jedi during Tarmys's youth, formerly a Young Generation warrior of the Age of Darkness.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Irwyn Elaznia (ER-win ee-LAZ-nee-a)
Race: Iridonian Zabrak
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: A senior Jedi during Tarmys's youth who fought in the Age of Darkness.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Lei Takeru (LAY ta-KEER-roo)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Padawan (Exile)
Background: A Jedi Padawan exiled in the later years of the Age of Darkness for her misdeeds and the misdeeds of her Master, the Rogue Jedi Patak; later accepted back into the Jedi Order.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Patak (PAT-tak)
Race: Arkanian Pureblood
Position: Rogue Jedi Knight (Exile)
Background: A rogue Jedi Knight exiled for his misdeeds in taking upon himself the right to execute a cult of dark siders and his murder of a former Jedi friend. The Master of Lei Takeru; slain by Takeru years later.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Cladhi Mittah (CLAA-dee MIT-tah)
Race: Iridonian Zabrak
Position: Jedi Master
Background: The former Padawan of Lei Takeru and the Master of Nariel, who was Tarmys's Master; Cladhi turned the tides in the Age of Darkness in breaking the power of the Devouring Shadow.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jai'galaar (JYE-gal-lar)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Craven Wolf
Background: A Craven Wolf soldier in Garik's squad.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jiriad (JEH-ree-ad)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Craven Wolf
Background: A Craven Wolf soldier in Garik's squad.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Skira (SKEE-ra)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Craven Wolf
Background: A Craven Wolf soldier in Garik's squad.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Beshan (BESH-shan)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Craven Wolf
Background: A Craven Wolf soldier in Garik's squad.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Z010 (Zero Ten)
Race: Droid
Position: Temple Knowledge Processor and Guard Aide
Background: A Temple Guard aide at the Tython Jedi Temple who escorted Redden Gilsha back to her room.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Elius Imarien (el-LIE-us im-MAH-ree-en)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Imarien Master Protector
Background: An Imarien Protector who hunted Uradan Jorq before the ban; equipped with the Force powers of Decimation and Cognition. The older cousin of Chief Protector Kiera Imarien and Master Protector Jurge Imarien, who are cousins themselves. Now serves Uradan Jorq as his second-in-command within the Temple of Jahn.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Cole Imarien (COL im-MAH-ree-en)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Imarien Protector
Background: An Imarien Protector who fought Krai'kan Tarn in the raid on the Temple of Jahn. Killed by Tarn.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Jastra Imarien (JAST-tra im-MAH-ree-en)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Imarien Protector
Background: A female Imarien Protector who fought Krai'kan Tarn in the raid on the Temple of Jahn.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Casa Gam (CAH-sa GAM)
Race: Kaminoan
Position: Agent
Background: A young Kaminoan agent of Petty Chancellor Tana Mu in Timira City.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Vanan (VAN-nan)
Race: Human
Position: Imarien Protector
Background: An Imarien Protector who killed Krai'kan Tarn in the raid of the Temple of Jahn.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Thorn
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A blond-haired Jedi Master on the Council at Ossus.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Enan Deuel (EE-nan DUEL)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: Thorn's Master, who sacrificed himself to save Thorn from Mandalorians.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Leanne Rosh (lee-ANN ROSH)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Padawan
Background: Thorn's Padawan, blinded and captured by Mandalorians.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Danaelle Kevlar (dan-NAY-el KEV-lar)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Temple Guard
Background: A female Jedi Temple Guard stationed at the Tython Jedi Temple.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Niger Saddoe (NYE-jer sad-DOE)
Race: Human (Christophsis)
Position: Jedi Temple Guard
Background: A male Jedi Temple Guard stationed at the Tython Jedi Temple.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Kerie Tel (KEH-ree TEL)
Race: Togruta
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: A young female Togruta Jedi Knight currently at the Tython Jedi Temple, Kerie has temporary command of a squadron of Jedi interceptors.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Haleth Travar (HAY-leth tra-WAHR)
Race: Umbaran
Position: Dark Force Adept
Background: The brother of Jorus Travar who is an adept in the service of Elius Imarien. Later revealed to be Helm Dragonhelm.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Ruik Jahn (ROO-ick JARN)
Race: Umbaran
Position: Ancient Sith Apprentice
Background: The builder and namesake of the Temple of Jahn. Now exists in a ghostlike state, as the Temple has merged with Chaos.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Tosin Grieke (TOE-sin gry-EEK)
Race: Gluss'sa'Nikto
Position: Head Scientist at Krum Laboratories
Background: Mentioned by Jate Evicci as having placed bounties on Essa Haniri.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Destah Imarien (DES-stah im-MAR-ree-en)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Imarien Protector
Background: Along with Valene Imarien, Destah is one of the two wards of Imarien Chief Protector Kiera Imarien.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- The Voice
Race: ?
Position: Jedi
Background: A mysterious voice who spoke to Moriah Alektor after Red killed a youngling, persuading her to right the wrongs she had perceived and challenge Vizios.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Memory
Race: Unknown
Position: Warrior
Background: A young warrior in black armour who fought Kazadan Sarsis on Kamino.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Gyra Ti (GY-ra TEE)
Race: Kaminoan
Position: Chancellor-Usurper
Background: The son of Timira City's high chancellor who is now controlling half of Timira City. Tana Mu mentioned that Gyra's faction created Memory.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Torbaris Skalt (tor-BAH-ris SKELLT)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Second of the Four
Background: Torbaris Skalt was once a rogue Mandalorian field marshall who used the Temple of Jahn as his centre of operations. He is now a member of the Four, ghostly beings who desire the destruction of Mandalore.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Mardin Zand (MAR-din ZAND)
Race: Human
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: A Jedi Knight who, along with Elynna Imarien, fought and defeated Torbaris Skalt more than a century ago.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Elynna Imarien (ee-LIN-na im-MAH-ree-en)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Mandalorian warrioress
Background: The granddaughter of Daessa Imarien—first of the Imarien—and the founder of the Imarien Protectors. Along with Mardin Zand, she fought and defeated Torbaris Skalt more than a century ago.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Rosvarion Lushaya (roe-SVA-ree-on lu-SHY-ya)
Race: Tarc
Position: Grey Jedi Sage
Background: A Tarc Jedi who, in Javez's words, "rides the fence" between the Jedi and the crime world. A member of the Brethren of the Force.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Rust
Race: Human
Position: Brother of the Force
Background: A member of the Brethren of the Force.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- The Father
Race: Unknown
Position: The Father
Background: The Father and master of the Brethren of the Force. Cloaks himself in complete darkness and does not speak with his own mouth. Appears to teleport into different positions rather than move.
Author: Dmitri Pendragon
- Lersen de'Jannec (LER-sen dee-JAN-neck)
Race: ?
Position: IBC Dignitary
Background: A dignitary who met with Morcarcion on Bespin to discuss politics.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Lord Thesius (THEH-see-us)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Lord
Background: A Sith Lord on Korriban who managed a deal with Naina Raynt and Veraena Tai.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Keth Forn (KETH FORN)
Race: Nautolan
Position: Jedi Master
Background: The former Master of Adali Zess.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Skanna Heofar (SKAN-na HEE-o-far)
Race: ?
Position: Tavern patron
Background: Possesses faintly bluish skin. A patron of Gedgy's who played CrimeLords with Javez and several of his troupe.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Kar Faethon (KAR FAY-thon)
Race: ?
Position: MandalMotors employee
Background: A nonexistent MandalMotors employee allegedly finalising a sale with 'Ver Damere'.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Garik (GA-rik)
Race: ?
Position: Craven Wolf Legionnaire
Background: A Craven Wolf soldier who pursued Ezar Ravon through the streets of Mandalore City. The senior of Ras and Proc.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Ras (RASS)
Race: ?
Position: Craven Wolf Legionnaire
Background: A Craven Wolf soldier who pursued Ezar Ravon through the streets of Mandalore City along with Garik and Proc.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Proc (PROCK)
Race: ?
Position: Craven Wolf Legionnaire
Background: A Craven Wolf soldier who, along with Garik and Ras, pursued Ezar Ravon through the streets of Mandalore City.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Tyne Allegra (TINE al-LEG-ra)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: Formerly the female Master of Jezrin Kallash, now dead and leaving Jezrin masterless.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Varel (VA-rel)
Race: ?
Position: ?
Background: A female citizen of Metellos being hunted by Lasique Deliah. Eventually killed by the Zeltron sniper.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Alaki (a-LARK-kee)
Race: ?
Position: ?
Background: A male citizen of Metellos who was shot by Lasique Deliah. A friend of Varel.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Ellia Quorn (ELL-lee-a KWORN)
Race: ?
Position: Bounty Hunter (presumed)
Background: A presumed bounty hunter chasing Teyia Squall and Demga Utarroe. The sister of Relain.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Relian Quorn (REE-li-an KWORN)
Race: ?
Position: Bounty Hunter (presumed)
Background: A presumed bounty hunter chasing Teyia Squall and Demga Utarroe. The brother of Ellia.
Author: Leilani Sunblade
- Teria Na'ar (teh-REE-a na-AR)
Race: Togruta
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The Master of Xyerra Tirith.
Author: Jliessa44
- Chi'rr Shwen (CHY-irr SHWENN)
Race: Jenet
Position: Jedi Master
Background: The master of Bri Cerulean. Trained three Padawans to Knighthood.
Author: Jliessa44
- Jaxith (JACKS-ith)
Race: Human
Position: ?
Background: The twin brother of Audrianna Aria/Joy Ardell.
Author: Jliessa44
- Trey (TRAY)
Race: Human
Position: Merchant
Background: A rich merchant on Tatooine and the illegitimate father of Audrianna Aria and Jaxith.
Author: Jliessa44
- Beskar (BES-kar)
Race: ?
Position: Republic Commando
Background: Ranger 7 of the Delta Squad.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Ka Vardak (KA VAR-dack)
Race: Human
Position: Bounty Hunter
Background: Javez's brother and an associate of Bercudas.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Bercudas (ber-CYU-das)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Bounty Hunter
Background: Bercudas was born Jasten Ge'ten. He is an ex-soldier from the Mandalorian Wars who is now a self-contracted bounty hunter and rogue warrior; he has worked with Ka Vardak in the past. Bercudas is currently in the employ of the Intergalactic Blaster Commission on Cloud City, enforcing the takeover.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Darth Ter'aan (te-RAHN)
Race: Sith Pureblood
Position: Sith Dark Hunter
Background: Was in league with Cyndar, Matrus, Azul, Methasys and one other Dark Hunter long ago.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Methasys (METH-a-sis)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Dark Hunter
Background: Wields a saberstaff. Was in league with Cyndar, Matrus, Ter'aan, Azul and one other Dark Hunter long ago. Died on Cloud City in combat with Orfful.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Mizka (MIZ-ka)
Race: Toydarian
Position: Cantina owner
Background: Owns a cantina on Tatooine. Enjoys watching movies late at night. Killed by Essa Haniri on Tatooine.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Gedgy (GEDJ-ee)
Race: ?
Position: Cantina owner
Background: Owns a cantina in Mos Eisley, Tatooine.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Yatelle (ya-TELL)
Race: Human
Position: ?
Background: The love interest of Javez and the mother of Athia Savant. Killed by Matrus.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Captain Ved'ral (VED-rell)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Trooper Captain
Background: The commander of the Interdictor cruiser.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Avarice Khan (AV-va-rice KARN)
Race: ?
Position: ?
Background: Known to Ka Vardak, Essa Haniri and Javez Geten. From conversations between Ka, Essa and Javez, he appears to be a crime lord. Killed at Cas Ascos, Tatooine, by a baradium explosion detonated by Javez Geten.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Admiral Cascorn (CAZ-corn)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Trooper Admiral
Background: The admiral of a Centurion-class battlecruiser known as the Vastatore.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Captain Kardol (KAR-doll)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Cruiser Captain
Background: The captain of the Sith bulk cruiser in the Korriban space battle.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Darth Tsyron (TSIE-ron)
Race: Kaleesh
Position: Sith
Background: Fought Tarmys on Korriban along with Ter'aan.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Solly Mo-Mo (SOLL-lee MO-mo)
Race: Thisspiasian
Position: Space slug trainer
Background: One of Jolly Mo-Mo's relatives who trains space slugs.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Akari (a-KAR-ree)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Padawan
Background: A Padawan at the Tython Jedi Temple.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Master Hastalon (HAST-ta-lon)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Master-trainer
Background: A Jedi Master-trainer at the Tython Jedi Temple. Wields two blue lightsabers.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Katen Tenaza (KAY-ten ten-AZ-a)
Race: Togruta
Position: Republic Captain (1st Class)
Background: The captain of the Pillar of Justice super-warship. Killed in the destruction of the Pillar of Justice by the Staff of Regret and Staff of Judgement, thereby defaulting his command to Captain Ronan Gorn.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Captain Sotalo (so-TA-lo)
Race: ?
Position: Republic Captain
Background: The captain of the Republic cruiser Watchman.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Crom (CROM)
Race: ?
Position: Moisture Farmer
Background: A young Force-sensitive who lives on Tatooine. The older brother of Liana.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- The First Dark Hunter
Race: ?
Position: Dark Hunter
Background: The first Dark Hunter, whose power is now wielded by the six Dark Hunters.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Vactorn (VACK-torn)
Race: Chiss
Position: Mercenary
Background: A mercenary in the employ of the IBC who fought Orfful along with Bercudas and Cander Rendous. Aside from his Verpine shatter-rifle sniper, he carries a variety of other smaller weapons concealed among his dark stealth cloak.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Cander Rendous (CAN-der REND-dus)
Race: Umbaran
Position: Mercenary
Background: A mercenary in the employ of the IBC who fought Orfful along with Bercudas and Vactorn. Carries a light repeater and wears duraplast armour.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Commander Bryce
Race: ?
Position: Republic Battlegroup Starfighter Commander
Background: The commander of the Republic starfighter battlegroup facing the Staff of Regret and the Staff of Judgement, Bryce sacrificed himself to destroy the Regret with a suicide run into one of the Regret's composite beams.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Vice-Admiral Maelgynn (MAY-el-gin)
Race: ?
Position: Vice-Admiral
Background: The Sith vice-admiral commanding the Staff of Regret, killed in the command bridge by the explosion of a composite beam after Republic Commander Bryce flew his starfighter into it.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Shirzi Castus (SHUR-zee CASS-tus)
Race: Neimoidian
Position: Client
Background: The Neimoidian client of Kara Werda and Kayma Arn, killed after he attempted to set up the two in order to preserve the secret of a cache of Force crystals.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Darth Decretus (DEC-ret-tus)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Reclaimer
Background: A mysterious deep-voiced Sith of a brotherhood with which Methasys, the Dark Host, is involved. Also known as the decree.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Uncle Jaingus (JAYN-gus)
Race: Mandalorian Human
Position: Exchange officer
Background: The uncle of Kayma Arn.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Reesi Kolla (REE-see KOL-la)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Lowlife
Background: A Twi'lek employee killed by Kayma Arn for a 3,000-credit bounty.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Aymalla (eye-MAL-la)
Race: ?
Position: Nightclub owner
Background: The owner of the nightclub where Kayma Arn killed Reesi Kolla.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Reza Atheran (REE-za ath-THEER-ran)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Junker
Background: A junker who recently crash-landed on Taris after its bombardment.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Atim Kedess (AT-tim KED-dess)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: A young Jedi Knight with a wood-hilt lightsaber whose Master was killed by Darth Decretus. Decretus then challenged Atim to fight. Atim was not confirmed killed.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Tas'man Cabur'tal (TAZ-man ca-BURR-tahl)
Race: Mandalorian Human (presumed)
Position: Mandalorian Revolutionary Leader
Background: One of the four Mandalorian Revolutionary leaders.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Lasique Deliah (LAS-si-keh del-LY-yah)
Race: Zeltron
Position: Sniper
Background: A sniper on Metellos.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Master Morthrair (MORTH-threer)
Race: ?
Position: Sith
Background: A Sith under whom Lord Vizios trained and who taught him in the ways of the Dark Hunters.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Turooka (tu-ROO-ka)
Race: Wookiee
Position: Jedi Youngling
Background: A Jedi Youngling who witnessed the fight between Vizios and Varon and Meliko's death at Redden's hands. Turooka, Red, and Aza Valline defected to the Sith.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Meliko (mel-LEE-ko)
Race: Nautolan
Position: Jedi Youngling
Background: Meliko witnessed the fight between Vizios and Varon in the hangar of the Jedi Temple. He was killed by Redden Gilsha after Vizios demanded his death to prove Redden's worth.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Tequem Horaas (TECK-kwem hor-RAHS)
Race: ?
Position: Sith
Background: Using his power and a Sith amulet, Tequem cloaked himself from the Jedi long enough to reach the Jedi Temple's shield generator and destroy it. He was destroyed in his explosive Force blast.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Rotuum Dau Fel (roe-TOOM DAU FEL)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Master
Background: A Jedi Master who pursued Tequem to the Temple's shield generator. He was able to protect himself from Tequem's Force blast, but did not arrive in time to protect the generator.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Domini Del Mal (DOM-min-nee DEL MAL)
Race: Devaronian
Position: Exchange Headmaster
Background: The Exchange headmaster who tried to kill President Toto on Mandalore.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Herod (HEH-rod)
Race: ?
Position: Slavemaster / Ship Commander
Background: A top chain leader among the Exchange. Herod commands the ship on which Jaingus was situated.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Theffaryn (THEH-fah-rine)
Race: ?
Position: ?
Background: A character mentioned by Javez as being "expensive", likely a bounty hunter or some similar role.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Darth Jirana (jye-RA-na)
Race: ?
Position: Sith Lady
Background: A Sith Lady who trained Redden Gilsha with a strange fiery lightsaber, assumedly similar to Kylo Ren's.
Author: Venaril NightBlade
- Maria Tain (ma-REE-a TAYN)
Race: Human
Position: ?
Background: Mother of Athia and Alessa Tain. Killed by Azong Tiye.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Malton Blair (MEL-ton BLEER)
Race: Besalisk
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: Also known as Ramo Tiye, older brother of the Sith Lord Azong Tiye. An old rogue Jedi who wielded a green lightsaber and the master of Athia Savant. Stun-shot by Javez and considered dead, but later revealed himself as Ramo Tiye, a Jedi Shadow working undercover to control Azong.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Evaln (ev-ALN)
Race: Human
Position: Cantina patron
Background: Had a talk with Essa in a cantina near Mos Esdar.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Trake Tiye (TRAYK TIE)
Race: Besalisk
Position: Sith Lord
Background: The older brother of Ramo and Azong Tiye. Slain by Gaorth Tain previous to the Battle.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Angama Hahel (an-GAA-ma HAR-hil)
Race: Nautolan
Position: Medic
Background: A Cloud City medic. Slightly Force-sensitive.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Eerikim Hol (EER-rih-kim HOLE)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Jedi Diplomat (Consular)
Background: A Jedi Consular sent to forge a treaty with Belac the Hutt on Tatooine. A prospective bounty valued at 50,500. Her master was Jedi Master Bara Jard, who was killed by Azong Tiye, previous to the battle. She was captured by Essa Haniri, Javez Geten, Athia Savant and Alessa Tain and given to Belac the Hutt.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Belac the Hutt (BEE-lack)
Race: Hutt
Position: Crime Lord
Background: The younger brother of Gorbo the Hutt. Possesses a split personality and appears to be half-mad…or completely mad, whichever way you look at it.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Jakin Solari (JACK-in sol-ARE-ee)
Race: Human
Position: Republic trooper
Background: A Republic trooper on the Firegator.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Sancoon (san-COON)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Bounty Hunter
Background: A bounty hunter who was captured when going after Eerikim Hol and imprisoned in Mos Errets. Rescued by Cral Damine.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Bara Jard (BAR-ra JARD)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Master
Background: The Master of Eerikim Hol. Slain by Azong Tiye previous to the Battle.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Yatri Baton (YAT-tree BAT-ton)
Race: ?
Position: Republic Trooper
Background: A Republic Trooper who piloted a shuttle into the Vastatore, a Centurion-class battlecruiser under the command of Admiral Cascorn—in hyperspace.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Elyt Evere (eh-LIGHT e-VEER-ray)
Race: ?
Position: Republic Commander
Background: The commander of the Valor-class cruiser known as the Hurricane.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Petey DeBrac (PEET-tee dee-BRACK)
Race: Ithorian
Position: Cantina owner
Background: The owner of Sub Sammies and a personal enemy of Jolly Mo-Mo.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Misa Moraal (MEE-sa mor-RAAL)
Race: Human
Position: Bandit
Background: One of the bandits in Radolf Fee's band.
Author: Raptor Elytra
- Commander Rogue
Race: ?
Position: Republic Commander
Background: ?
Author: CNGoodhue
- Ariana (a-ree-AR-na)
Race: ?
Position: Boss (Jolly Mo-Mo's)
Background: The boss of a Jolly Mo-Mo's on Mandalore and Ceden's boss.
Author: CNGoodhue
- Master Sienna (see-EN-na)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The Master of Dexus Paine.
Author: CNGoodhue
- Anders (AND-ders)
Race: ?
Position: Mercenary Pilot
Background: A mercenary pilot working closely with Locke Cindari.
Author: CNGoodhue
- Ghurdai (GUR-die)
Race: Trandoshan
Position: Thug
Background: A thug seeking to collect debts from Anders, assisted by a Weequay and a Rodian. When the trio attempted to attack Anders, Locke beat Ghurdai "practically dead".
Author: CNGoodhue
- Xero the Hutt (ZEH-ro)
Race: Hutt
Position: Crime Lord
Background: A warlord in the Serenno system and an "associate" of Locke Cindari and Anders.
Author: CNGoodhue
- Squall Stormborn (SKWAUL)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Padawan
Background: A good friend of Kara Werda, Squall was stationed at the Jedi Temple on Ossus when Cyndar attacked.
Author: WookieeElf
- M-3 (EM-THREE)
Race: Droid
Position: Nanny Droid
Background: The nanny droid of Redden Gilsha.
Author: WookieeElf
- Master Lian (LEE-an)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi Knight
Background: The female Master of Kara Werda. Killed by a Mandalorian splinter group on Ithor.
Author: WookieeElf
- Mylena Kor (my-LEE-na KOR)
Race: ?
Position: Junker
Background: A junker working on the same team as Reza Atheran.
Author: WookieeElf
- Geni (JEN-nee)
Race: ?
Position: Jedi
Background: Squall Stormborn's Jedi caretaker at the Ossus Jedi Temple.
Author: WookieeElf
- Selki (SEL-kee)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Jedi Youngling
Background: A friend of Redden Gilsha who witnessed the battle between Varon and Vizios and Meliko's death.
Author: WookieeElf
- Fraen (FRAY-en)
Race: ?
Position: Junker
Background: A junker in a team on Taris with Reza Atheran and Mylena Kor.
Author: Jaran Dranthuil
- Malasuque (MAL-la-suke)
Race: ?
Position: Brother of the Force
Background: A member of the Brethren of the Force mentioned by Rosvarion Lushaya.
Author: Unclaimed
I must correct the pronunciations on Aria, Master Koroth and Saraide.
ReplyDeleteAria- Air-ee-uh
Kamoth- Cam-oth
Saraide- Sare-aid
Koroth- Kor-oth
P.S. This place is awesome!
Thanks, Ryebrynn. I've made those changes in the page. I'm just wondering if I put the stressed syllables correctly.
DeleteMalton is a Besalisk
ReplyDeleteThanks, Raptor. I've added that.
DeleteYou said Azong's name was "Time," in one place and "Tiye," in another. :) I'm assuming that this is a typo?
Yes, it is. I'll fix it.
DeleteI'm rather amazed that you bothered to figure out the pronunciation of all these names. Just saying. That's something I definitely wouldn't have thought of taking the time to do.
ReplyDeleteI noticed there are some question marks on Ora's form- I'll get back to you on what should go there.
Thanks for taking the time to do all this, Dmitri!
Thanks, Leilani.
DeleteI ditto Leilani. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd after rereading my characters' profiles, some of the information on there has changed. Essa and Aza's, especially. They've just sort of "written themselves," and turned into completely different people. I'll post the answers to the question marks here, but if I make some tweaks to to original profile, could you repost them?
Essa Haniri
Race: Human
Abilities: capable sniper, limited lightsaber training, can use the force, has years of experience as a bounty hunter
Aza Valline
Pronunciation: Ay-zuh (like 'Ava,' only with a 'z') Vall-een ('Vall rhymes with 'call')
History: Aza has trained most of her life under Master Cale, a hot-tempered Jedi Knight who often insults/yells at his Padawan. Aza's had to put up with this treatment for years, and unfortunately some of his character has rubbed off on her. Cale has neglected Aza's training, and as a result she is fairly naive and inexperienced. Master Cale was wounded shortly before the beginning of the plot, and is currently at the Temple's infirmary, healing from what Aza described as being "blasted." Aza has been friends with Naina for many years, and Naina is currently standing in as Master while Cale is sick.
Zadock Sift
Abilities: strong with the force, years of training with lightsaber. Specializes in offensive.
History: was appointed to Council after serving the Jedi for several decades
Weaknesses: short-tempered, has a strong sense of right and wrong which can be exploited
Other: none
Kazadan Sarsis
Other: Valin's stepbrother (Kazadan's mother died, his father remarried when Kazadan was about nine)
Weapons: blaster (never uses it), green lightsaber
Thanks, Dmitri!
Yes, I've changed all that, Lylyss. I'm just wondering about Zadock. In his form he has one green lightsaber, but I distinctly remember Barras trying to distract him by calling him 'yellow like his sabers'. I think he had two yellow lightsabers. Is that correct?
DeleteHeh heh... good catch! :P Yup, you're right, he's got yellow sabers.
Two, correct?
DeleteYup, two. :P
Wow... I never joined this battle, but it looks fun! Super complicated though. It almost needs it's own blog, doesn't it? :) There are so many characters to keep track of.... what exactly is the plot?
ReplyDelete-Elethia Arvell
:) It is the BEST battle ever. You should join, Elethia! As for the plot, there's a summary of it on this blog. Just go to the top of the page and click on 'summary.' :)
DeleteRight now the plot is sort of revolving around the efforts of several Jedi to recover a holocron, but that's only part of what's going on. There's also a lot of revenge and character-motivated drama taking place. Watching all of the characters struggle with their inner-turmoil has been the most fun for me. :)
- Lylyss
Dmitri, just a suggestion: you could put Habe Barr and Astrid Shekk's pictures up beside their profiles.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you might want to update Jorus's profile, since he's dead now.
Done that.
DeleteSo I've been looking at my character profiles and some of the information is incorrect. What I originally intended for my characters to be hasn't really stuck . . . if you could put in these changes, I'd appreciate it. :)
ReplyDeleteAza Valline
Personality: naive, fairly innocent to the world. Has a bit of a temper problem. Loyal to her friends. Needy, an extrovert. Voices questions that nobody wants to hear.
Essa Haniri
Position: neutral. Has enemies among both the Jedi and the Sith. Hires out to both sides as a bounty hunter/mercenary.
Appearance: Curly blond hair, blue eyes, pale complexion.
Personality: sarcastic, blatant and brutal. Doesn't feel guilt over her actions. Likes to feel that she's the alpha. When things are going her way Essa has a lofty sense of pride and smugness. However, when the tables are turned, Essa will descend to any level to save her life. Has a weakness for Alessa, treats her like a daughter.
Weapons: lightblaster given to her by Alessa.
Weaknesses: scared easily. Not much training with a lightsaber.
Other: none
And in the 'History,' section, it's CADE Evicci, not CALE Evicci.
Naina Raynt
Appearance: dark brownish hair, lots of freckles on her face and arms. Thick, systematic scars across her arms, two smaller ones under her eyes. Knotty scar across her stomach from a lightsaber wound.
Personality: Level-headed, mature. On the outside, Naina is calm, collected and ready for battle. However she has always harbored fear and doubt in her heart, often struggles with herself.
Weaknesses: Self-doubting. Has compassion on her juniors, which can be exploited.
History: traumatic experiences as a Padawan drove Naina over the edge and into the Dark Side. She trained at the Sith Academy for several years. Was eventually redeemed, partly because of a confrontation with a younger Kazadan Sarsis.
Other: Friends with many Padawans, including Aza Valline, who is currently Naina's apprentice.
Delete@Lylyss: Maybe I will join! It sounds fun. You aren't too far in, are you?
@Rayne: We've progressed quite a ways into the story, but your characters can still become major characters even if you bring them in now.
DeleteUh-huh. Although the summary is out of date... I'll try and update during the weekend.
I kinda think its funny that part of Valin's "Position" is "younger brother of Kazadan Sarsis." :P
ReplyDeleteOh, and that's quite an age range for Gnawthrul. I just asked Gamey, and he says that he's 39 years old. :P So... Nordan is 11 years older than Gnawthrul and 28 years older than Essa. *facepalm* I wasn't thinking when I made Nordan 50.
I have changed several things.
DeleteI need to update my character profiles. They've taken their own course over the months of battle.
ReplyDeleteKian Shekk
Name: Kian Shekk
Pronunciation: KEE-an SHECK
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Padawan
Race: Human
Appearance: Average height, messy chocolate colored hair, very dark green eyes, sharp jaw, strong built frame.
Personality: Often suspicious, but can, or was, kind. Is a total rogue, often working himself up into frenzies. He overlooks anything he's accomplished and sets his eyes ahead. Inside, he's a workaholic. Can often be foolish and rash in quick decisions.
Armour: Jedi Padawan robes with customary (of that time) battle armor shoulder guards.
Weapons: Dark blue lightsaber and sniper rifle.
Abilities: Can use the Force to some extent. Excellent Sniper.
Weaknesses: Can make rash and foolish decisions in dire times. Often works himself into frenzies.
Other: His master is Master Jian Kee.
Astrid Shekk
Name: Astrid Shekk
Pronunciation: ASS-trid SHECK
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Position: Sith Lady.
Race: Human.
Appearance: She has grey green eyes with waved long chocolate brown hair that reaches just a few inches above her waist and is usually laying over her left shoulder. She has a thin, tall frame, very agile but not good for a head on fight.
Personality: She is talkative at times, but also likes to think things out before she decides what her opinion is on something. She is a mastermind in strategical thinking - always planning before doing.
Armor: Black and silver Sith robes, with red shoulder guards and kneepads.
Weapons: Two black-handled, red-bladed lightsabers that have the ability to connect and disconnect.
Abilities: She is rather weak in the Force compared to others, but has excellent lightsaber skills in ambushing that have saved her on the battlefield more than once.
Weaknesses: She is tall and thin, therefore combatting with heavier, stronger Jedi or other Force-users is a challenge if she does not have the drop on them. She also feels unsafe whenever jumping into something she doesn't have a plan for - often unnerving her to a great extent.
History: She had been ordered by her Master to retrieve Zuc'ar, who the Sith had not heard of since his location device had been destroyed in the early stages of the fighting on Mandalore. Astrid was now told to seek and find Zuc'ar and bring him back to the Sith alive.
Other: Her Master is Darth Lucius.
Djo-im Pollik
Name: Djo-im "Djo" Pollik
Pronunciation: DJO-im POLL-ick
Age: 50?
Gender: Male
Position: Jedi Council Member
Race: Human
Appearance: Pale skinned and usually found wearing black Jedi robes, Djo has a color scheme of yellow and black mixed in his clothes. His saber hilt is curved and painted yellow. He has a yellow lightsaber blade.
Personality: Grim, thoughtful, and very, very serious. Has been known to have never said anything funny in his life. Ever. He also hates poor little Younglings . . . XD
Armor: Thick black Mandalorian armor covering his entire body with the robes covering over unless he's in battle.
Weapons: Yellow lightsaber, and a blaster-reflective shield.
Abilities: Is a Master in the Ataru form. Leads an army with grim delight and will often crush his enemy with superior tactical skills.
Weaknesses: He is extremely haughty and overconfident, but checks himself once in a while. He also prefers to lead an army alone, and usually refuses aid.
History: He was orphaned on Naboo as a very young child. When a Master saw that his midi-chlorines were outrageously high, he began to train Djo.
Other: Djo prefers to stay off of Tython, and rather to be on whatever planet the heat of action is. He most commonly appears on the Council in a hologram.
Yep, done. Strange. I think Djo-im's the first character who's completely changed his race. Karn Su'theed became fully human after being half Twi'lek for a while.
DeleteLol. XD At first Djo-im was going to be a minor character, and so I could experiment with other species, but he's become a lot more involved with Kian in his backstory, so I had to make him human. I don't write about other species, you see. XD
Delete• Alessa Tain
ReplyDeleteName: Alessa Tain
Pronunciation: ah-LESS-ah TAYN
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Position: Servant
Race: Human
Appearance: Alessa has short brown hair. She has light grey eyes, and a light brown complexion. She wears a light grey tunic and loose black trousers.
Personality: Is quite soft. Doesn't like killing people.
Armour: None
Weapons: Lightblaster, and is known for finding more weapons.
Abilities: She is quite short, so she can go through small places.
Weaknesses: She has a weakness for her adopted mother, Essa, and will do anything to keep her safe.
History: Was taken by Azong when she was little. She was rescued by Essa, and then was adopted by her after Alessa's mother was killed by Azong. She went to cloud city and was put in to carbonate.
Other: Her mother's name is Maria Tain.
Uncle Bartie was a dealer in stolen spaceships. :P Deep in the black market. He used to sell Essa ships, back in her early days.
ReplyDeleteDo you mind changing Naina's profile to this?
ReplyDeleteName: Naina Raynt
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Position: Jedi Knight
Race: Human
Appearance: Shoulder length amber-colored hair. Lots of freckles on her face and arms. Has thick, systematic scars across her arms and smaller ones under her eyes, all of which were a farewell gift from her former Sith Master at their last meeting. Knotty scar across her stomach from a lightsaber wound inflicted by Nordan Haniri.
Personality: Level-headed, mature. On the outside Naina is calm, collected and ready for battle. However she has always harbored fear and doubt in her heart and often struggles with herself. Self-conscious around other Jedi, feels as though she’s being judged because of her history. Is prone to anxiety.
Armor: Wears brown Jedi robe over a cream tunic.
Weapons: Red lightsaber, several blasters concealed in her robes
Abilities: Accomplished with the force. This is often viewed as her greatest asset in battle. Prefers Ataru.
Weaknesses: Self-doubting. Has compassion on her juniors, which can be exploited.
History: When Naina was seventeen she murdered a Jedi Master. Horrified by what she’d done, she evaded the Jedi Order and sought refuge on Korriban. There she was apprenticed to Darth Jaranna, a Sith Lady who taught her the nuances of the Dark Side. Was eventually redeemed because of Kazadan Sarsis, who persuaded her to defect back to the Jedi. Naina resumed her duties as a Knight, but never forgave herself for wavering in allegiance.
Other: Friends with many Padawans, including Aza Valline, who is currently Naina’s apprentice.
DeleteThis is awesome! Didn't know it was here before. I've spent half an hour reading through it!
ReplyDeleteA few things...I wonder if you pronounce things British style based on some of the pronunciations? e.g. ZAUL: "ZA-ORL"
Plus you replaced a "z" with an "s" in on of my charrie forms xP ;)
And a few update ideas: Malton and Ter'aan can both be promoted to regular character status, as they have increased activity lately.
Also, just a heads up I'll be mentioning another non-canon character soon. Now that I know you keep track of characters I'll try to remember to email you a copy of my new characters, Dmitri.
Thanks, NightBlade.
DeleteBritish style? I'm a New Zealander, so I do write and think in that style—'colour', 'neighbour', 'baptise', etcetera. I pronounce Zaul as ZORL, though, and that's what it says on the pronunciation.
I do edit the character forms. >:)
The reason why Malton and Ter'aan are both in the minor-character list is because they don't have profiles. That's the basis I use for determining who goes where. If you make a profile for Ter'aan, then he'll go up to the major-character list, but not before.
You don't need to email me character profiles. I read through the new stuff on the CaC2 thread, copy the profiles from there, remove the formatting, and paste it on here. I also collect information from character interaction to construct the minor-character profiles.
Okay, I'll get up a form for him.
DeleteHere's a few notes for my charrie's pronunciation:
Javez: JAH-vez GET-en
Matrus: MAY-truss
Talia: Ta-LEE-ah Am-REE-ah
(I realized about a year after I created him that people might pronounce Matrus "Mattress" and that's totally uncool sounding xP so I just wanted to clarify)
Keth Forn is a Nautolan, if you don't mind putting that in.
DeleteMatrus: Weaknesses: "socialise" should be "socialize". Tis the original
DeleteHey Dmitri got a few updates for my charries:
ReplyDelete-Javez's Author gave him the rest of his armor (after he decided Javez has no "home" to keep it at)
-Also, please add in his personality box (however it seems to fit in to you) that he is easy to get along with, but is equally as easy to make mortal enemies with. His prode in his Mandalorian heritage fuels his vengeance. Catch phrase: "Mando'ad draar digu" ... "A Mando never forgets"
-In a similar fashion please add that Talia has slight sociopathic tenancies due to some deep-seated emotional issues.
DeleteCan you please change Eerikim profile to:
ReplyDeleteEerikim Hol (EER-rih-kim HOLE)
Race: Twi'lek
Position: Jedi Diplomat (Consular)
Background: A Jedi Consular sent to forge a treaty with Belac the Hutt on Tatooine. A prospective bounty valued at 50,500. Her master was Jedi Master Bara Jard, who was killed by Azong Tiye, previous to the battle. She was captured by Essa Haniri, Javez Geten, Athia Savant and Alessa Tain and given to Belac the Hutt.
Owner: Raptor Hiddenblade
Whoa, when did Jolly MoMo get relatives!??! That's awesome!
ReplyDeleteAlso, could you add to Zuc'ar history "He was later captured during the Attack of the Sith Academy by the Holocron Rescue Squad."
Jag and I were brainstorming names for Jolly's relatives—we got Holly, his wife, and their children: Solly, Rollie, Olly, Wally, Volley, Dolly, Molly, and Polly. So, yeah, we did powerplay a bit, but it's still awesome.
DeleteSure. I'll do that.
DeleteCan you delete the History section of Jiskar's profile and replace it with this:
ReplyDelete"Appeared at the Sith Academy several months previous to the battle. Claims to be a Mandolorian, but other than that keeps his past to himself."
Hmm, a rewrite in process? I've been wondering about Ithelen. Sure, I'll do that. It should be changed by the time you see this comment.
DeleteUm, Brathiel is pronounced brayth-EE-el.
ReplyDeleteSure. I'll change that. The pronunciations I give are all based on my personal interpretation.