Thursday 23 January 2014

CotM: And the Winner Is…

Well, guess who.

It was obvious from the beginning. The first voter voted for the winner.

Javez Geten!

Nordan and R1 tied for second at 2 votes each. Matrus came third, and Barras got zero votes. Even though he wasn't eligible for the reward this time.

Anyway, here's Javez's new banner.

If you've got questions for Javez, post them here! I know I've got some. My characters might, too.

Dmitri Pendragon
Blog Moderator


  1. Have you ever considered adopting Athia Savant?

  2. Athia: So... are we cool now? Like, can we be friends? I mean, I did finish off the last two rancors, and I did get you LEAR back....
    Me: What is your middle name?
    Eerikim: Don't hurt the baby. :)
    Ninja Rancor: *Rubs stomach* Okay... now how would you feel if someone shot you in the stomach? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So there.

  3. The Gungans: Why yousa bein so boss?

    (as in awesome, not like bossy or anything :P)

  4. Essa: I get to ask you questions, and you have to answer?!? Awesome! *unrolls long list and clears throat* First off--are you Mandalorian? You speak a lotta Mando'a. Secondly, what led you to be a bounty hunter? Aaand finally, why did you name your ship the Corncob?

  5. All from me, since my charries don't know Javez.

    -What's your favorite weapon? You have to pick just one.
    -How do you feel about kids?
    -What was the best moment of your life?
    -What was the worst moment of your life?
    -What's the worst part about being a bounty hunter?
    -Is there anyone who you will not take a bounty for or from? (Did that make sense?)

    Congrats on Character of the Month!


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Elf of the Underground? Welcome, and we hope you join CaC2!
Viewer? You're welcome to comment, as long as it's relevant.