Sunday 4 May 2014

The Purpose of the Jedi

Hello, everyone.

In your opinion, in your experience, what is the purpose of the Jedi? Possible examples could be 'guardians of the galaxy' or 'promoters of peace'. Alliteration unintended. But from what you've seen, what is the purpose of the Jedi?

Dmitri Pendragon
Blog Moderator


  1. Hmm. *INITIATE NERD MODE* :P I'd say their primary purpose is to act as peacekeepers and liaisons. But they do more than that… some pursue knowledge, although I guess that's for the benefit of the galaxy. *shrug* Plus we need force-sensitives to fight the Sith, so they could be a sort of special force or something. :P

  2. Militarily, I view them something as the UN in the real world, except less politically biased. Spiritually, they're a deistic kind of religion with natural born powers who decide it's their moral duty to be the UN of the galaxy. As for where they get their moral duty, the canon sources don't say and I'm happy to leave it at that.

  3. To be the embodiment of the Light Side of the Force, to protect the galaxy and especially the Republic, to which they are sworn.
    Also, to understand more about the mysterious power of the Light Side of the Force, while seeking to defeat the Dark Side that they see as corrupt.
    Yet one has to wonder...what defines corruption in this galaxy? What is good, what is bad? Who says so? Who has the authority to say so?

  4. I'd say that the purpose of the Jedi is as follows:
    -To keep the peace of the galaxies, whether through diplomacy or other means.
    -To protect the innocent
    -To learn and to teach others


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