Wednesday 25 December 2013

CotM: And The Winner Is…

Kian Shekk!

Finally, after four months of being nominated and receiving a minority of votes, Kian Shekk has become the President of the United States…no, wait, the Character of the Month for January 2014! Congratulations, Kian!

If you have any questions for Kian, post them here. Bring your characters too!

Dmitri Pendragon
Blog Moderator

EDIT: Three times I've uploaded a new banner to this page. The first banner had the words underlined in red because my computer didn't recognise them. The second banner had 'Padawan' instead of 'Knight'. The third banner is the one above, and hopefully it won't need any more changes.


  1. Congratulations, President Kian! *plays Hail to the Chief*

    Now I got some questions. ;)

    Essa: What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
    Naina: What's your favorite memory?
    Kazadan: Do you still want to leave the Order? Why or why not?

  2. Gnawthrul: Will you ever stop pestering me?

  3. Congrats, Kian!

    -Of all the tribulations you've endured so far, which one has been the hardest on you?
    -What are your main goals at the moment?
    -What's your favorite color?
    -If you could say anything to Si right now, what would it be?

  4. Tarmys: What really happened to your father?

    -What one event changed your life the most?
    -What did you think of Master Jian Kee?

  5. Me:
    Are you really on the dark side?
    Can you pleeeeeeeeeeease die? I really want you too. Think of all the reactions you will get.
    What is your middle name?
    Do you eat weta?

    How do you feel about the recall of robotic appendages?
    Can we have something like a coffee together and discus robotic legs?

  6. Darth Kal: When can I battle you? You are constantly fighting all the big Sith lords like Gnawy. It's my turn now.

    Darth Kal: Could you turn to the Dark side and become my apprentice or something?

    Me: What do you think of Mooshcups? O_o

    Me: Do you like meat?

  7. Kian: Thanks...? *gives a hesitant bow*

    Me: Lol, cool! I'll get to answering these questions quickly.


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