Wednesday 1 January 2014

February 2014 Nominations

Nominations for the February 2014 Character of the Month have ended. Further nominations will not be counted.

While we wait for Warrior to prepare Kian Shekk's winner's post (hint hint), let's begin the Character of the Month nominations for February.

  • Nominations will begin on a specified day and end on a specified day. During that time, nominators will post their nominations. Each nominator may nominate one (1) character. Not everyone has to nominate a character for this award.
  • The aim of the nominator is to discover a character that is well-developed and unique. They will then post a nomination in the comments as to which character they nominate.
  • The character who wins will receive a custom-built banner and is allowed to write a post through their author's hands. A Lego minifigure may also be constructed by Ellron Silvertree and a picture posted.
Nominations will begin on January 1, 11:59 PM, and end on January 7, 11:59 PM.
Voting will begin on January 7, 11:59 PM, and end on January 24, 11:59 PM.

Well, have fun! Nominate away!

Dmitri Pendragon
Blog Moderator

A Conversation with Barras Kampion on the Subject of CotM
Barras: Can I have a nomination?
Me: If someone nominates you, sure.
Barras: You?
Me: No.
Barras: Why not? You yourself think highly of me. I'm a well-developed and unique character. What's the problem with you doing it yourself?
Me: Because you're my character. And if I nominate you, others might take it as…boasting, I guess.
Barras: Boasting isn't bad.
Me: *facepalm* I should never have made you enjoy boasting.
Barras: *flexes muscles and grins* I am the champion at rocks…aside from Raenen. Kampion the Champion. I'm an elite and superhuman Sith trooper. I beat a Jedi Council Member by myself. I have a well-developed backstory.
Me: *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm*
Barras: Without a coat, I survived a night on a frozen moon inside the skin of a recently killed wampa. I single-handedly infiltrated Borj Throdin's labyrinth and destroyed his computers. I know the location of Tallusi.
Me: *facepalm* Okay! Okay! We know! Just…stop!
Barras: *grins and ignores author* I rescued Gnawthrul Haniri from the hands of the Jedi. I outlived every member of my first unit. I—No! Don't cut me off!
Me: *draws curtain* *peeks out* Sorry about this. I'll restrain him.
Barras: What? No! Don't—*voice fades out*


  1. I was waiting for the month to turn. Kian's the Character of the Month for January, after all. ;)

    1. Oh, okay. I looked at least twice in the draft posts for Kian's post.

  2. Zadock: *grumble grumble*
    Lol, that was a really great interview. XP

  3. I think I'm gonna nominate Lanna. XP Jk, I'm gonna nominate Javez.

  4. Replies
    1. Wait, do I have to say "I nominate"? :P I nominate R1.

    2. You don't have to say 'I nominate'. We all understand what you mean. :)

  5. I nominate myself. Vote for me!


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