Thursday 17 July 2014


Since CaC2 has slowed down a lot with the absence of Lylyss, NightBlade, and most of the other members, I am setting Character of the Month aside temporarily. When CaC2 starts speeding up again, then I'll reignite it. There are two CotM winners who have not yet written their posts: Darth Matrus and GR-47. However, I believe both authors are busy, so those posts may also be on hold.

As CaC2 continues, however, I will continue to update the Characters page, which currently lists every named CaC2 character with the exception of Nya (Ada's bounty hunter character before she left the battle) and Mara Silth (Gamey's Jedi Watchman on Cloud City, the profile for whom is now outdated). And I may add those in the near future, now that I have reminded myself of that.

Also, I've been getting a lot of spam comments on one particular post from an Anonymous account. The spam filter is catching them all, but I'm getting tired of them, since Blogger sends notification emails to my email account and notifications for spam comments are included in that. To take action against this, I will be installing the 'prove you're not a robot' verification word for a few days to see if the spammer keeps this up. If that doesn't work, I'll have to either remove the 'Anonymous' and 'Name/URL' accounts from the commenter options or ignore the emails.
UPDATE: The above has worked, as I haven't got any spam comments since installing the word verification. I have now removed the necessity for verification. Hopefully the spammer will have moved away.

Finally, the current Orfful Tag nominee is Kellie Darklighter, Ellron's character. Ellron, if you don't want to do that, then you can ask the previous character's author (Warrior) to tag someone else. If you do want to do that, the instructions are on the The Orfful Tag page.

Dmitri Pendragon
Blog Moderator

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I have Matrus's post laying around somewhere. I think I'm just gonna scrap it though and start over


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